Undoing the Doubters of the Climax Hoax. Peter Koenig

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Carol Brouillet

Nov 16, 2023, 7:47:55 PM11/16/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com


Undoing the Doubters of the Climax Hoax. Peter Koenig

Global Research, November 15, 2023

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

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The indoctrination of the climate change hoax has been so well prepared, and for so long, and with billions and billions of dollars  by professional social and mind engineers (i.e., the UK-based Tavistock Institute) and with the collaboration of the entire UN system – it is virtually impossible to convince the smartest, most educated, and most honest people that they have been lured into a trap.

Even when they see that something is not quite right, their quiet inner mind tells them, “Cannot be; impossible that the government, and my scientist friends lie to me…”

It is self-denial – as self-protection.

Admitting that one has been betrayed for most of one’s life would be too shameful no matter how many others were lured and lied into the same trap. Admission, might be interpreted as meaning, that we are not smart. Nobody wants to be “un-smart.”

It is true, though, that over the past three decades or so, the lie-talk, coming from governments, international bodies like the UN, and repeated at nauseatum by the mainstream media, is so pervasive that doubting it is not only “uncool”, but more so, socially and politically incorrect.

Hardly anybody wants to be socially and politically incorrect.

You are soon considered an outcast. Nobody wants to be an outcast.

The truth is, today about 90% of the official narrative, emanating from supposedly expert institutions, and from the authorities paid by your taxes – are lies, false, fake, manipulated – so you will not know the truth, so you will obey the orders that follow the lies.

Let us illuminate some facts about climate change.

1. The climate changes all the time – usually in “waves” of 15 – 20,000- or so years, with smaller cycles in between. Therefore, climate changes are slow, so slow that life on earth can naturally adapt, without hardly noticing anything in our short human lifespan of some 80 years.

2. More than 90%, some scientists say, between 95% and 97% of climate change is caused by solar activities, which also come in cycles. Real scientists say that human activities, industries, cars, agriculture – even military (which the mainstream never mentions – in the COP meetings [see below on COP] it is strictly forbidden to talk about the military CO2 output) – produce less than 0.3% of CO2, unnoticeable because any excesses are absorbed by the seas.

The seas also release CO2 when forests, mainly rainforests, and trees in general need more for their survival – CO2 being vital food for trees, which, in turn produce the oxygen from which most life on earth lives. A perfectly balanced symbiosis. Mother Earth knows what she is doing.

3. The key is – there is of course an agenda behind the so-called manmade CO2 caused “climate change” when Al Gore made the round in the early 2000s with his propaganda climate speeches, including at the World Bank and other international agencies, it was called “global warming”, then the narrative changed because you can do more with a both-sided, cooling and warming, “climate change”.

This idea dates back to the Club of Rome, their infamous 1972 report “Limits to Growth”. The Club’s first objective, as stated in the Report, is population reduction by more than 90% so that the earth’s non-renewable resources will last longer for a small elite. As simple as that.

“Limits to Growth” is still today the blueprint for the Great Reset / UN Agenda 2030. So, the population reduction narrative is still alive and well – as you know. The eugenists, Gates and Rockefellers et al, are quite omni-present.

See also this – quite recent, from an author of “limits to Growth”:

Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” Author Promotes Genocide of 86% of the World’s Population

By Rhoda Wilson, July 08, 2023

Dennis Meadows, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, is a member of the World Economic Forum. (4 May 2023)

That is where also plandemics with forced and coerces killer vaxxes come in, which will leave – according to Mike Yeadon, former VP Pfizer, then also in charge of Pfizer Research – potentially billions of people dead in the next 5-10 years. An estimated 70% of the world population was vaccinated.

Almost nobody will be able to trace the excess mortality back to the vaxxes because the causes of death will be so many, and so diverse, that there is no clearly discernible pattern for the common cause. Scientists will be coerced to shut up – as was the case with the fake vaxxes and PCR tests.

That is one of the reasons why there were between 5 to10 different versions of vaxxes circulating, so they can see which potions cause what kind of disease and death – and how effective and efficient the different bio-chemical compositions of vaxxes are in increasing mortality.


Manmade “climate change” is one of the instruments imagined by “Limits to Growth” for the elite to live longer and better lives, with longer-lasting non-renewable resources.

It is also a perfect tool to

(i) help decimate population, through droughts, floods, famine; extreme hurricanes, cattle killing heatwaves, and more;

(ii) earthquakes and their devastating consequences (Haiti 2010; Turkey earlier this year and Morocco a few months ago, most likely Afghanistan and Nepal too, are suspected having been geoengineered.)

So that people believe in climate change, the climate literally MUST change – at least on the surface – when it is all done, maybe in 10 or 20 years (their agenda 2030 plan – which they will NOT achieve, ever), they might think of going back to the “normal sun-caused climate change” cycles.

The climate agenda was made public by the 1992 UN-sponsored “Earth Summit” in Rio. For some 30+ years we have been indoctrinated with the idea that the climate is changing because of our climate-unfriendly habits, including the use of carbon-based energy sources.

The propaganda worked well. During annual COP Conferences around the world, the cabal behind the governments lied to us what the targets should be in reduced CO2 output so the world would not collapse. But no government ever follows the rules to meet the targets.


IAEA at the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. 9 November 2022 Photo Credit: David Nieto / IAEA (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

By now, we have had up to now 27 COP conferences, the last one in 2022 in Egypt, the next one is in December 2023 in Dubai. Nothing has changed and nothing will change, and the earth is still intact. But the criminal myth will be kept alive for the masses.

COP – stands for Conference of the Parties. It is the body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which aims to “guide the efforts of the countries that are parties of the Convention to act against climate change“.

This description alone says it all. It is the epitome of hypocrisy, as no government, nor any international institutions believe in it, hence, they coerce people to abandon their life styles, forcing them out of agriculture, of traveling, forcing them to live in 15-minute-cities (where car travel beyond 15-minutes per day is forbidden) – and more – while the elite ignores such rules, jetting around the globe in their private jets, as if there was no tomorrow.


In the 1990s, about 87% of all the world’s energy used came from “CO2-emitting” hydrocarbons. Guess what, in 2023 almost the same percentage – about 85% still comes from hydrocarbons – the minuscule difference is well within the margin of error.

Despite the ad nauseam condemnation of CO2-producing hydrocarbons, the world economy could not survive without it.

Hypocrisy at its best, the European Union, “sanctioning” Russia by not buying their gas, has, in fact, imported in 2022 from Russia the second largest amount of gas since 2014. Some of the shipments were routed through India and other countries. See this.

Since the early 1940’s, the science of “climate change”, as in geoengineering the weather, the climate science has been perfected. In a 1962 Harvard graduation speech, then VP Lyndon Johnson said,

“in 2025 the US will control the weather, and who controls the weather will control the world”. Watch video below.

We are almost in 2025, and according to the Spanish State Meteorological Agency – AEMET, weather modification or geoengineering practices, to different degrees, are known by about 50 countries in the world, first, of course, the US, Russia, and China, but also Spain, and other EU countries possess the technology. See this.

The best known agency for geoengineering is the US Airforce-controlled HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program). HAARP works in the ionosphere. And is, as indicated earlier, capable of triggering earthquakes, when deemed “necessary” by the masters of the universe.

“Geoengineers” are artificially melting the ice in the Nord Pole as well as Antarctica, and that of the glaciers – just to make believe that the climate is changing. Documentaries will show you, indeed, how the glaciers and North and South Pole ice disappears – and how polar bears have a hard life ahead.

That is the extent to which they go to carry out their agenda. This climate change program probably costs trillions of dollars – peoples’ tax money spent for willful destruction of Mother Earth’s protective shields and most importantly her environmental equilibrium.

No money is too much to stop them from doing what they are doing, attempting to annihilate life on earth. But whenever that happens – we are about the 6th or 7th Civilization, Mother Earth protects herself by letting civilizations collapse. The previous ones have all disappeared, probably for human greed, egocentricities, power thirst — you name it. Our’s will not be different, if

We, the People, are unable to stop it.


In August 2022, a conference in Switzerland focused on several controversial topics, addressed by scientists and true experts in their field.

One of them was a physicist, professor of a Swiss top university, specialized in climate and the science to modify it. He opened his speech by saying, 

“You all know that our climate is manipulated, but I will explain to you how it’s done…”

Then he proceeded showing pages of pages of patents for chemicals and their combinations – used mostly in the Ionosphere, where the weather is made. He also explained what you see as “chemtrails” – and what they are doing to the climate / weather and not least to human health.

Geoengineering climate is like weaponizing the weather, it’s more efficient than nuclear explosions because it can be targeted precisely to the country or region where you want major damage to occur; and it does not leave radioactive fallouts for years to come. The Pakistan extended monsoon of 2022, was a case in point. It destroyed almost all food crops, infrastructure, housing, causing extreme poverty – and death.

It also deviated people’s attention from taking to the streets by the millions, asking to return their elected Prime Minister Imran Khan, who served as PM of Pakistanis from August 2018 until April 2022, when he was deposed by a Parliamentary Coup, orchestrated by the United States.

The climate professor also talked about electromagnetic power-waves – emitted with enormous strength from satellites – reaching up to 17-20 km below the surface. That is how earthquakes are triggered, even in areas where there are no fault lines – for example, in the recent Turkey / Syria earthquake region.


Social and mind manipulation is a science-driven to perfection in the last 80 some years by the UK-based Tavistock Institute (see Daniel Estulin’s book, “The Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering and Mind Manipulation”), as well as by DARPA, the Pentagon thinktank. This is done through media, schools, everyday debates among people — in a way of “divide to conquer” — all is well thought out and driven to excellence.

Many people still may not believe you, if you told them.

It explains, though, why the Climate Hoax is indeed a Climate Hoax.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from The Last American Vagabond

The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Peter Koenig, Global Research, 2023

Richard Tamm

Nov 16, 2023, 9:44:01 PM11/16/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
Hi, everyone.

I'm resending this article to everyone because I just copied it into an email but included pictures and links to a couple of videos that were in the article that Carol did not include in her copy.
 - Rich

Undoing the Doubters of the Climate Hoax. Peter Koenig

Global Research, November 15, 2023

 6 15

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name.

To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here.

Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles.


The indoctrination of the climate change hoax has been so well prepared, and for so long, and with billions and billions of dollars  by professional social and mind engineers (i.e., the UK-based Tavistock Institute) and with the collaboration of the entire UN system – it is virtually impossible to convince the smartest, most educated, and most honest people that they have been lured into a trap.

Even when they see that something is not quite right, their quiet inner mind tells them, “Cannot be; impossible that the government, and my scientist friends lie to me…”

It is self-denial – as self-protection.

Admitting that one has been betrayed for most of one’s life would be too shameful no matter how many others were lured and lied into the same trap. Admission, might be interpreted as meaning, that we are not smart. Nobody wants to be “un-smart.”

It is true, though, that over the past three decades or so, the lie-talk, coming from governments, international bodies like the UN, and repeated at nauseatum by the mainstream media, is so pervasive that doubting it is not only “uncool”, but more so, socially and politically incorrect.

Hardly anybody wants to be socially and politically incorrect.

You are soon considered an outcast. Nobody wants to be an outcast.

The truth is, today about 90% of the official narrative, emanating from supposedly expert institutions, and from the authorities paid by your taxes – are lies, false, fake, manipulated – so you will not know the truth, so you will obey the orders that follow the lies.

Let us illuminate some facts about climate change.

1. The climate changes all the time – usually in “waves” of 15 – 20,000- or so years, with smaller cycles in between. Therefore, climate changes are slow, so slow that life on earth can naturally adapt, without hardly noticing anything in our short human lifespan of some 80 years.

2. More than 90%, some scientists say, between 95% and 97% of climate change is caused by solar activities, which also come in cycles. Real scientists say that human activities, industries, cars, agriculture – even military (which the mainstream never mentions – in the COP meetings [see below on COP] it is strictly forbidden to talk about the military CO2 output) – produce less than 0.3% of CO2, unnoticeable because any excesses are absorbed by the seas.

The seas also release CO2 when forests, mainly rainforests, and trees in general need more for their survival – CO2 being vital food for trees, which, in turn produce the oxygen from which most life on earth lives. A perfectly balanced symbiosis. Mother Earth knows what she is doing.

3. The key is – there is of course an agenda behind the so-called manmade CO2 caused “climate change” when Al Gore made the round in the early 2000s with his propaganda climate speeches, including at the World Bank and other international agencies, it was called “global warming”, then the narrative changed because you can do more with a both-sided, cooling and warming, “climate change”.

This idea dates back to the Club of Rome, their infamous 1972 report “Limits to Growth”. The Club’s first objective, as stated in the Report, is population reduction by more than 90% so that the earth’s non-renewable resources will last longer for a small elite. As simple as that.

“Limits to Growth” is still today the blueprint for the Great Reset / UN Agenda 2030. So, the population reduction narrative is still alive and well – as you know. The eugenists, Gates and Rockefellers et al, are quite omni-present.

See also this – quite recent, from an author of “limits to Growth”:

Club of Rome “Limits to Growth” Author Promotes Genocide of 86% of the World’s Population

By Rhoda Wilson, July 08, 2023

Dennis Meadows, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth, is a member of the World Economic Forum. (4 May 2023)

That is where also plandemics with forced and coerces killer vaxxes come in, which will leave – according to Mike Yeadon, former VP Pfizer, then also in charge of Pfizer Research – potentially billions of people dead in the next 5-10 years. An estimated 70% of the world population was vaccinated.

Almost nobody will be able to trace the excess mortality back to the vaxxes because the causes of death will be so many, and so diverse, that there is no clearly discernible pattern for the common cause. Scientists will be coerced to shut up – as was the case with the fake vaxxes and PCR tests.

That is one of the reasons why there were between 5 to10 different versions of vaxxes circulating, so they can see which potions cause what kind of disease and death – and how effective and efficient the different bio-chemical compositions of vaxxes are in increasing mortality.


Manmade “climate change” is one of the instruments imagined by “Limits to Growth” for the elite to live longer and better lives, with longer-lasting non-renewable resources.

It is also a perfect tool to 

(i) help decimate population, through droughts, floods, famine; extreme hurricanes, cattle killing heatwaves, and more; 

(ii) earthquakes and their devastating consequences (Haiti 2010; Turkey earlier this year and Morocco a few months ago, most likely Afghanistan and Nepal too, are suspected having been geoengineered.)

So that people believe in climate change, the climate literally MUST change – at least on the surface – when it is all done, maybe in 10 or 20 years (their agenda 2030 plan – which they will NOT achieve, ever), they might think of going back to the “normal sun-caused climate change” cycles.

The climate agenda was made public by the 1992 UN-sponsored “Earth Summit” in Rio. For some 30+ years we have been indoctrinated with the idea that the climate is changing because of our climate-unfriendly habits, including the use of carbon-based energy sources.

The propaganda worked well. During annual COP Conferences around the world, the cabal behind the governments lied to us what the targets should be in reduced CO2 output so the world would not collapse. But no government ever follows the rules to meet the targets.


IAEA at the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. 9 November 2022 Photo Credit: David Nieto / IAEA (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

By now, we have had up to now 27 COP conferences, the last one in 2022 in Egypt, the next one is in December 2023 in Dubai. Nothing has changed and nothing will change, and the earth is still intact. But the criminal myth will be kept alive for the masses.

COP – stands for Conference of the Parties. It is the body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which aims to “guide the efforts of the countries that are parties of the Convention to act against climate change“.

This description alone says it all. It is the epitome of hypocrisy, as no government, nor any international institutions believe in it, hence, they coerce people to abandon their life styles, forcing them out of agriculture, of traveling, forcing them to live in 15-minute-cities (where car travel beyond 15-minutes per day is forbidden) – and more – while the elite ignores such rules, jetting around the globe in their private jets, as if there was no tomorrow.


In the 1990s, about 87% of all the world’s energy used came from “CO2-emitting” hydrocarbons. Guess what, in 2023 almost the same percentage – about 85% still comes from hydrocarbons – the minuscule difference is well within the margin of error.

Despite the ad nauseam condemnation of CO2-producing hydrocarbons, the world economy could not survive without it.

Hypocrisy at its best, the European Union, “sanctioning” Russia by not buying their gas, has, in fact, imported in 2022 from Russia the second largest amount of gas since 2014. Some of the shipments were routed through India and other countries. See this.

Since the early 1940’s, the science of “climate change”, as in geoengineering the weather, the climate science has been perfected. In a 1962 Harvard graduation speech, then VP Lyndon Johnson said, 

“in 2025 the US will control the weather, and who controls the weather will control the world”. Watch video below.

Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 6.26.01 PM.png

[To watch this 7:13 minute video, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdHG6iJ59-U ]


Nov 16, 2023, 10:55:04 PM11/16/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com


can one of you who knows PLEASE define what you mean by:

"Climate Hoax"

And therefore what does it mean to say "Undoing the Doubters of the Climax

And no, I'm not spending my scarce time reading other stuff; if you can't
define it in short order, well?!


On Thu, 16 Nov 2023, Richard Tamm wrote:
> Subject: Re: SF911Truth: Undoing the Doubters of the Climax Hoax. Peter Koenig
> Hi, everyone.
> I'm resending this article to everyone because I just copied it into an
> email but included pictures and links to a couple of videos that were in the
> article that Carol did not include in her copy.
>  - Rich
> at: https://www.globalresearch.ca/undoing-doubters-climax-hoax/5840114

Peter Gill

Nov 17, 2023, 12:52:26 AM11/17/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
Oh please Richard. You know exactly what is meant.

Sent from my Android phone with mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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Dana Carson

Nov 17, 2023, 10:32:08 AM11/17/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
I just find it incredible that Global Research even publishes this kind of complete nonsense. But I find it even harder to believe that perfectly intelligent people can be CONNED by this thoroughly unscientific propaganda and pseudoscience.

It is hard to find a modern scientific theory that is better supported by evidence than the theory that humans burning carbon is causing heat trapping gases to accumulate in the atmosphere, and thereby causing BOTH global warming and climate change.

Guess this will have to be brought up AGAIN as an "AGENDA" item.

Only it's about SCIENCE, not an AGENDA.


Dana Carson

Nov 17, 2023, 10:57:13 AM11/17/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
Richard (Troy):

Did you know that “the government” has deployed satellites that are so powerful that they can send an undetectable beam of energy (from a point source no less) that can break up intact continental crust and cause an 8.3 magnitude earthquake where there are no faults, resulting in thousands of deaths, but that humans cannot affect atmospheric chemistry?

Yeah, neither did I.


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 17, 2023, at 7:32 AM, 'Dana Carson' via sf911truth <sf911...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Lou Anne McKeefery

Nov 17, 2023, 7:27:51 PM11/17/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
Richard,  thanks for sharing this. I didn't know the ocean will maintain our CO2 levels. 

To all, I have always found this group to offer great insights.  However on this topic there has been a lot to gaslighting and derogatory comments.   I think we are above that and I hope we get back to sharing not tearing.
Lou Anne

Dana Carson

Nov 17, 2023, 10:44:07 PM11/17/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
It is not true that the Ocean will “maintain” our CO2 levels.  It is true that the oceans absorb a lot of CO2, and it is true that this phenomenon slows its accumulation in the atmosphere, which in turn protects us from even greater atmospheric heat retention.  But this comes at a huge cost: Carbonic acid in the oceans is lowering the pH of the water, which in turn puts enormous stress on organisms that create their shells from dissolved calcium, since the low pH increases the solubility of calcium.

But this SLOWS the accumulation in the atmosphere; it does NOT balance it out.  We have seen a fifty percent increase in atmospheric CO2; that’s hardly tantamount to “maintaining” the levels.

And with atmospheric carbon dioxide levels up 50%, we are slowing daily heat escape dramatically, slowly but surely warming the oceans.  When oceans warm they support less dissolved oxygen, creating danger zones where animals die quickly if they enter the zones.  When warmed water gets swept down to the bottom, the upwelling of oxygen-rich waters is less effective at supporting complex food webs like the spectacular ones in Monterey Canyon.

And for those who inevitably (but correctly) point out that water vapor is the strongest common greenhouse gas, the water vapor would disappear very quickly without the stabilizing influence of the CO2.  The planet would freeze.

THAT is how important carbon dioxide really is: a vital atmospheric greenhouse gas and now we’ve got WAAAYYYY too much of it.


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 17, 2023, at 4:27 PM, Lou Anne McKeefery <lou...@mckeefery.com> wrote:

<Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 6.18.48 PM.png>

[To watch this 10:31 minute video, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dbo6uvJBtZg ]

That is where also plandemics with forced and coerces killer vaxxes come in, which will leave – according to Mike Yeadon, former VP Pfizer, then also in charge of Pfizer Research – potentially billions of people dead in the next 5-10 years. An estimated 70% of the world population was vaccinated.

Almost nobody will be able to trace the excess mortality back to the vaxxes because the causes of death will be so many, and so diverse, that there is no clearly discernible pattern for the common cause. Scientists will be coerced to shut up – as was the case with the fake vaxxes and PCR tests.

That is one of the reasons why there were between 5 to10 different versions of vaxxes circulating, so they can see which potions cause what kind of disease and death – and how effective and efficient the different bio-chemical compositions of vaxxes are in increasing mortality.


Manmade “climate change” is one of the instruments imagined by “Limits to Growth” for the elite to live longer and better lives, with longer-lasting non-renewable resources.

It is also a perfect tool to 

(i) help decimate population, through droughts, floods, famine; extreme hurricanes, cattle killing heatwaves, and more; 

(ii) earthquakes and their devastating consequences (Haiti 2010; Turkey earlier this year and Morocco a few months ago, most likely Afghanistan and Nepal too, are suspected having been geoengineered.)

So that people believe in climate change, the climate literally MUST change – at least on the surface – when it is all done, maybe in 10 or 20 years (their agenda 2030 plan – which they will NOT achieve, ever), they might think of going back to the “normal sun-caused climate change” cycles.

The climate agenda was made public by the 1992 UN-sponsored “Earth Summit” in Rio. For some 30+ years we have been indoctrinated with the idea that the climate is changing because of our climate-unfriendly habits, including the use of carbon-based energy sources.

The propaganda worked well. During annual COP Conferences around the world, the cabal behind the governments lied to us what the targets should be in reduced CO2 output so the world would not collapse. But no government ever follows the rules to meet the targets.


IAEA at the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. 9 November 2022 Photo Credit: David Nieto / IAEA (Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

By now, we have had up to now 27 COP conferences, the last one in 2022 in Egypt, the next one is in December 2023 in Dubai. Nothing has changed and nothing will change, and the earth is still intact. But the criminal myth will be kept alive for the masses.

COP – stands for Conference of the Parties. It is the body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which aims to “guide the efforts of the countries that are parties of the Convention to act against climate change“.

This description alone says it all. It is the epitome of hypocrisy, as no government, nor any international institutions believe in it, hence, they coerce people to abandon their life styles, forcing them out of agriculture, of traveling, forcing them to live in 15-minute-cities (where car travel beyond 15-minutes per day is forbidden) – and more – while the elite ignores such rules, jetting around the globe in their private jets, as if there was no tomorrow.

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Richard Tamm

Nov 18, 2023, 12:45:53 AM11/18/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
Regardless of our beliefs and research, here are proposed solutions that I just got in an email from Portside 

On Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 5:44 PM Richard Tamm <richar...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, everyone and Dana.

I agree, Lou Anne. While I appreciate the passion with which you, Dana, express your beliefs, I can still hear you yelling at us with almost every printed word in your emails on this subject. Maybe that's just me. But I am tired of it.

What I love about this group is that, since we have all come to the conclusion with 9/11 that the government really does lie to us and is willing to murder some of us to advance their dreams of empire, we are all a lot more open to questions of them lying to us in many different ways on many different subjects such as lying us into every war since forever, OK City Murrah building bombing, all the assassinations of the 60's, the pandemic and c-19 vaccines and boosters, chemtrails, HAARP, etc., even the moon landing. 

Since they have lied to us about almost everything, I think it is mandatory for us to question everything, especially subjects that we have just been taking for granted that we've learned about only through the mainstream media and the government, and has been told and retold for so many decades that it must be true because it has been accepted for so long. And that is now including the whole question of global warming. Is it really real? And is it caused by humans? I would like us to be able to discuss it without anyone responding with things like "complete nonsense" and "unscientific propaganda and pseudoscience", etc.

Dana, I hope you can contain yourself while we delve into this, and that you can join us in a fresh exploration of this subject, no matter how certain you are of the establishment and generally accepted point of view. We really need to be able to do this to come to our own point of view. And, in the end, it may corroborate a lot of what you say, just in a more nuanced and complex way. But then again, it may not. But I for one want myself and all of us to dig into this a lot more, regardless of where it takes us.          

With respect for all, including you, Dana,
 - Rich

Richard Tamm
Co-Chair of The Voting Rights Task Force
Former Treasurer of the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club

Dana Carson

Nov 18, 2023, 1:28:15 PM11/18/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
How nice to be included in “respect for all”, and mentioned by name, as if I were the only one pushing back against disinformation and pseudoscience.

Here’s a suggestion:  how about people summarize the things they read and for which they post the links?  If someone finds an argument convincing, they should be able to write a paragraph or two about what they believe they’ve learned from the article or video.  That way, THE POSTER can demonstrate what THEY understood from the source.  But instead, the posted material, without the poster’s commentary, comes off as a LONG homework assignment.

One could easily spend an entire week chasing down the links and attributions for each of these, but literally without knowing what the person posting believes they understood from the post.

I could easily post dozens of sources that confirm what I’ve said, but I wouldn’t realistically expect people to spend huge amounts of time trying to chase them down.

And if I did post links, I would easily be able to summarize what was said in the source.

Understanding a scientific concept is a very different thing than choosing which “expert” to trust.  I am therefore much more interested in what the person posting thinks than I am in what Dr.-Joseph-H.-Blow-with-a-Ph.-D. says about it.

This could easily apply to what John Wright posted about what Dr. Clausen wrote:  What did John understand from the post, and how well can he articulate that summary?

It would make for a far more interesting conversation to debate what people understand than to argue over who’s “expert” says what.

With great respect for everyone, including Richard Tamm.


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 17, 2023, at 9:45 PM, Richard Tamm <richar...@gmail.com> wrote:

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Richard Tamm

Nov 21, 2023, 11:10:19 AM11/21/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com


Nov 21, 2023, 11:34:09 AM11/21/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com

On Fri, 17 Nov 2023, Lou Anne McKeefery wrote:
> Richard,  thanks for sharing this. I didn't know the ocean will maintain our
> CO2 levels. 

Bluntly, that's a lie.

The problem there isn't whether the oceans will EVENTUALLY absorb most of
that excess CO2, it's that pesky word "maintain."

I just MUST "call bullshit" on that one. It's SUCH A RIDICULOUS assertion.

The trouble is that the vast majority of all that calcium and other
minerals that can absorb CO2 are, in bulk, in solid form and the CO2 in
the atmosphere is in gaseous form AND there's a water barrier between the

FIRST, the oceans need to be saturated (at which point we have a
run-away CO2 problem - actually, any time the RATE of ocean up-take is
exceeded by new CO2 release into the atmosphere, this occurs) before the
chemistry to create, for example, calcium carbonate, can kick into
high-gear to a maximal amount.

YES, over MILLENNIA, after we've stopped adding to the atmospheric CO2,
the carbon will be absorbed.

As I have said before, the issue isn't the long-term it's the short term:

What we're doing is at a rate that's NEVER occurred before in Earth's
history and the physics dictate that that carbon up-take will happen FAR
slower than the the simple burning of a combustible liquid on the surface.


On the one hand, the (mostly) burning of these fuels creating CO2 is
nearly instantaneous and the up-take of that CO2 takes millennia.


"Oh, we don't have to worry! The Oceans will save us!" You've GOT to do
your homework better than this in order NOT to be called out for
spreading BLATANT LIES!

Sorry, but just repeating intentional lies does NOBODY service EXCEPT the
fossil fuel companies.

Richard Troy

Scott Page

Nov 21, 2023, 11:47:34 AM11/21/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
You are shouting Richard (Troy), hurting your own cause. Science is open to sensible debate, no need to shout in this small group (and release even more CO2...).
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Richard Tamm

Nov 21, 2023, 11:47:54 AM11/21/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, Richard.
I think you are right. Obviously some of the claims that global warming is a hoax are definitely flat-earth wrong. 
I personally know that I haven't even begun to do a serious study of the matter. But, since we know we have been lied to
about just about everything, we cannot just blithely accept everything about climate change from scientists and scientific organizations that are paid for and controlled by known liars.
 - Rich

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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/sf911truth/96f06f31-af63-2bb1-1ebb-fca813554dc8%40ScienceTools.com.


Nov 21, 2023, 11:48:09 AM11/21/23
to 'Dana Carson' via sf911truth

All of Dana's email below is correct except one point, I'll get to below:

On Fri, 17 Nov 2023, 'Dana Carson' via sf911truth wrote:
> It is not true that the Ocean will “maintain” our CO2 levels.  It is true
> that the oceans absorb a lot of CO2, and it is true that this phenomenon
> slows its accumulation in the atmosphere, which in turn protects us from
> even greater atmospheric heat retention.  But this comes at a huge cost:
> Carbonic acid in the oceans is lowering the pH of the water, which in turn
> puts enormous stress on organisms that create their shells from dissolved
> calcium, since the low pH increases the solubility of calcium.
> But this SLOWS the accumulation in the atmosphere; it does NOT balance it
> out.  We have seen a fifty percent increase in atmospheric CO2; that’s
> hardly tantamount to “maintaining” the levels.
> And with atmospheric carbon dioxide levels up 50%, we are slowing daily heat
> escape dramatically, slowly but surely warming the oceans.  When oceans warm
> they support less dissolved oxygen, creating danger zones where animals die
> quickly if they enter the zones.  When warmed water gets swept down to the
> bottom, the upwelling of oxygen-rich waters is less effective at supporting
> complex food webs like the spectacular ones in Monterey Canyon.
> And for those who inevitably (but correctly) point out that water vapor is
> the strongest common greenhouse gas, the water vapor would disappear very
> quickly without the stabilizing influence of the CO2.  The planet would
> freeze.
> THAT is how important carbon dioxide really is: a vital atmospheric
> greenhouse gas and now we’ve got WAAAYYYY too much of it.
> Dana

Actually, having minerals that can take up a lot of CO2, like calcium, become
more soluable actually helps the overall absorption rate because in solid form,
the chemistry is PAINFULLY slow.

However, you correctly note the other hazards of a low PH.

IN SHORT: We're destroying the whole damned web of life that comprises the
CURRENT biosphere.

Why the hell would anyone want to support THAT?! And THAT is what
spreading intentional lies is doing - not that the spreaders KNOW that's
what they're doing. But you can be sure the originators of them do.

I guess there are more Judases out there who "know not what they do" - I think
that's how Jesus put it, right?


Peter Gill

Nov 21, 2023, 12:12:27 PM11/21/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
Scott don't forget that some of us are hard of hearing.

Sent from my Android phone with mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Lou Anne McKeefery

Nov 21, 2023, 1:31:10 PM11/21/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com
I felt yelled at and gaslighted when pointing out the other planets display the climate changes as well. That's a fact based on issued papers. Maybe that is wrong data but for now that information has been published. To me that's an important piece of information.  Everyone can choose to look at that angle or not but it's not insignificant to me and I should be able to mention this with the red letter Bible response. 

I'm going to be complete with the conversation in this group because it does not serve me as an expansion but contraction.

I'll stay in the group past this topic, but I will leave silently leave the group if the same disappointing conversations on new topics persist  

Happy Thanksgiving to all,
Lou Anne

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Peter Gill

Nov 21, 2023, 1:31:28 PM11/21/23
to Richard, sf911...@googlegroups.com

Sent from my Android phone with mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
On 11/21/23, 10:08 AM Richard <ric...@356Coachworks.com> wrote:

On Tue, 21 Nov 2023, Peter Gill wrote:
> Scott don't forget that some of us are hard of hearing.

Thanks, Peter; with an untimely sip of coffee mixed with a good laugh at
that one, well... I appreciate the chuckle!



Nov 21, 2023, 1:31:46 PM11/21/23
to Peter Gill, sf911...@googlegroups.com


Nov 21, 2023, 1:32:12 PM11/21/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com

On Tue, 21 Nov 2023, Richard Tamm wrote:
> Thanks, Richard.
> I think you are right. Obviously some of the claims that global warming is a
> hoax are definitely flat-earth wrong. 
> I personally know that I haven't even begun to do a serious study of the
> matter. But, since we know we have been lied to
> about just about everything, we cannot just blithely accept everything about
> climate change from scientists and scientific organizations that are paid
> for and controlled by known liars.
>  - Rich

Thank YOU, Rich.

I agree that we've been lied to, time and again, "by government." However,
I remind that "the government" isn't one thing. It's not one person and
it's not a true entity unto itself; it's controlled by the ultra-rich,
always has, and perhaps always will. Yet, I'll also remind that sometimes
they don't always get what they want - the ultra-rich I mean.

I, personally, have _never_ "blithely accepted" pretty much anything in my
entire life, and certainly not the science of global climate change. I've
been a participant in the latter subject and therefore can assure you, for
whatever that's worth, that the _vast_ majority of these people
buck-the-system on a regular basis, and especially so the younger people
who've been entering the field since the mid '90s.

Let us not be victims of the Boy Who Cried Wolf, when, for once, there
really _is_ a wolf at the door!

Plus, I'll be glad to help anyone who puts some genuine effort into
understanding this topic. It's not that hard to understand the basics. So,
start there. Understanding the whole field just isn't necessary, or even
big chunks of it. ...I recommend starting with the transparency of our
atmosphere to light but not heat (infrared). Once you've got that, well,
it's about all you need to at least have the basics.


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