Fahrenheit 451🎧 22 Nov 2023

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Richard Tamm

Nov 25, 2023, 10:40:32 PM11/25/23
to Wisdom Warriors, Berkeley Nojab, sf911...@googlegroups.com, The Truth Group
from an email to me from Brooks Agnew, which made me realize once again that, at least the things I most love or consider too important to lose I better buy, and soon! And think of them as Christmas/Holidays presents to yourself or partner, such as the complete collection of Oliver Stone movies.
 - Rich

Fahrenheit 451

I am guilty of it, too.  Downsizing.  Throwing away my library. There is a danger, these days, that if things only exist in the streaming version, they do get taken down, they come and go. The lessons of humanity are in danger of extinction.

On Xwitter, del Toro shared Nolan’s statement and wrote, “Physical media is almost a Fahrenheit 451 (where people memorized entire books and thus became the book they loved) level of responsibility,” he explained. “If you own a great 4K HD, Blu-ray, DVD etc etc of a film or films you love…you are the custodian of those films for generations to come.”

You think you own your digital copy. You do not.

You think your digital copy is safe from the left’s censorship Nazis. It is not.

Digital is such a delightful concept that I fell for it. I was suckered. I started selling off my DVDs and Blu-rays as I converted to digital. The idea that the America I grew up in — a country devoted to freedom and outraged by censorship — would quietly pull and censor movies never even crossed my mind. My thinking was this: If my collection is digital, I can take it anywhere, and it will never deteriorate.

Then the left’s censorship Nazis started pulling titles people had purchased.

Then the left’s censorship Nazis started altering Oscar-winning movies people had purchased.

Martin Scorsese isn’t even safe from the fascists who run the Disney Grooming Syndicate. My imported Blu-ray of Kundun arrived yesterday. I don’t even like the movie, but I still paid $30 for it. As del Toro points out, someone has to own the hard copies… We do indeed have a responsibility to ensure these movies both survive and survive without being vandalized by the left’s Sensitivity Gestapo.

What disturbs me more than anything is what we don’t know… What titles are being quietly pulled from circulation? What’s being quietly censored by studio vandals? Why can’t I purchase Zorro the Gay Blade (1981) on Blu-ray?

It’s not only movies… People who love books should preserve books. The jihad against the classics like To Kill a MockingbirdGone with the Wind, and Huckleberry Finn is no secret. The Sensitivity Gestapo is actively rewriting Ian Fleming and Roald Dahl. This was unimaginable 20 years ago. Now imagine what these fascists will be doing 20 years from now.

I’m changing back to physical in two ways. First, I grab deals on Blu-ray. Second, any title the left starts whining about I immediately purchase: Gone with the Wind (1939), Blazing Saddles (1974), The Dam Busters (1955), Birth of a Nation (1915), Tropic Thunder (2008), Holiday Inn (1942), Fawlty Towers (1975), Song of the South (1946), Pepe Le Pew/Speedy Gonzalez cartoons, Soul Man (1986), Cruising (1980), I Spit on Your Grave (1978), everything Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, and John Wayne.


As Ray Bradbury wrote in Fahrenheit 451:

Colored people don’t like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don’t feel good about Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Burn it. Someone’s written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, into the incinerator.


What’s more, the fascist movie studios want you to purchase digital for another reason: digital movies cannot be passed along or shared. Sure, you can give someone the password to your entire collection, but not one at a time. Who benefits from that?

Don’t you understand? Don’t you get it? They don’t want us to own anything. We’re becoming a subscriber/leasing culture. When you subscribe to radio, music, and TV, you own nothing. When you subscribe to books, video games, and computer programs, you own nothing. When you lease your car and rent your home, you own nothing.

Ownership is freedom.

Payments are slavery.

Soula Culver

Nov 25, 2023, 10:48:27 PM11/25/23
to Richard Tamm, Wisdom Warriors, Berkeley Nojab, sf911...@googlegroups.com, The Truth Group, Cynthia Rahav
Brilliant!  Thank you.

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Dana Carson

Nov 26, 2023, 10:04:40 AM11/26/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com, Richard Tamm, Wisdom Warriors, Berkeley Nojab, The Truth Group, Cynthia Rahav
Sorry folks, but I take TOTAL issue with the term “Left censorship nazis”.  As if the use of that ridiculous term is supposed to carry any weight whatsoever.  Anyone who uses that term is apparently oblivious to the degree of censorship, disinformation and lying propaganda that constantly flows into our brains like a river of raw sewage FROM THE RIGHT.

And if Trump manages to get back his corrupt presidency, you’ll know what tyranny really looks like.  You’ll never get another word of truth from ANY source; they’ll be completely cowed by fear.  The concepts of free speech and freedom of information and freedom of expression will vanish from American ideology.

He has already promised to populate his administration with pre approved flunkies who will tear down every aspect of the “administrative state”.  It’s called “Program 2024”.  I’m sure that given some of the rhetoric I’ve seen on these threads, some of you think that’s a great idea.

I would pray to any god whether I believed in them or not, that none of you EVER HAVE TO FIND OUT!!!!!


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On Nov 25, 2023, at 7:48 PM, Soula Culver <socu...@gmail.com> wrote:

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Nov 26, 2023, 1:07:50 PM11/26/23
to 'Dana Carson' via sf911truth, Richard Tamm, Wisdom Warriors, Berkeley Nojab, The Truth Group, Cynthia Rahav

On Sun, 26 Nov 2023, 'Dana Carson' via sf911truth wrote:
> Sorry folks, but I take TOTAL issue with the term “Left censorship nazis”.

I do, too, but my tack is to point out how _no_, these neo-liberals are
_not_ left. This is an educational problem brought about by modern
propaganda by _all_ the main stream media and BOTH parties as it serves
their interests.

The _only_ two reasons the term "left" is applied are:

1) As what we call "the right" really is the right, this delusional BS
about having a two-party system, combined with a linear, unidimensional
view of politics of the "if you're not this then you must be that"
variety then makes the "opposition" to the right "the left," even
though they have about as much genuine left in them as the right does.

It's called relativism. And, it's a near corolary to the old adage,
"You don't have to be any good to be the best there is!" And;

It's worth noting that there are virtually _zero_ actual members of the
left in national public office today... Bernie Sanders is one. Are
there even any others? ..._Perhaps_ Rashida Tlaib? (AOC is out!) We
used to have a few, like Dennis Kucinich, but the Democrats ran them
all out of the party years ago, and Bernie's an Independent!

2) The GENUINE left is at odds with neo-liberalism, however, the
neo-liberals, like, as a perfect example, Hillary Clinton, like to
claim to be "left" because they know it'll get them votes. I literally
burst out laughing when, in the 2016 campaign cycle Hillary claimed to
be a progressive! HA!

Let us remember some things "the left" - the _genuine_ left - gave us:

There's a VERY erudite writeup on all this, though it is rather long, to
be found here:


>  As if the use of that ridiculous term is supposed to carry any weight
> whatsoever.

No, Dana, it was used as an intentional pejorative. But you took the bait
and did the same right back ... Not that you were were wrong, but maybe
this is the wrong way to go about helping our fellow citizens.

However, you touch on, unintentionally, I think, or without focus, on a
SUPER critical point:

Without government, the ultra-rich can run roughshod over all our lives
more than they do even now; be careful what you wish for, you might get

Life without government would be unbeievably worse. People who want to
tear down government are either allies of the ultra-rich or seriously
lacking in their strategic thinking.

In closing, I well know people are hurting badly out in the USA and if
nothing's done to substantially help "everyday Americans", there will at
some point be serious blood-shed. However, there's another way...

Observe that about 50% of those who are eligible to vote are registered,
and of those registered, about 50% vote, and of those who vote, about 50%
vote D and 50% vote R.

For those NOT bad at math, this means that around 75% of us sit it out
while around 12.5% or so, give or take a little as the years roll past,
elect our president.

The REASONS they don't vote usually boil down to not perceiving it makes
any difference. And, done the way the two-big-parties want you to vote,
the 75% are correct.

However, we DO NOT have a two-party system. The founders wanted a NO party
system, but didn't prevent them. ... IF, all those not registered were to
register and IF those registered who don't vote would just vote... AND IF
they'd, em masse, vote _neither_ Democrat _nor_ Republican, then the two
big parties would be forced to consider The Will Of The People, which they
presently ignore (give lip-service to), and we'd see a political
revolution virtually overnight without any bloodshed whatsoever!

Yeah, a guy can dream!

But in the mean time, I refuse to vote just to vote AGAINST someone.
Starting a few cycles back, I'm ONLY voting FOR people I actually think
will be good for the job. So, you can't blame me for whatever two-party
idiot, Biden or Trump, we get this next cycle. ...Is one worse than the
ohter? SURE! But voting for the lesser evil is how they trap us: Yeah,
Biden's bad but TRUMP! And, Yeah, Trump's _awful,_ but Biden!
Unfortunately, BOTH groups have a point and don't see how they're helping
keep us all trapped.


Mark McDonald

Nov 26, 2023, 3:49:18 PM11/26/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com, Richard Tamm, Wisdom Warriors, Berkeley Nojab, The Truth Group, Cynthia Rahav
Different styles of censorship…the Right will kill all the employees…blow up the building…and torture the editor. The Left will just not publish something …and hope nobody notices. Like the 1000 ships sailing to Gaza with 4500 activists & families…left last Wednesday….and whole world is holding breath. Last attempt only a handful of boats….the army executed 10 unarmed activists just to show them. Crap is close to fan….here….no mention in censored media…Right & Left
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Nov 26, 2023, 10:30:36 PM11/26/23
to sf911...@googlegroups.com, Richard Tamm, Wisdom Warriors, Berkeley Nojab, The Truth Group, Cynthia Rahav

On Sun, 26 Nov 2023, Mark McDonald wrote:
> Different styles of censorship…the Right will kill all the
> employees…blow up the building…and torture the editor. The Left will
> just not publish something …and hope nobody notices. Like the 1000 ships
> sailing to Gaza with 4500 activists & families…left last Wednesday….and
> whole world is holding breath. Last attempt only a handful of boats….the
> army executed 10 unarmed activists just to show them. Crap is close to
> fan….here….no mention in censored media…Right & Left

Not "the left", neo-liberals. There hasn't been a genuine left to speak of
in the USA in some-time, and rebranding main-stream Democrats as left is
rather heinous and slurs the good name of the actual left!

IOW, the left is out of power. Modern Dems may not be "the right," but
they're sure not "left"; no _actual_ leftist would do this crap. And if
you want an example, try KPFA radio. _That's_ run by _genuine_ leftists,
in case you need a refresher! And, FWIW, KPFA _is_ reporting on this story
pretty actively. They're worthy of your financial support!

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