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Free FileMaker Pro Database

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Simon Elliott

Feb 28, 2008, 10:25:26 AM2/28/08
to Schoolforge-UK MIAS
Finally, after many promises and slipped deadlines, I have now
released the school database that I wrote and have used over the past
three years in a 350 pupil boarding school.

The file is suitable for FMPro 8, 9 and 8+ server and so only works on
Windows or MacOS (FMPro 7 was available for RedHat but I don't know
about more recent versions).

The ultimate aim is to transfer the ideas and structures to SQL to be
released as a LAMP/MAMP system. Another option would be for Moodle or
another CMS to build the data structures in and have a CMS and IMS in

For now, it is a good starter for a school wanting a simple and cheap

The aim? A free, open and flexible IMS for schools.

Simon Elliott

Get the link to the sourceforge project from my free software page at
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