When can Session Buddy sync in chrome?

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Sep 11, 2011, 10:30:30 AM9/11/11
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Accounts and a home page are necessary though, is there a plan?

Hans Meyer

Sep 11, 2011, 11:12:28 AM9/11/11
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
I intend to develop a synching feature, but there is no schedule (or
budget) for that yet.



Dec 12, 2011, 5:45:55 PM12/12/11
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Do you need help with the synch feature? is the code open source?

Hans Meyer

Dec 13, 2011, 1:51:07 AM12/13/11
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the offer, but Session Buddy is not an open source project
for the time being.

Synching should be complete sometime early 2012.


Sam Hasler

Apr 24, 2012, 9:43:55 AM4/24/12
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
It should be able to just use chrome's built in sync feature. I expect Hans is waiting for extension syncing to be available in the stable version of chrome:

B.E. Henriksen

Jul 19, 2012, 8:26:16 AM7/19/12
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Any updates on this?

Сергей В. Гончаров

Jul 19, 2012, 8:27:35 AM7/19/12
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
And now the storage api is available:
Wait for tab synchronization ;)

2012/7/19 B.E. Henriksen <voliti...@gmail.com>:
С уважением, Сергей В. Гончаров

Hans Meyer

Jul 19, 2012, 10:48:20 PM7/19/12
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
It's way late. 
Message has been deleted

Šimon Demočko

Nov 13, 2012, 8:52:54 AM11/13/12
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
So what's with the sync feature? I read it should be finished in the beginning of this year and it is already ending. Will this feature be implemented? It would be extremely useful. Also, if I could rename windows not only sessions, that would be great, but that's a different topic... just running it up the flagpole

Hans Meyer

Nov 13, 2012, 9:31:17 AM11/13/12
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Rest assured development continues and both features you mention will be implemented, but I've learned my lesson on providing definite drop dates given that my SB dev bandwidth is not predictable (projects that afford food and shelter take precedence :) )

Michał Gacek

May 9, 2014, 3:32:30 PM5/9/14
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
If you do not have time to develop then make project open or let someone in to develop it for you...
Syncing between Chrome is a must in these days and is simple to implement and for sure with your app is not rocket since like two or so lists to sync!


May 20, 2014, 1:43:07 PM5/20/14
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Hope to see this shortly!

Hans Meyer

May 20, 2014, 2:05:45 PM5/20/14
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Still have a ton of work to do, and I have to keep myself fed in the meantime ;)

I'm not interested in open-sourcing at this time as sync will likely be a paid feature. The only thing that will speed up development at this point is some kind of funding, which I haven't pursued yet but might consider. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any constructive ideas on the matter.


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Tuntikorn Asa.

May 30, 2014, 10:09:46 AM5/30/14
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Interest to pay for this feature. Can't wait for this :D
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Paul F

Jun 2, 2014, 3:55:58 PM6/2/14
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
How much money do you need, Hans, to make this Session Buddy Sync a reality?
This is the perfect candidate for crowd funding...
No doubt there would be plenty of people willing to chip in to see this feature.
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Paolo Giarrusso

Jun 3, 2014, 7:14:44 AM6/3/14
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
On Monday, June 2, 2014 9:55:58 PM UTC+2, Paul F wrote:
How much money do you need, Hans, to make this Session Buddy Sync a reality?
This is the perfect candidate for crowd funding...
No doubt there would be plenty of people willing to chip in to see this feature.

I'm cheap as hell, but I'm also willing to pay for this — say, 10-20 €. Hell, even up to 50 € if needed. I joined this group just to say this.
Especially on a crowd funding, which makes it more likely that things will actually happen — the money goes in if the funding goal is reached, and there's a clear commitment to implementing the described features.


Jun 3, 2014, 1:07:03 PM6/3/14
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
@Paul Thanks, I haven't yet seriously evaluated that option. Any recommendations on crowd funding sites?


Jun 3, 2014, 1:44:28 PM6/3/14
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
@Sam That would certainly speed up the effort, but unfortunately not viable as this will be a cross-browser implementation (there are also a number of technical limitations that make it inappropriate).

What's happening right now is that I'm in the process of rewriting large portions of the app to accommodate cross-browser sync as well as other frequently-requested features. It's something I've tried to avoid, but is necessary. The next major version should have most of the big chunk remaining features except for sync. The plan is to roll out sync shortly thereafter in a phased manner. Since I can't use Chrome's sync API (or Dropbox/Google Drive, as others have suggested), sync will likely be a premium feature in order to help offset server costs. If viable, I'd love to make sync free to "low-volume" users but that will be determined by how the numbers shake out. In any case, the least favorable monetization option as far as I'm concerned is ads. The only way I would consider that is if it makes the app more accessible to a large portion of users who prefer to opt-in to an ad-based experience vs a paid one. Once the dust settles on sync, the plan is to migrate the code to FF and Safari plug ins (maybe even IE :)), as well as a web-only version for extension-free access with curtailed functionality. A lot of that work will be facilitated by the current rewrite.

I know that's probably more information than you bargained for. I just thought I'd articulate some status for the benefit of anyone in this thread who might care.


Ryan Mortier

Jun 5, 2014, 4:16:25 PM6/5/14
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Hey thanks for the update. I'm definitely one who would pay to have a sync feature (rather than ads).

Paul F

Jun 16, 2014, 3:41:33 AM6/16/14
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com

Trak Trak Trugui

Sep 4, 2014, 10:21:46 AM9/4/14
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
I'm definitely one who would pay to have a sync feature too!!
And I'm really looking forward for this!!

Faisal Abidi

Sep 23, 2015, 1:56:43 PM9/23/15
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hans! Dude! Kickstarter.com man. I will gladly chip in. Your Kickstarter page doesn't even need to be fancy, we're already sold. All you need is to link people to your campaign from inside the app. I would pitch in $50 or more. I bet you will receive 1000% funding.

Cheers man, this app truly has saved me from sooo much pain over and over again.

Damian Newton

Oct 16, 2015, 5:44:46 AM10/16/15
to Session Buddy Discussion
I'd chip in $100. Been using SB for a couple years now. My work and home PCs are identical - i have to keep emailing my SB open tabs to each other. Even allowing local storage so we could automatically read/write from a Dropbox folder would be ideal.


Scott Marquardt

Feb 5, 2016, 4:31:39 PM2/5/16
to Session Buddy Discussion
I'd chip in too. 

- S

Akash Arora

Feb 25, 2016, 2:51:51 AM2/25/16
to Session Buddy Discussion
So Down for the dropbox sync! You guys said 2012! Come on!

Scott Marquardt

Mar 16, 2016, 10:46:55 AM3/16/16
to Session Buddy Discussion
This month for sync?    ;-)

Kevin K.

May 3, 2016, 6:25:48 AM5/3/16
to Session Buddy Discussion
+1 to keep this alive.

On Wednesday, 16 March 2016 17:46:55 UTC+3, Scott Marquardt wrote:
This month for sync?    ;-)

Josiah Davidson

Jun 27, 2016, 4:10:22 PM6/27/16
to Session Buddy Discussion
Any plans? Perhaps setting up a gofundme site. I'd be willing to contribute to getting this feature. 

On Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 10:12:28 AM UTC-5, Hansifer wrote:
I intend to develop a synching feature, but there is no schedule (or
budget) for that yet.


Message has been deleted

Jesse Rajan

Nov 13, 2016, 6:25:05 AM11/13/16
to Session Buddy Discussion
+1 As well.

Simon P

Dec 21, 2016, 5:30:21 AM12/21/16
to Session Buddy Discussion
Another +1 from me. Even better if syncing can be leveraged to support and Android app too.

Yury Rodrigues

Jan 6, 2017, 10:19:50 AM1/6/17
to Session Buddy Discussion

Burhan Siginc

Feb 6, 2017, 8:43:36 AM2/6/17
to Session Buddy Discussion
Please do it. I am donating some for now but once you release syncing SB, I definitely pay for premium.

Thank you for all your help,


On Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 11:12:28 AM UTC-4, Hansifer wrote:
I intend to develop a synching feature, but there is no schedule (or
budget) for that yet.


Michael-Rainabba Richardson

Feb 6, 2017, 10:55:59 PM2/6/17
to Session Buddy Discussion
I'd really love to have this functionality and would be happy to help. I think given the context (Chrome/Google) that saving to Drive would be ideal and easy enough. Interested in a helping hand?

LOVE Session Buddy. First extension I install whenever I'm setting someone up with a Chrome profile.

rainabba@ google mail

James Mark

Feb 7, 2017, 5:11:29 PM2/7/17
to Session Buddy Discussion
I woke up this morning to my Windows user profile being corrupted and ultimately deleted without any forewarning or chance for a backup. This means I lost all of my Session Buddy tabs and windows.. Of which there were hundreds for research and backlog.

From now on I'll be storing my research across multiple drives and through file services like Drive or Dropbox.

But I would absolutely love to see a syncing feature implemented to Session Buddy, as it's one of the greatest extensions I use on a regular basis, much faster and cleaner than bookmarking and such.

john s wolter

Feb 7, 2017, 7:08:16 PM2/7/17
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com

The profile may still be in there somewhere.  One utility that may or may not help is Steve Gibson's Spinrite.  Working at the sector level, it tries to repeat read & recover data.  It can "refresh" and or recover flaky sectors.  Bad sectors are moved to known good locations.

grc.com  while an unimpressive website, Steve & crew produce good products

Once the underlying drive is readable, usually it's bootable.  If not there are OS fix-it utilities.  Windows also has a built-in boot fixing process.  It's triggered when boot finds an invalid start. Your given several choices but the automatic fix usually works best

Please look into backup arrangements.  An entire drive image backup can be performed by open source CloneZilla or some commercial product.  When restored to a drive, the image is usually bootable.  It may need to be set as the active partition.


John Williams

Feb 24, 2017, 3:30:02 AM2/24/17
to Session Buddy Discussion

Marcel Bro

Jan 4, 2018, 5:13:23 AM1/4/18
to Session Buddy Discussion
Dude, so many people want this and are willing to chip in for it.. Such a shame this project is dead.

Session Buddy Support

Jan 4, 2018, 9:43:23 AM1/4/18
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
The project is not dead, but it’s important to understand the economics of it in order to understand why progress is so slow. 

When you work a full-time job 50-60 hrs per week, there are only so many hours left regardless of how many people are willing to “chip in” after the fact.

I love working on Session Buddy and would love nothing more than to focus on it full-time, but food and shelter kind of take priority.

On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 3:13 AM Marcel Bro <marce...@gmail.com> wrote:
Dude, so many people want this and are willing to chip in for it.. Such a shame this project is dead.

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Will L.

Mar 3, 2018, 7:23:25 PM3/3/18
to Session Buddy Discussion
Looking forward to sync, will pay for. Thanks for this great tool. 
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Nov 12, 2018, 11:59:29 AM11/12/18
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hey There!

Absolutely love session Buddy and was shocked to see there was no syncing between computers.

As there seems to be a whole lot of interest, I would love to help develop this!

Feel free to email me to discuss.


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Filip Zivanovic

Jan 10, 2019, 5:43:20 PM1/10/19
to Session Buddy Discussion
Meanwhile, for Windows you can just sync it with a couple of Powershell scripts & Task scheduler:

1. On startup run a powershell task to watch folder changes of the SessionBuddy database path and on change copy file to ex. google drive folder
2. On startup/hourly run a powershell to copy file from google drive folder to SessionBuddy folder

Do this on all PC's and you're done

Powershell to watch folder changes and copy files (the paths might be different on your machine):

    $watcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
    $watcher.Path = "$ENV:UserProfile\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\databases\\chrome-extension_edacconmaakjimmfgnblocblbcdcpbko_0"
    $watcher.Filter = "*.*"
    $watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $true
    $watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true  

    $action = { 
copy-item "$ENV:UserProfile\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\databases\\chrome-extension_edacconmaakjimmfgnblocblbcdcpbko_0" "$ENV:UserProfile\\Google Drive\\backup\\" -force -recurse -verbose 
    Register-ObjectEvent $watcher "Created" -Action $action
    Register-ObjectEvent $watcher "Changed" -Action $action
    Register-ObjectEvent $watcher "Deleted" -Action $action
    Register-ObjectEvent $watcher "Renamed" -Action $action
    while ($true) {sleep 5}
Message has been deleted


Jan 22, 2019, 7:57:53 AM1/22/19
to Session Buddy Discussion
I would gladly pay for a syncing option. Would you guys take into consideration making a paid version of Session Buddy with extra features?

Dmitry Shteiman

Jan 23, 2019, 8:20:54 AM1/23/19
to Session Buddy Discussion
based on years of using Session Buddy, to me sync across multiple devices is the most most most lacking feature. 

Couple of ideas

1. Aside the sync by the Chrome's own capabilities, I saw working realizations when a configuration was being saved to a dropbox file and once it's updated on one device, it's somehow triggers updates on other devices. It should work on a first come-first served basis - all conflicting entries are just ovewritten.

2. Realize the sync (via dropbox file again) with the help of such services as IFTTT or Zappier. I'm a basic user of those but as I understand, for this the Session Buddy should open API for notifying about a change (or, may be that can be done from the Dropbox - a notification that a sepcific file is updated?) and an API to suck the changed file via the "import" feature.

The reason for the above is that as I see the main idea is to stick to the chrome capabilities but nowadays there may be alternative realizations. And I wonder if such were considered during the 7 (!) years of the history for this topic here. As a user I would be totally OK to make this work. 

3. Finally, there was an idea to make the sync a paid option - so again I don't see a problem here: enable use of the API a part of a paid subscription (or, at least a one-time purchase). It is only a matter of the sum you charge. So, you may want to start small ))

Anyways good luck and thanks for a great feature! I recently tried Toby - a said closest alternative (i was looking for that sync feature that is realized there). So Toby is mostly annoying and I can't imagine a user who really needs those user flows that are implemented there (for clarity - I just try to emphasize that Session Buddy is unique in its set of features and how they are build together for user experience),

воскресенье, 11 сентября 2011 г., 18:30:30 UTC+4 пользователь Paul написал:

Bernardo Garcia

Feb 21, 2019, 3:50:12 AM2/21/19
to Session Buddy Discussion
In chrome, there are other alternatives but limited to some sessions numbers or without sync. 
SessionBuddy is by far the best option but the sync makes me that I have to consider other options.
I am willing to pay for the sync option for SessionBuddy

Workona is another good option.

Kamran Chohan

Feb 21, 2019, 4:07:51 AM2/21/19
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
U can sync the extension data to google account by signing into chrome and changing sync preferences.
This is how your session buddy data will be safe.
Moreover, back up the data occasionally to the HDD.

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Kamran Chohan

Feb 21, 2019, 4:08:56 AM2/21/19
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
(Means Session Buddy Export file)


Jan 11, 2020, 8:47:47 AM1/11/20
to Session Buddy Discussion
 All this discussion and excuses for a feature requested and promised when 2012 was the highlight, 8 bloody years ago. I've changed the furniture twice already...

@Hansifer or @SessionBuddySupport, either take a vacation in which you focus only on this, finish the feature and charge for it OR you open source the app so that people can contribute and your app lives and grows in usage opening new ways to monetize later down the road. I see you put a lot of effort in the website and making excuses since 2012, which is the opposite direction for what people are asking here. 

You will lose users this way and you have lost me, best of luck with your free time project sir.
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Marc Hankin

Jan 12, 2020, 12:22:42 PM1/12/20
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
You made a wonderful thing.
But if you can't provide something we all need, and that you would like to provide, there are alternatives:

1.  Solicit a quote for someone to do the work for you, and then use crowdfunding to pay for it;
2.  Open source the project;
3.  I bet other users will have better suggestions than the ones I made.


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Jan 30, 2020, 2:21:32 AM1/30/20
to Session Buddy Discussion
I'm guessing from recent messages here that Session Buddy still doesn't sync across devices as of Jan 2020.

Pity but that really limits it's use case.

What alternatives would others here recommend?

On Monday, January 13, 2020 at 1:22:42 AM UTC+8, Marc Hankin wrote:
You made a wonderful thing.
But if you can't provide something we all need, and that you would like to provide, there are alternatives:

1.  Solicit a quote for someone to do the work for you, and then use crowdfunding to pay for it;
2.  Open source the project;
3.  I bet other users will have better suggestions than the ones I made.

On Sat, Jan 11, 2020, 5:47 AM vlad <vlad.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
 All this discussion and excuses for a feature requested and promised when 2012 was the highlight, 8 bloody years ago. I've changed the furniture twice already...

@Hansifer or @SessionBuddySupport, either take a vacation in which you focus only on this, finish the feature and charge for it OR you open source the app so that people can contribute and your app lives and grows in usage opening new ways to monetize later down the road. I see you put a lot of effort in the website and making excuses since 2012, which is the opposite direction for what people are asking here. 

You will lose users this way and you have lost me, best of luck with your free time project sir.

On Thursday, January 4, 2018 at 4:43:23 PM UTC+2, Session Buddy Support wrote:
The project is not dead, but it’s important to understand the economics of it in order to understand why progress is so slow. 

When you work a full-time job 50-60 hrs per week, there are only so many hours left regardless of how many people are willing to “chip in” after the fact.

I love working on Session Buddy and would love nothing more than to focus on it full-time, but food and shelter kind of take priority.

On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 3:13 AM Marcel Bro <marce...@gmail.com> wrote:
Dude, so many people want this and are willing to chip in for it.. Such a shame this project is dead.

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Faisal Abidi

Jan 30, 2020, 11:12:13 AM1/30/20
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
I've been a long time session buddy user, but recently switched to tabXpert and found that while the UI isn't as pretty, it has way better usage, it's totally upgraded how I organize my work.
Check it out!

On Thu, Jan 30, 2020, 1:21 AM Herald38 <arthur...@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm guessing from recent messages here that Session Buddy still doesn't sync across devices as of Jan 2020.

Pity but that really limits it's use case.

What alternatives would others here recommend?

On Monday, January 13, 2020 at 1:22:42 AM UTC+8, Marc Hankin wrote:
You made a wonderful thing.
But if you can't provide something we all need, and that you would like to provide, there are alternatives:

1.  Solicit a quote for someone to do the work for you, and then use crowdfunding to pay for it;
2.  Open source the project;
3.  I bet other users will have better suggestions than the ones I made.

On Sat, Jan 11, 2020, 5:47 AM vlad <vlad.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
 All this discussion and excuses for a feature requested and promised when 2012 was the highlight, 8 bloody years ago. I've changed the furniture twice already...

@Hansifer or @SessionBuddySupport, either take a vacation in which you focus only on this, finish the feature and charge for it OR you open source the app so that people can contribute and your app lives and grows in usage opening new ways to monetize later down the road. I see you put a lot of effort in the website and making excuses since 2012, which is the opposite direction for what people are asking here. 

You will lose users this way and you have lost me, best of luck with your free time project sir.

On Thursday, January 4, 2018 at 4:43:23 PM UTC+2, Session Buddy Support wrote:
The project is not dead, but it’s important to understand the economics of it in order to understand why progress is so slow. 

When you work a full-time job 50-60 hrs per week, there are only so many hours left regardless of how many people are willing to “chip in” after the fact.

I love working on Session Buddy and would love nothing more than to focus on it full-time, but food and shelter kind of take priority.

On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 3:13 AM Marcel Bro <marce...@gmail.com> wrote:
Dude, so many people want this and are willing to chip in for it.. Such a shame this project is dead.

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Tim Kane

Jun 4, 2020, 11:12:33 AM6/4/20
to Session Buddy Discussion

I'm sure you're fed up with hearing it, but...
+1 for a sync feature!

Austin F

Aug 26, 2020, 11:00:53 PM8/26/20
to Session Buddy Discussion
Agreed on the +1 for sync!

Prashanth K. Prakash

Jun 7, 2023, 12:47:36 PM6/7/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Just wanted to +1 for the much discussed sync across devices feature :p
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