Option to select multiple snapshots to create a collection

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Jun 3, 2024, 3:22:01 PMJun 3
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hi, prior to the v4 update I was able to select multiple sessions from the "preview sessions" thing and save them as one big session containing multiple windows with multiple tabs from different sessions, all in one.

Similarly, now I want to select multiple Snapshots from the History and save them as a Collection, but I can't select more than one snapshot at a time, which means I can only create a collection of one snapshot at a time.

Before, I could select the first one, then hold shift and then click on the last one to select multiple sessions, or simply hold control while clicking on the desired preview sessions and save them all in one collection. I'm missing something or we can't do that anymore? And if don't, how can I do it? I would love if you bring this feature back. Thanks in advance!


Jun 5, 2024, 10:58:49 AMJun 5
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hello? Please, is there any way I can turn multiple snapshots from the History into a Collection? I really need that :/

Session Buddy Support

Jun 7, 2024, 10:33:05 AM (13 days ago) Jun 7
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
History tile multi-select is not currently supported, but we do plan to add support for that.


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Jun 7, 2024, 1:32:24 PM (13 days ago) Jun 7
to Session Buddy Discussion
Thanks for the answer, Hans! Is this one of the planned features for the upcoming 4.0.4 update?

Session Buddy Support

Jun 7, 2024, 1:34:22 PM (13 days ago) Jun 7
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Nope, this isn't quite ready, so won't make it into the next release.


David Conger

Jun 8, 2024, 11:09:37 AM (12 days ago) Jun 8
to Session Buddy Discussion
I was just wondering why so many important features are not available in this app..... History tile multi-select is not currently supported, drag-drop not supported, group tabs not supported. (too many more to list). All I see is  "we do plan to add support for that.". for just about every inquiry about any missing modern features the app should have had by default. 

Session Buddy Support

Jun 8, 2024, 11:27:03 AM (12 days ago) Jun 8
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
The simple answer to your question is that software development takes time and money. Lots of it. Think about how much you're paying for this extension and crunch the numbers.

> All I see is  "we do plan to add support for that.". for just about every inquiry

Respectfully, that's not quite a fair assessment. You're choosing to focus on what's missing and ignoring a significant amount of recent and ongoing work and the many conversations in this forum that have led to shipped features and improvements.

All that said, we're very much aware of what's missing and doing our best to continue to deliver the needed features within the constraints of our economic reality. Your patience is very much appreciated.


David Conger

Jun 8, 2024, 9:02:14 PM (12 days ago) Jun 8
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hi Hans, Thanks for the update. I did not mean to come across as ungrateful.  I have just came across and tried so many "newer" apps that have a lot of the I would call "basic features" (drag&drop, session/collection windows showing the amount of tabs, date created, and being able to re-order the list, add current tabs to saved collections (easily), Chrome tab groups etc) that Session Buddy needs. It just seems like Session Buddy, being a mature app, it's been around quite a while, would already have most of these functions by now. (hopefully, in ver 4.4) All these newer apps, Tabmanager.io,TabXpert,Skeema all seem to have these features...........Thanks Dave

Session Buddy Support

Jun 9, 2024, 12:21:58 PM (11 days ago) Jun 9
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
No worries David. Just wanted to add some important context that I felt was missing in your assessment.

That said, your question is a fair one.

There's something else that might shed light on the answer. For a while there wasn't a whole lot of SB feature development going on.

There were a couple of reasons for this, not the least of which was the condition of the codebase. SB was originally written 14 years ago without the benefit of any frameworks, libraries, and tooling. This made updates time consuming, error-prone, and almost impossible for multiple devs to work on simultaneously.

An effort was undertaken to remedy this by rewriting the code from the ground up. The recent v4 release is the product of that considerable effort.

While we now have the advantage of a sane codebase upon which to continue to build features, there is also an adjustment period to contend with since in some ways this is a new product with new bugs and quirks to iron out. We also had to ship v4 with feature regressions because of time pressure due to Chrome deprecations. The alternative was data loss for a large portion of users, so not much wiggle room there.

Consequently, there's been a significant follow-up effort to address feature gaps and inconsistencies with v3. Most of our work for the past 3 months has been focused on just that. v4.0.4, which is being submitted to the CWS today, is another big leap forward.

All that said, there remains a lot of work to do, and that's always going to be true. Any software product at this scale will naturally have a perpetually substantial backlog. It's important to understand that most of the work being done involves just ensuring that everything functions as expected, is performant, robust, secure, etc. That's effort that is effectively invisible to users, as it should be if we're doing our jobs right. Point being, feature set is only one part of an equation that is much more elaborate than many folks realize.

Finally, when you're comparing two competing products (software or otherwise), I get that it's natural to focus on deficiencies, but qualitative comparisons tend to be skewed when you're failing to consider the bigger picture.


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