Position in collections list should not be reset when clearing search

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Apr 15, 2024, 3:16:50 PMApr 15
to Session Buddy Discussion
Scenario: I search for a string, find it in a 3 year old session. I clear the search field, all of a sudden, the collections list is reset and I have no way to move up and down in the collections list around the time the search result was found. This problem is compounded by the fact that scrolling back to that collection that contained the search result now takes forever because of lazy loading.


1. When clearing the search string, keep the collections list centered on the collection in which the search string was found.
2. Provide a button to load all collections so one may freely scroll from the top to the bottom of the collections list instantly.

This is essential to making Session Buddy useful with large sets of saved past sessions, as it used to be before this update.


Apr 15, 2024, 3:24:54 PMApr 15
to Session Buddy Discussion
To clarify, when focusing on a collection that is part of a search result, clearing the search string removes the focus from that collection (ie, the collection is deselected). If I click on a collection to focus on it, the focus should be preserved after I clear the search string. The collection's contents is still being displayed, so the collection should still be selected in the list.

Session Buddy Support

Apr 30, 2024, 1:03:13 PMApr 30
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Clearing search should not be deselecting collections. If it is then that’s a bug.

What you’re probably observing is a side effect of lazy loading. Clearing search resets the collection list. Collection tile selections are preserved but may not be visible until scrolled to. 


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Apr 30, 2024, 11:46:37 PMApr 30
to Session Buddy Discussion
> What you’re probably observing is a side effect of lazy loading. Clearing search resets the collection list. Collection tile selections are preserved but may not be visible until scrolled to. 

Interesting. Another negative impact of lazy loading! ;) Well, if clearing the search string doesn't deselect the selected collection containing the search string, then the collections list should remained centered around that selected collection, as it did in the previous version. Otherwise, there's no easy way to browse around that selection after clearing the search string. Indeed, "not visible until scrolled to" implies a tedious process of consecutive lazy loads until that selected collection is located. Would it be possible then to not reset the collections list upon clearing the search string such that the selected collection remains visible in the list?


Jun 10, 2024, 12:44:08 PM (10 days ago) Jun 10
to Session Buddy Discussion
Any update on this?

Session Buddy Support

Jun 10, 2024, 12:58:54 PM (10 days ago) Jun 10
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Being submitted to the CWS today. Release notes to be published shortly.

Included changes you might be interested in:

- Experimental flags to allow tweaking of lazy loading behavior, including collection-fetch-all and history-fetch-all (along with keyboard interaction, this addresses the issue from this thread as arrow up/down will scroll to selected tile after canceling search)

- Fix to prevent collection rename from affecting modification date



Jun 10, 2024, 1:09:52 PM (10 days ago) Jun 10
to Session Buddy Discussion
Thank you!



Jun 15, 2024, 5:56:10 PM (5 days ago) Jun 15
to Session Buddy Discussion
> - Experimental flags to allow tweaking of lazy loading behavior, including collection-fetch-all and history-fetch-all (along with keyboard interaction, this addresses the issue from this thread as arrow up/down will scroll to selected tile after canceling search)

Perhaps there's something I'm not understanding but this doesn't seem to work at all. When I select a session containing my search string, then cancel the search by clearing the search string, using the arrow keys automatically jumps to the current browser session instead of scrolling to the previously selected tile as you say. Is this a bug?


On Monday, June 10, 2024 at 1:09:52 PM UTC-4 FH wrote:
Thank you!


Session Buddy Support

Jun 16, 2024, 8:37:19 AM (4 days ago) Jun 16
to sessionbud...@googlegroups.com
Not able to repro this. Can you send a screen recording to the support email by chance?


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