Forced Manifest V3

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Daniel Zigler

Oct 15, 2022, 9:14:29 PM10/15/22
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hi there, 
I have heard there is gonna be a forced use of Manifest V3 for all extensions/plugins for google chrome's web store soon at Jan 2023.
Are there any plans to shift the new Session Buddy v4 remake that is in the works to Manifest V3 before pushing it out?


Oct 30, 2022, 5:36:32 PM10/30/22
to Session Buddy Discussion
developer has abanonded this project a year ago.. don't expect changes

Session Buddy Support

Nov 15, 2022, 6:26:26 PM11/15/22
Yes, v4 will use manifest v3.


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Daniel Zigler

Nov 15, 2022, 9:08:15 PM11/15/22
to Session Buddy Discussion
is there any ETA for the update or some form of progress showcase?

Session Buddy Support

Nov 17, 2022, 6:02:19 PM11/17/22
I'll be publishing an update here in the next few weeks.


Daniel Zigler

Dec 9, 2022, 4:33:18 PM12/9/22
to Session Buddy Discussion
Any Update?

Daniel Zigler

Dec 23, 2022, 1:44:59 PM12/23/22
to Session Buddy Discussion
The Deadline is approaching fast

Random User

Dec 23, 2022, 4:51:48 PM12/23/22
to Session Buddy Discussion
Update of this extension would have been a good Christmas gift..

I use this extension since 2013 and I have not noticed any major changes or improvement compared to other extensions in this same time frame which is very sad since this extension has over 1 million active users.
Maybe Hans should figure out a way to make money though this extension? I would be ok with one or two ads somewhere.

Daniel Zigler

Dec 30, 2022, 8:28:11 PM12/30/22
to Session Buddy Discussion
I would also be fine with some ads moderately as long as they don't hurt the user experience.

January is already around the corner so i hope we get the V4 Update soon... 

Daniel Zigler

Jan 28, 2023, 10:56:45 AM1/28/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
BUMP, is there any update regarding v4? i feel like even with the postponed manifest v3 force to June 2023 we are kind of in the dark regarding SB v4

Daniel Zigler

Feb 10, 2023, 7:01:44 PM2/10/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Re:BUMP, is there any updates regarding v4?


Feb 19, 2023, 11:56:26 AM2/19/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
as I said half a year ago.. Dev either abandoned the project or he has other more important stuff taking up his time.. don't expect any changes.

I'm sad to see it go as well, but that's the life of software sometimes.

Session Buddy Support

Mar 13, 2023, 8:44:25 PM3/13/23
Apologies for dropping the ball on the update. I get a flood of support emails that are impossible to keep up with and this one just got lost in the shuffle. Anyway, no excuses. Here's where we're at:

First off, a couple pieces of good news:

  • The manifest v3 deadline has been extended by the Chrome team. This reduces the urgency somewhat and allows for SB v4 to be more fully fleshed out and tested before roll out. That's pretty important because v4 is a complete rewrite that includes, among many other things, the foundation for cloud storage and sync (to be subsequently introduced). It also moves local user data storage out of Web SQL Database, which has been deprecated for some time and support for which will eventually (soonish) be removed from Chrome. Obviously the reliability of the data migration is critical and as such benefits significantly from exhaustive testing. Anyway, more info here on the manifest v3 postponements:

  • Mass layoffs at my company have left me recently unemployed. I will be taking a break from FTE to focus exclusively on completing SB v4 and subsequent feature releases. The ultimate plan is to get to a point where cloud storage and sync is made available as a premium feature that generates sufficient revenue to fund ongoing maintenance and development and keep this tool viable and competitive indefinitely. That all may be a tad ambitious, but I'm committed to giving it my best effort.

OK so what does this mean in terms of v4 timeline?

For one, to address the main concern of this thread, v4 will be complete before the forced manifest v3 date, so no concerns there. At my current pace I anticipate that to be around mid-May. There's a couple of key features that need to be completed yet and lots of refinement and testing. It's hard to overstate how much of a leap forward v4 is both technically and functionally. Once complete, the cadence of feature releases should be more regular and frequent.

I've been lousy at communicating, I know. I'll try better. In the meantime I really appreciate everyone's patience while I'm focused on development.

Thanks for your understanding. 🙏



Mar 16, 2023, 8:40:00 AM3/16/23
to Session Buddy Discussion

Thanks for letting us know about the progress of it and also thank you for all the things you have achieved so far! You've done an amazing job with the current version already, and I'm sure the next iteration will be matching as well.
Keep up the good work!

Best regards!

Darren Semotiuk

Mar 17, 2023, 7:17:05 PM3/17/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Sorry for your bad luck re. your day job, Hans.
Thanks so much for still keeping in mind the community of people who appreciate the web tools you have built.

I'm very glad to hear the Manifest v3 deadline got extended. Will you also be updating the excellent (and far less complex) "TabCopy" extension? 🙏

(I just discovered it today, and I like it so much that I instantly donated a fiver to you money. Solid design, well done! 🏆)

Session Buddy Support

Mar 18, 2023, 6:55:52 PM3/18/23
Thanks Darren, I appreciate your support!

I very much want to and do plan to update TabCopy (I know it needs it), but my priority in the near term will be Session Buddy.

Thanks again!


Session Buddy Support

Mar 30, 2023, 12:28:34 AM3/30/23
For those interested, the Chrome Extensions Team issued an update today regarding the Manifest V2 phase-out plan:

Here's the highlight: 

We're still working on the timeline of the MV2 phase-out plan, so keep an eye out for it in the coming months. We will provide sufficient migration time for developers - at least 6 months of heads-up - before beginning any experiments to turn off MV2 in the browser next year.

Regardless, Session Buddy v4 remains on track for a May rollout (most likely end of at this point). Will update again in a month or so on where we stand.

Thanks all,

Session Buddy Support

May 8, 2023, 3:03:26 AM5/8/23
Hey all, as promised earlier in this thread, I wanted to issue a quick update on the v4 release.

Thanks to a recent full-time focus on Session Buddy development, a tremendous amount of work has been completed in the last 3 months. While a few technical challenges were discovered along the way that prompted some rework, things have been going relatively smoothly.

Taking stock of what remains to be completed at this point, I'm now expecting to post the release announcement and a preview of features (possibly in the form of a video) around mid July, to be followed shortly by the rollout after final tweaks. A little bit of slippage, but not too bad considering how massive this release is.

I'm excited to finally get v4 out there and I'm really grateful for everyone's patience as we're nearing this major milestone.


David Lang

May 8, 2023, 3:24:31 AM5/8/23
I know that you are busy working on things, but is there any chance of putting a
bounty on getting a feature added?

Specifically, adding the ability to delay between opening tabs. Once you get
above ~70 tabs to open, Chrome can esentially lock up as it opens tabs, beyond
~100 tabs it's almost guaranteed to happen, even a 1/4 second between opening
tabs eliminates the problems.

This has already been implemented in a fork of sessionbuddy, so it's more a
matter of you accepting the contribution than having to do development.

David Lang

On Sun, 7 May 2023, Session Buddy Support wrote:

> Hey all, as promised earlier in this thread, I wanted to issue a quick
> update on the v4 release.
> Thanks to a recent full-time focus on Session Buddy development, a
> tremendous amount of work has been completed in the last 3 months. While a
> few technical challenges were discovered along the way that prompted some
> rework, things have been going relatively smoothly.
> Taking stock of what remains to be completed at this point, I'm now
> expecting to post the release announcement and a preview of features
> (possibly in the form of a video) around mid July, to be followed shortly
> by the rollout after final tweaks. A little bit of slippage, but not too
> bad considering how massive this release is.
> I'm excited to finally get v4 out there and I'm really grateful for
> everyone's patience as we're nearing this major milestone.
> Cheers,
> Hans
> On Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 6:27 PM Session Buddy Support <
>> wrote:
>> For those interested, the Chrome Extensions Team issued an update today
>> regarding the Manifest V2 phase-out plan:
>> Here's the highlight:
>> *We're still working on the timeline of the MV2 phase-out plan, so keep an
>> eye out for it in the coming months. We will provide sufficient migration
>> time for developers - at least 6 months of heads-up - before beginning any
>> experiments to turn off MV2 in the browser next year.*
>> Regardless, Session Buddy v4 remains on track for a May rollout (most
>> likely end of at this point). Will update again in a month or so on where
>> we stand.
>> Thanks all,
>> Hans
>> On Mon, Mar 13, 2023 at 2:43 PM Session Buddy Support <
>>> wrote:
>>> Apologies for dropping the ball on the update. I get a flood of support
>>> emails that are impossible to keep up with and this one just got lost in
>>> the shuffle. Anyway, no excuses. Here's where we're at:
>>> First off, a couple pieces of good news:
>>> - The manifest v3 deadline has been extended by the Chrome team. This
>>> reduces the urgency somewhat and allows for SB v4 to be more fully fleshed
>>> out and tested before roll out. That's pretty important because v4 is a
>>> complete rewrite that includes, among many other things, the foundation for
>>> cloud storage and sync (to be subsequently introduced). It also moves local
>>> user data storage out of Web SQL Database, which has been deprecated for
>>> some time and support for which will eventually (soonish) be removed from
>>> Chrome. Obviously the reliability of the data migration is critical and as
>>> such benefits significantly from exhaustive testing. Anyway, more info here
>>> on the manifest v3 postponements:
>>> - Mass layoffs at my company have left me recently unemployed. I will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>>>>>>> Google Groups "Session Buddy Discussion" group.
>>>>>>>>>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from
>>>>>>>>>>>> it, send an email to
>>>>>>>>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>>> Groups "Session Buddy Discussion" group.
>>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>>>> an email to
>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>>> <>
>>>> .

Session Buddy Support

May 8, 2023, 3:55:04 AM5/8/23
@David I can try to prioritize this for a follow-on release after v4 gets out, depending on effort. Can you point me to the fork?


Davor Dundovic

May 8, 2023, 9:30:00 AM5/8/23
I second that motion.

I have tipically 400-500 tabs in around 40 windows and sometimes Chrome
would not open them at all so I try a couple of times. Sometimes it
helps sometimes it does not so I have to manually open window by window
from Session buddy window.

I'm certain that a small delay would help as OP have written bellow.


Mikhail Dimitrov (skylamer)

May 8, 2023, 3:42:58 PM5/8/23
to Session Buddy Discussion

Yes i agree, too (delay + native lazyload ( ifpossible ) ) 
would be nice, V4 will be very good, i feel it !
Message has been deleted

Daniel Zigler

May 19, 2023, 7:34:48 PM5/19/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
I know this is sudden, but are there any plans to create a firefox counterpart anytime soon? maybe after v4 release?

Session Buddy Support

May 20, 2023, 3:30:09 PM5/20/23
@Daniel The v4 rewrite includes changes that significantly facilitate support for other browsers, so a subsequent Firefox version will not be a big lift. Just not sure yet where that will fall among other priorities.


Daniel Zigler

Jun 2, 2023, 7:30:12 AM6/2/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Umm will there be a migration (tool?) from the old database to the new one for users who have been using v3 and below?

Session Buddy Support

Jun 3, 2023, 6:48:59 PM6/3/23
@Daniel Migration will happen automatically when the new version of the extension is opened for the first time. The progress and status of the migration will be displayed and should only take a few seconds in most cases.


Johnny Utahh

Jun 3, 2023, 7:37:45 PM6/3/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Will the sessionbuddy extension "auto update" itself, unless the following settings are manually (by the Chrome user) adjusted (which I prefer, for some extensions) or something else is "managed"/"configured"?

This may be worth intentionally discussing here before Hans "pushes" (?) the v4 update... as it can have significant implications for those of us (me, at least) who are sensitive/picky about data/database/software-update management.

Session Buddy Support

Jun 3, 2023, 9:42:30 PM6/3/23
Thanks for raising these considerations Johnny!

A few important notes on extension auto update:

SB v4 will have a minimum required Chrome version of at least 110 (possibly higher at time of release). Any users on an earlier version of Chrome will not be upgraded and will continue to be able to use their currently-installed SB v3 in the short term but will not be able to reinstall SB from the Chrome Web Store without upgrading Chrome to the latest version.

Please note that after SB v4 is released, v3 will no longer be officially supported and the online support documentation will be updated for v4 and differ significantly from v3.

As for the question of suppressing extension updates, I highly discourage anyone from doing this. It can have unpredictable effects in general and in the case of SB specifically it's highly likely you'll end up losing your data. A backup of your database file won't help either as it will be incompatible with v4.


Message has been deleted

Treksh Marwaha

Jun 22, 2023, 10:29:57 PM6/22/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Will all past exports be incompatible with the new version and unable to be imported? No matter their format?

Session Buddy Support

Jun 23, 2023, 7:05:22 PM6/23/23
Exports and backups done via Session Buddy will remain compatible.

I was referring to the database file that Chrome uses to store the data, which some users may be relying on by backing up manually or via system backup.


Daniel Zigler

Jul 6, 2023, 5:51:18 PM7/6/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
hey there, is mid july 2023 still the estimated release date, or are there any delays?

Session Buddy Support

Jul 7, 2023, 4:07:47 PM7/7/23
Thanks for asking Daniel. I was just gonna post an update about that.

While a ton of work has been completed, a few setbacks have been encountered that will push the release into August, possibly September.

Feature-wise there's a chunk of work yet that needs to be finished around import/export and some rework with the way history is recorded and managed (which is entirely new). Other than that there's a list of lower-effort but important considerations that is not short but shrinking every day.

Hang tight everyone. We're getting close.


Treksh Marwaha

Jul 7, 2023, 4:33:50 PM7/7/23
Thanks for your hard work and providing such a amazing extension 

Best regards,
Treksh Marwaha

From: <> on behalf of Session Buddy Support <>
Sent: Friday, July 7, 2023 9:37:08 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Forced Manifest V3
You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the Google Groups "Session Buddy Discussion" group.
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Aldwin Ryder

Jul 16, 2023, 12:02:15 AM7/16/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
hopefully it fixes yandexes issues, reading through the thread you do mention it should improve compatibility in the other browsers, I assume the chromium ones, so I hoping for the best, by far my favorite extension of all time and a major life changer for a heavy tab user like me, I wish you the best of luck on the release

Daniel Zigler

Aug 22, 2023, 7:34:05 PM8/22/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hey there Hans, are there any news related to the release window? last time u specified August~September and August is almost done.
Hope your hard work goes well~

Session Buddy Support

Aug 24, 2023, 6:48:51 PM8/24/23
Thanks for checking in Daniel.

Current focus is on completing the import feature. In the current version of SB this can fail for large imports. Part of the effort involves exploring solutions for that problem, so it's not a straight port from the old codebase. Beyond that there remain a few smaller items to work through.

Keep in mind that estimates are just estimates and things always take longer than expected. For now I'll just say we are close and getting closer to release every day. 27,000 lines of new code have been written for v4 so far.

Here's a summary of some updates that have been completed to-date:

Improved search

Search results now list individual hits down to the link level. Clicking through on a result opens the associated collection (previously called "Saved session").


Pinned collections

Favorite collections can now be pinned to the top of the list of collections for easy access.


Dark theme

Light or dark theme can be selected. The OS theme is adopted by default.



An arbitrary selection of windows and tabs can be copied and then pasted into other collections (or externally into documents, emails, etc). A number of special formats are supported including Markdown, CSV, and JSON.


More ignore options

New or pinned tabs can now optionally be ignored in addition to Session Buddy and browser tabs.


Link editing

Titles and urls of links in collections can now be edited.

Improved save/move to new collection

An arbitrary selection of windows and tabs can be saved or moved to a new collection.

Faster load

Collection tiles in the nav menu now load incrementally on scroll, significantly speeding up app load when there's a lot of collections. Collection content loads on demand when selected.

Robust favicon fallbacks

Logic to account for link rot by dynamically swapping in fallback icons in older collections.

Technical updates

Most of the v4 rewrite has been focused on replacing outdated technologies, ensuring continued browser compliance, and providing a robust foundation to facilitate the build-out of future features. Some of the technical items addressed to-date include:
  • Establish foundation for cloud storage and collection sharing
  • Establish foundation for tab group support
  • Provide support for Firefox, Edge, and other browsers
  • Ensure extension manifest v3 compliance
  • Deprecate use of Web SQL Database in favor of IndexedDB
  • Establish support for multiple languages

Those are just the highlights. v4 includes literally 100's of enhancements and bug fixes.

I'll be posting a version of this officially soon.


Random User

Aug 25, 2023, 1:15:25 AM8/25/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
" Search results now list individual hits"

We won't be able to just type in 'samsung' and easily overview all sessions and tabs tabs that contain that particular url or phrase like it is currently?


Session Buddy Support

Aug 25, 2023, 3:08:31 AM8/25/23
Search results will include matching sessions (now called collections) and tabs. 


Aug 29, 2023, 4:41:36 AM8/29/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Support syncing with onedrive, dropbox, browser.

Daniel Zigler

Oct 15, 2023, 4:06:46 PM10/15/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hey there Hans,
I wanted to check in again about the release date window.

does your work progress well?

Session Buddy Support

Oct 17, 2023, 5:43:53 PM10/17/23
Going well, thanks for checking in Daniel. Currently working on extra features to include in v4, including support for additional copy/paste scenarios to facilitate adding selected windows/tabs from the current session or a collection to another existing collection and additional copy formats. Also adding improvements to routing to make browser back/forth navigation more robust.


David Lang

Oct 17, 2023, 8:16:43 PM10/17/23
please test with opening sessions with several hundred tabs (in my experience,
it gets flaky after ~100 tabs, but by the time you get to 300-400 it's reliably
a problem on chrome based browsers), even a slight (say 1/4 second) delay
between opening tabs avoids the problem.

David Lang

On Tue, 17 Oct 2023, Session Buddy Support wrote:

> Going well, thanks for checking in Daniel. Currently working on extra
> features to include in v4, including support for additional copy/paste
> scenarios to facilitate adding selected windows/tabs from the current
> session or a collection to another existing collection and additional copy
> formats. Also adding improvements to routing to make browser back/forth
> navigation more robust.
> Hans
> On Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 10:06 AM Daniel Zigler <> wrote:
>> Hey there Hans,
>> I wanted to check in again about the release date window.
>> does your work progress well?
>> On Tuesday, 29 August 2023 at 07:41:36 UTC+3 LIANG wrote:
>>> Support syncing with onedrive, dropbox, browser.
>>> 在2023年8月25日星期五 UTC+8 11:08:31<Session Buddy Support> 写道:
>>>> Search results will include matching sessions (now called collections)
>>>> and tabs.
>>>> On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 7:15 PM Random User <> wrote:
>>>>> *" Search results now list individual hits"*
>>>>> We won't be able to just type in 'samsung' and easily overview all
>>>>> sessions and tabs tabs that contain that particular url or phrase like it
>>>>> is currently?
>>>>> [image: ss1.png]
>>>>> On Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 9:48:51 PM UTC+3 Session Buddy Support
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for checking in Daniel.
>>>>>> Current focus is on completing the import feature. In the current
>>>>>> version of SB this can fail for large imports. Part of the effort involves
>>>>>> exploring solutions for that problem, so it's not a straight port from the
>>>>>> old codebase. Beyond that there remain a few smaller items to work through.
>>>>>> Keep in mind that estimates are just estimates and things always take
>>>>>> longer than expected. For now I'll just say we are close and getting closer
>>>>>> to release every day. 27,000 lines of new code have been written for v4 so
>>>>>> far.
>>>>>> Here's a summary of some updates that have been completed to-date:
>>>>>> *Improved search*
>>>>>> Search results now list individual hits down to the link level.
>>>>>> Clicking through on a result opens the associated collection (previously
>>>>>> called "Saved session").
>>>>>> [image: image.png]
>>>>>> *Pinned collections*
>>>>>> Favorite collections can now be pinned to the top of the list of
>>>>>> collections for easy access.
>>>>>> [image: image.png]
>>>>>> *Dark theme*
>>>>>> Light or dark theme can be selected. The OS theme is adopted by
>>>>>> default.
>>>>>> [image: image.png]
>>>>>> *Copy/paste*
>>>>>> An arbitrary selection of windows and tabs can be copied and then
>>>>>> pasted into other collections (or externally into documents, emails, etc).
>>>>>> A number of special formats are supported including Markdown, CSV, and JSON.
>>>>>> [image: image.png]
>>>>>> *More ignore options*
>>>>>> New or pinned tabs can now optionally be ignored in addition to
>>>>>> Session Buddy and browser tabs.
>>>>>> [image: image.png]
>>>>>> *Link editing*
>>>>>> Titles and urls of links in collections can now be edited.
>>>>>> Improved save/move to new collection
>>>>>> An arbitrary selection of windows and tabs can be saved or moved to a
>>>>>> new collection.
>>>>>> Faster load
>>>>>> Collection tiles in the nav menu now load incrementally on scroll, *significantly
>>>>>> *speeding up app load when there's a lot of collections. Collection
>>>>>> content loads on demand when selected.
>>>>>> Robust favicon fallbacks
>>>>>> Logic to account for link rot by dynamically swapping in fallback
>>>>>> icons in older collections.
>>>>>> Technical updates
>>>>>> Most of the v4 rewrite has been focused on replacing outdated
>>>>>> technologies, ensuring continued browser compliance, and providing a robust
>>>>>> foundation to facilitate the build-out of future features. Some of the
>>>>>> technical items addressed to-date include:
>>>>>> - Establish foundation for cloud storage and collection sharing
>>>>>> - Establish foundation for tab group support
>>>>>> - Provide support for Firefox, Edge, and other browsers
>>>>>> - Ensure extension manifest v3 compliance
>>>>>> - Deprecate use of Web SQL Database in favor of IndexedDB
>>>>>> - Establish support for multiple languages
>>>>>> Those are just the highlights. v4 includes literally 100's of
>>>>>> enhancements and bug fixes.
>>>>>> I'll be posting a version of this officially soon.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Hans
>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 1:34 PM Daniel Zigler <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey there Hans, are there any news related to the release window?
>>>>>>> last time u specified August~September and August is almost done.
>>>>>>> Hope your hard work goes well~
>>>>>>> On Sunday, 16 July 2023 at 03:02:15 UTC+3 Aldwin Ryder wrote:
>>>>>>>> hopefully it fixes yandexes issues, reading through the thread you
>>>>>>>> do mention it should improve compatibility in the other browsers, I assume
>>>>>>>> the chromium ones, so I hoping for the best, by far my favorite extension
>>>>>>>> of all time and a major life changer for a heavy tab user like me, I wish
>>>>>>>> you the best of luck on the release
>>>>>>>> On Friday, July 7, 2023 at 9:33:50 AM UTC-7 Treksh Marwaha wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your hard work and providing such a amazing extension
>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Treksh Marwaha
>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>>> *From:* <
>>>>>>>>>> on behalf of Session Buddy Support
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> *Sent:* Friday, July 7, 2023 9:37:08 PM
>>>>>>>>> *To:* <
>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Forced Manifest V3
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for asking Daniel. I was just gonna post an update about
>>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>>> While a ton of work has been completed, a few setbacks have been
>>>>>>>>> encountered that will push the release into August, possibly September.
>>>>>>>>> Feature-wise there's a chunk of work yet that needs to be finished
>>>>>>>>> around import/export and some rework with the way history is recorded and
>>>>>>>>> managed (which is entirely new). Other than that there's a list of
>>>>>>>>> lower-effort but important considerations that is not short but shrinking
>>>>>>>>> every day.
>>>>>>>>> Hang tight everyone. We're getting close.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Hans
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 11:51 AM Daniel Zigler <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> hey there, is mid july 2023 still the estimated release date, or
>>>>>>>>> are there any delays?
>>>>>>>>> On Friday, 23 June 2023 at 22:05:22 UTC+3 Session Buddy Support
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Exports and backups *done via Session Buddy *will remain
>>>>>>>>> compatible.
>>>>>>>>> I was referring to the database file that Chrome uses to store the
>>>>>>>>> data, which some users may be relying on by backing up manually or via
>>>>>>>>> system backup.
>>>>>>>>> Hans
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 4:30 PM Treksh Marwaha <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Will all past exports be incompatible with the new version and
>>>>>>>>> unable to be imported? No matter their format?
>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 3:12:30 AM UTC+5:30 Session Buddy
>>>>>>>>> Support wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for raising these considerations Johnny!
>>>>>>>>> A few important notes on extension auto update:
>>>>>>>>> SB v4 will have a minimum required Chrome version of at least 110
>>>>>>>>> (possibly higher at time of release). Any users on an earlier version of
>>>>>>>>> Chrome will not be upgraded and will continue to be able to use their
>>>>>>>>> currently-installed SB v3 in the short term *but will not be able
>>>>>>>>> to reinstall SB from the Chrome Web Store without upgrading Chrome to the
>>>>>>>>> latest version*.
>>>>>>>>> Please note that after SB v4 is released, v3 will no longer be
>>>>>>>>> officially supported and the online support documentation will be updated
>>>>>>>>> for v4 and differ significantly from v3.
>>>>>>>>> As for the question of suppressing extension updates, *I highly
>>>>>>>>> discourage anyone from doing this*. It can have unpredictable
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> .
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Session Buddy Support

Oct 23, 2023, 10:13:36 PM10/23/23
@David I'm experimenting with optimizations that kick in if lots of tabs are being opened at one time. One is a delay, as you proposed, and another is to reclaim memory during the process by suspending tabs as they load.

Looking good so far.


Roberto A

Oct 24, 2023, 6:10:55 AM10/24/23
For someone who works with a couple of thousands (sometimes more) tabs, this is just fantastic.

Thanks Hans.
Is it possible for you to put here a link for a (small but grateful) contribution in Euros?


David Lang

Oct 24, 2023, 6:19:16 AM10/24/23
Thanks. The delay is a horrid work-around, but it hit the 'easy to explain and
easy to implement' sweet spot.

Since I have the problem even on machines with lots of ram, I don't know if the
ram savings are enough. It was chrome eating lots of CPU, not the system

I tend to be in the 400-500 tab range (I used to go a bit higher, but after a
few session losses I started archiving things as saved sessions)

David Lang

Session Buddy Support

Oct 24, 2023, 4:40:26 PM10/24/23
Thanks Roberto. I appreciate the thought. There's some donation options at


Session Buddy Support

Oct 24, 2023, 5:10:55 PM10/24/23
@David I'm exploring some other ideas but based on what I know for now those seem the best options to play with. I'd like to dig into it more to understand the true source of the problem and tune the solution accordingly, but that will have to happen later.

Tab discard-on-load is a relatively straightforward implementation for now and seems to make sense for other reasons too. Each page is allowed to load and discarded immediately after loading. It would be nice to optimize this, perhaps limiting the fetching of sub-resources, if possible, which would also help with CPU load. One tricky part of all this is preserving the acquisition of the (correct) favicon and title. Anyway, some further exploration and iteration needed but not a bad start.


Treksh Marwaha

Oct 24, 2023, 9:35:56 PM10/24/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Yeah, chrome just seems limited in some way even if the system is not bottlenecked. Everyone on the internet is looking for how to make chrome use less of the system and here I am trying to find how to make it use more. 

I have 13900ks, 4090, 60+ gigs of fast ram but chrome still gets stuck and takes like 10 mins if I open all my 600 tabs at the same time with Session buddy. When I do this chrome usually takes up less than 30% of the CPU even if the rest of the CPU is sitting there doing nothing else. 

The workaround I have found to work is just to open the windows one at a time which makes it take only a couple of mins. 

Though my issue may well have to do with the fact that I suspend tons of my tabs and that extension suspended tabs is stored in session buddy as the link, so maybe that is the bottleneck not session buddy or chrome. 

David Lang

Oct 24, 2023, 9:39:34 PM10/24/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
yep, my guess is that there is some internal locking that goes haywire when too
many tabs are trying to open at the same time.

David Lang

Roberto A

Nov 2, 2023, 9:02:31 AM11/2/23
Hi Hans

Just to let you know that the link to either PayPal/bitcoins donations in your answer didn't work from my mobile in Italy.
But I found another link for PayPal donations in SB's website.

Thanks again for your work on SB and anxiously waiting for v4 ;-)

Roberto A 

Gabriel Vanca

Nov 2, 2023, 11:56:25 PM11/2/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Any news on the release date of v4? 
Meanwhile, I made another donation while waiting for v4 ;)

Session Buddy Support

Nov 8, 2023, 1:49:54 PM11/8/23
Well I clearly suck at estimates, so I hesitate to say any more about the release date until we're at least a couple weeks out from releasing.

Some additional features were added that did extend the timeline, but also things just always take longer than expected.

What I CAN say is that progress continues to be made daily and this has been and will be my full-time focus until it's released.



Nov 27, 2023, 12:03:01 PM11/27/23
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hello,I wanted to let you know that I've sent a voluntary collaboration proposal through the Session Buddy contact page. Just wanted to ensure it gets noticed, considering the number of messages you must receive.Thanks!

Daniel Zigler

Jan 7, 2024, 5:49:20 PM1/7/24
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hey Hans & Happy New Year!~

Sorry to bother you again even tho you said you shouldnt estimate a release date,
but i wanted to know if there are any news you can share with us since its been ~2 months since the last post

Session Buddy Support

Jan 8, 2024, 7:32:02 PM1/8/24

No worries. I appreciate your continued interest and patience.

There are multiple factors contributing to the delay, the most significant of which is the decision to include an unplanned Copy-Paste feature in v4. This ended up consuming a lot of cycles, but I felt it was important to include because it opens up some compelling use cases.

Copy-Paste allows for copying an arbitrary selection of tabs from either the Current or a Saved Session and pasting either into the Current Session (which opens them) or any Saved Session. Copy-Paste works across Session Buddy tabs and even different Session Buddy installations with the appropriate permission granted. Copied tabs will also paste as hyperlinks into documents, spreadsheets, and emails and as URLs into text editors. Additional formats are also supported, such as Markdown, CSV, and JSON.

I don't want to speculate at this point but I'll update as we get closer.

Thanks for checking in Daniel!


David Morris

Jan 8, 2024, 9:42:47 PM1/8/24
to Session Buddy Discussion
> There are multiple factors contributing to the delay, the most significant of which is the decision to include an unplanned Copy-Paste feature in v4. This ended up consuming a lot of cycles, 

Hans, thanks for the update. Glad to hear things are progressing.

Now please take this in the vein of constructive criticism as it is intended. I fully appreciate this is a free extension and none of us really have any say in how it's developed. But I'm passionate about this extension and I've mentioned before that I'd be happy to pay for it.

As someone who has worked in software engineering/delivery for the past 30+ years, this reason for the delay sounds like classic scope creep and like a classic waterfall vs agile delivery conflict of ideals. Session Buddy has gone a really long time between functional releases. I do appreciate that you're now more responsive and keeping us updated whereas in the past you'd go dark for long periods of time, making it look like the project was abandoned.

But I think most of us would really like to see a more agile, incremental delivery model. Release early, release often. Add functionality through frequent updates rather than packing in tons of changes and continuing to delay releases as you think of new features. Maybe that's not the way you're intentionally approaching it, but it's the way it comes across to many of your users/customers. I know from my experience, delivering an MVP and then building upon it is more exciting and satisfying to not only your users but your developers (which may or may not be just you) because you get constant, regular feedback and satisfaction of delivery something. It's also easier to fix bugs, pivot on design choices, and respond to user priorities when the body of work being delivered in each release is smaller. Big, delayed releases carry much more risk, whether in maintainability or in user experience/satisfaction.

This Copy-Paste feature is a perfect example. Sure it sounds neat, but it's not as important as the ongoing issues and requests being reported over the past few years (auto saving, auto cleanup, lazy loading on restore, named groups/collections, etc.). I would have thought SB4 would have been in feature freeze a long time ago.

Again, just my 2 cents and other than a passionate user of your extension that wants to see it succeed and improve, I don't really have any say here, but felt compelled to respectfully share my thoughts.


Session Buddy Support

Jan 9, 2024, 1:10:02 AM1/9/24

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, David. I appreciate your candor and I generally agree with everything you've written.

With the benefit of hindsight, I agree it's possible it might have been better to release earlier without copy-paste. I'm no stranger to being vulnerable to scope creep and I'm willing to concede that played a role here. That said, I'd like to offer some additional details to help explain the reasoning behind the decision.

One of the reasons I decided copy-paste was worth delaying the release for is that it advances significantly toward addressing probably the 2nd most frequently reported pain point of all time: the ability to add tabs to Saved Sessions. Given it solves that problem in a nice way and facilitates a slew of other use cases, it made sense at the time to inject. I'm not necessarily arguing it was ultimately the right call, just adding context to the motivation. While the other features you mention are important, the volume of feedback I've received about this particular pain point is considerably higher, so respectfully I'm gonna push back a little bit on your prioritization claim.

One thing that makes this release a bit of a unique case is that it's a complete rewrite (yes, I'm aware this kind of endeavour carries high risk and am happy to go into why it was necessary, but that's perhaps a topic for another time). I've put a lot of thought into what to include and what to defer (again, I'm sure I've still managed to misjudge some of that). There are important features that will not initially be included in v4, even though the temptation to include them is compelling because their absence will inevitably disappoint some users. Once v4 is out, it will be easier to release on a regular and frequent cadence, with each release focused on one or two primary features. That's the plan.

Anyway, I hope that adds some detail without sounding too defensive. I'm grateful for your feedback and I hope you'll continue to share it.


Scott Sehlhorst

Jan 10, 2024, 5:20:34 PM1/10/24
to Session Buddy Discussion
Just found Session Buddy this morning, after a chrome update caused my wife to lose all her tabs.  After some research, looks like we've found the right extension and the right developer.  I'm excited for the upcoming update, and how it will help us.  Thank you for building this @Hans
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Jan 11, 2024, 3:13:00 PM1/11/24
to Session Buddy Discussion

I wouldn't wait too long. He's been working on this update for years.
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Session Buddy Support

Jan 11, 2024, 9:05:16 PM1/11/24
While it's true that work on v4 started some time ago, I've been pretty clear about the fact that my bandwidth was very limited for most of that time while FULL TIME focus on this project has been consistent for the last 10 months. During this time I've posted updates and screenshots of the progress and have been actively engaged in this forum. As I've mentioned many times, this is not just another update. It's a rewrite and a huge effort.

Now I appreciate that this release has been a long time coming and that my estimates have been crap, but I respectfully ask that we try to keep things positive and resist the urge to spread FUD.


Jan 11, 2024, 9:26:43 PM1/11/24

Progress is progress and its been consistent so I for one am very hopeful that this new upcoming update will keep chrome useable for me for years to come.


From: <> On Behalf Of Session Buddy Support
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2024 2:35 AM
Subject: Re: Forced Manifest V3


While it's true that work on v4 started some time ago, I've been pretty clear about the fact that my bandwidth was very limited for most of that time while FULL TIME focus on this project has been consistent for the last 10 months. During this time I've posted updates and screenshots of the progress and have been actively engaged in this forum. As I've mentioned many times, this is not just another update. It's a rewrite and a huge effort.

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Session Buddy Support

Jan 25, 2024, 4:30:01 PM1/25/24
We're about a month out from releasing v4.

I've posted the initial draft of the v4 release notes as a bit of a teaser here. Some details are subject to change but it pretty much sums up what will ship.


On Thu, Jan 25, 2024 at 9:27 AM Session Buddy Support <> wrote:
We're about a month out from releasing v4.

I've posted the initial draft of the v4 release notes as a bit of a teaser here. Some details are subject to change but it pretty much sums up what will ship.


Daniel Zigler

Jan 25, 2024, 5:05:09 PM1/25/24
to Session Buddy Discussion
umm i have a bit of a technical question - but are "Folders" in v4 will be able to contain several "Collections"? or is it reserved just for Collections with several windows in them?
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Session Buddy Support

Jan 25, 2024, 5:22:47 PM1/25/24
The main (top-level) container for links is a Collection.

When saving a session, Session > Windows > Tabs becomes Collection > Folders > Links

Does that make sense?

Daniel Zigler

Jan 25, 2024, 5:34:06 PM1/25/24
to Session Buddy Discussion
Yep it does - but i would definitely would like if in the future (as a feature suggestion) there would be some way to Group together Sessions like "Tags" or "Categories".
basically like folders (as a sort of container) but for collections.
would not want the release of v4 to be pushed back bc of that suggestion but plz consider that suggestion for the future.

Session Buddy Support

Jan 25, 2024, 5:42:00 PM1/25/24
Agreed. Tags would be a valuable addition.

Thanks for the feedback!


Jan 26, 2024, 6:49:40 PM1/26/24
to Session Buddy Discussion
I get the name changes, but using the label "folder" doesn't actually create folders. What was a session is now a collection, but it's still the top level container. What I've been wanting all this time is to be able to group my sessions, now labeled collections into higher level containers. For example, if I have ten different sessions, now called collections, for weather data, 20 collections for audio engineering, 15 collections for guitar building, etc. I want to be able to have what I would call folders to group those in. It doesn't sound like we're getting any increase in functionality, just different names for the same elements in the same structure. Will the "folders" be nameable and updateable individually within collections? I know this isn't about what I want, but I was really wanting another level of organization. All I want is to be able to put my current saved sessions in to folders (categories) and to be able to pin certain sessions to the top of my saved list. It's all about being able to find links and groups of links quickly and easily out of hundreds or thousands of saved links. It's like having documents on a hard drive that are collections of words (which yes, are collections of letters). The documents are grouped into folders and those folders are grouped into even higher level folders, which, if necessary, are grouped into even higher level folders.

I don't want to be negative here, I just don't see where the increase in functionality is.

Session Buddy Support

Jan 26, 2024, 7:09:40 PM1/26/24
> Will the "folders" be nameable and updateable individually within collections?

Yep. Same as now.

> It's all about being able to find links and groups of links quickly and easily

The new search serves this need well. It provides search results matching collections, folders, and links. Clicking through on a link result, say, loads the corresponding collection and selects the matching link.

I get what you're saying about the value of nested folders. However, in the long-term I believe tagging (similar to Gmail) will be a better organizational alternative for Session Buddy.

> I don't want to be negative here, I just don't see where the increase in functionality is

Not at all. I appreciate critical feedback. The change in naming from "Window" to "Folder" is not meant to be representative of new functionality. It just serves to highlight that they are not the same thing.


peter shaunsey

Jan 28, 2024, 5:14:27 PM1/28/24
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hey Hans

When you say "tagging (similar to Gmail)" are you also thinking about including nested labels? It's because Gmail does support nested labels/tags


Session Buddy Support

Jan 28, 2024, 7:21:56 PM1/28/24
label nesting: possibly, but likely not initially


Daniel Zigler

Mar 5, 2024, 6:53:51 PM3/5/24
to Session Buddy Discussion
Hey there Hans,
I noticed that in the forums here there was a warning msg that hinted towards a March release window for the v4 Update,
and with that in mind i was curious as for the eta of the release date (once again)

Thanks for all the hard work, Daniel

Session Buddy Support

Mar 5, 2024, 7:26:01 PM3/5/24
Hey Daniel,

You should see v4 land within the next 2 weeks (depending on how quickly the Chrome team approves the submission). I'll post again once it's submitted to the Chrome Web Store.


Daniel Zigler

Mar 5, 2024, 7:31:24 PM3/5/24
to Session Buddy Discussion
alright, thank you for the quick response!

Session Buddy Support

Mar 10, 2024, 1:00:32 AM3/10/24
Just a heads up, I'll be submitting v4 to the CWS tomorrow.


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