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Is serveo gone forever?

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Mar 4, 2024, 6:11:32 PM3/4/24
to Serveo Help and Discussion
Sadly since yesterday serveo is down :(
Pretty sad, because I like how simple & easy to use it is, already donated (not much) but 10$ and would gladly support the dev, but now it's down for more than 24h... :(

Hope it'll be fixed soon.

Leonard Mac

Mar 6, 2024, 7:45:41 PM3/6/24
to Serveo Help and Discussion
It seems to be up now. It looks like the dev was working on a pretty massive update, since it seems that there was GitHub and some other platform (I can't remember) that could be used for authorization were added to serveo.

Trevor Dixon

Mar 7, 2024, 1:07:25 AM3/7/24
to Leonard Mac, Serveo Help and Discussion
Abuse is ramping up more and more. If I can think of a way to make a little money, I'll keep it alive

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Leonard Mac

Mar 7, 2024, 10:35:31 PM3/7/24
to Serveo Help and Discussion
That's a shame. I recently found out about it, and it's been really nice to use for the time I have been able to use it. Honestly, understandable that you're considering shutting it down, but if you do, I have one request: open source it.
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