iOS 7 can't browse local network Webrick powered Serve projects

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Nathan Bowers

Sep 11, 2013, 4:13:53 PM9/11/13
So weird. (Here's a video of the issue: )

1) Create a fresh new Serve site.
2) Serve it with Webrick.
3) Attempt to browse it over your local network with an iOS 7 device.
4) You get a brief flash of the Serve default "welcome" page and then a white screen of "Safari cannot open the page because the network connection was lost".

This is new in iOS 7, iOS 6 was fine.

So I tried using Webrick to serve a normal Rails site, and the site worked fine in iOS 7.

Tried serving with different ports, and it didn't matter. Any Serve project running on Webrick failed. No errors in Webrick's server console.

So then I tried using Thin server instead of Webrick and I was able to successfully browse Serve sites again.

Lots of moving parts so I'm not sure what the problem could be. 
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