Download SGD data indicators 15.3

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Frédérique Montfort

6:29 AM (6 hours ago) 6:29 AM
to Sepal Users
I have calculated the SGD 15.3 indicators for a given region and now I would like to download the data in .tif format. I clicked on "download" button but the status has been "RUNNING" for 3 hours now.
I wanted to know if it was normal that it took so long or if there was a problem?
If so, how can I access the data?
Thanks for your response.
Best regards,

Amit Ghosh

7:00 AM (5 hours ago) 7:00 AM
to Frédérique Montfort, Sepal Users
Dear Frédérique,

Depending on the extent of the AOI, it may take time. The analysis are performed on Google earth engine, so you can go to GEE task manager to get the status here: 

Sometime the module is disconnect from GEE as the SEPAL instances are closed automatically when they are not being ‘used’. In that case you can find the layer in your google drive. Try to increase the duration of the instance if that is the case. You will find information on how to keep active the instances here: 
The download files are available inside the module_result/degraded_land folder


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Frédérique Montfort

8:24 AM (4 hours ago) 8:24 AM
to Sepal Users
Thank you for your answer.
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