Thanks for your response...
This is exactly the way I used. Provider and component were already created in catalog-web-console.
Never mind, it has been solved, but I think you have a bug there. Let me explain:
I was looking for some differences between what I saw in catalog-web-console and as responses of http request from Postman (http:<url:port>/catalog with catalog token)...
First, I check new provider and components were not listed if no sensor was created yet.
After that, I create the first sensor for this provider (also was first sensor for this component, obviously) using catalog-web-console.
Then I already got provider, component and sensor from Postman request.
Finally I could send http POST request with definition of 27 sensors successfully.
It seams that sensor definition using http requests with Postman (or curl) will work just in case other sensors of this provider have already been created before.
I hope it helps.
El dia divendres, 30 d’abril de 2021 a les 11:04:22 UTC+2,
io.se...@gmail.com va escriure: