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Tomcat ports problem and GPRS

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Alex Megías

Apr 5, 2021, 6:49:31 AM4/5/21
to Sentilo

Good morning!
I'm Alejandro,  a student from the university of Málaga, and I'm trying to launch Sentilo on my own server; but every time I deploy the services in Tomcat, providers shut down the server. That's because other services send a lot of requests to Sentilo's IP address. This place a considerable strain on network resources and, as a result, a segment of my network is been adversely affected.

I would like to know if you have encountered errors like this before, and if you have any solutions to it. Maybe change the default port (8080) can be the solution.

On the other hand, I am interested in using Sentilo, using SIM cards to connect our sensors to the internet through a GPRS connection. I would also like to know if there is support for this type of connection in Sentilo, because everything I have seen about requests to upload data to the platform are made over an internet connection via Wifi or Ethernet. They are all done with PUT methods, and this is not possible with this technology, which only supports POST. I've checked your GitHub, and haven't seen anything about it.

I would be grateful for an answer that solves my doubts.  Greetings!
Alejandro Megías.

Sentilo IO

Apr 6, 2021, 5:34:34 PM4/6/21
to Sentilo
Hello Alejandro,

We do not entirely understand what is the network issue on your server. What are the "other services that send a lot of requests to Sentilo's IP"? Or maybe there are too many incoming observations?  You can find the latter on the Statistics page. Also, keep in mind that Sentilo main default ports are 8081 (API Server) and 8080 (typically Tomcat with the Catalog application deployed).
Sentilo in the correct setup should not cause any network problems itself.

As for the GPRS issue - there can be indeed problems of PUT and DELETE methods not being supported. In this case, you can issue a POST request with a parameter method=put. For example:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8081/data/provider/sensor?method=put' \
--header 'identity_key: your_generated_token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"observations": [
"value": "42.0"
"location": "41.387172 2.17157"

Sentilo Team.

Alex Megías

Apr 7, 2021, 5:18:48 AM4/7/21
to Sentilo
Hi there!
Thanks for your answer, I will change the default ports, and I will try to POST as recommended.
Thank you very much again! All the best
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