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Unlimited grow of sid:XXX:observations keys

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Oct 17, 2022, 7:45:01 AM10/17/22
to Sentilo
Dear Sentilo Staff,
I have a problem with data storage in Redis. I noticed that each sensor has a sid:XXX:observations key, which stores the list of received observations. Real observations are stored inside the sdid:YYYYYYY keys, that are created with their proper TTL, and the Redis server purges obsolete keys when they expire.

The problem is that sid:XXX:observations keys grow without any limit and now I have some of them with more than 500K items. Even if a sdid:YYYYYYY key expires, its reference inside the sid:XXX:observations list is not removed.

The questions is: is it normal or is there something that is not working properly? Should the Sentilo server periodically remove obsolete references inside sid:XXX:observations keys? If not, is there a (manual) way to clean sid:XXX:observations keys?

Best regards,


Sentilo IO

Nov 15, 2022, 9:36:32 AM11/15/22
to Sentilo
Hi Vito,

You're right, unfortunately the observation keys are not expiring and will grow forever. We're sorry for this inconvenience but currently the only way to clean this is to implement your own script to purge these entries.
The good news is that in the next release this won't be necessary and this issue won't happen again. 
We're working on the version and we expect to release it very very soon, before the end of the year.

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