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Arduino and SIM800

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J. Carlos C

Feb 4, 2022, 5:03:10 AM2/4/22
to Sentilo
I'm trying to send data to Sentilo through an Arduino and a SIM800 module, but I can't find a library for it (I only see the library for direct connection of the rj45 shield).
Can someone guide me, thanks.

Sentilo IO

Feb 10, 2022, 2:19:03 AM2/10/22
to Sentilo
Dear friend,

We currently do not have any tutorials that meet your needs.

Maybe you can find a way to communicate your SIM800 shield with Arduino, and then use the HTTP layer that we offer you in our examples. At the communication level it should be similar, we think.

Here is the link to our tutorials, in case they are of interest to you:

We hope this help you.

Best regards,

The Sentilo Team
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