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Problem on showing components on Map

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Jul 14, 2021, 8:05:11 AM7/14/21
to Sentilo
Hi dear Sentilo Team 

We are using sentilo 1.9  and we  have two components with the same location as following : 
cc2: (35.779021 51.428015) 
cc3: (35.779021 51.428015) 
when I want to see these components on Universal Viewer the man just shows me the component cc3 and the cc2 does not showed. 

You can see I have 3 components here  

Screenshot from 2021-07-14 16-30-15.png

in the following picture you can see cc2 and cc3 are coming together but cc2 does not clear.

Screenshot from 2021-07-14 16-31-06.png

I appreciate your response in advance 


Sentilo IO

Jul 23, 2021, 5:03:29 AM7/23/21
to Sentilo
Hi Mehdi,

The map spider functionality is not working for all the cases like this one, sorry.
The public map implementation has been rebuilt for the next version. We hope to release it in the last quarter of the year.
It will have multiple enhancement, specially targeted to performance, but the spider funcionality won't be included.

Sentilo team.

Sentilo IO

Jul 23, 2021, 5:59:14 AM7/23/21
to Sentilo
Sorry, my apologies, like i said the next version will have multiple performance enhancements for the public maps. The issue you reported should be resolved.
But the spider funcionality  will remain. I was confused with de cluster funcionality. This feature won't be included in the next release.


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