Hi Dear Sentilo Team
We are using sentilo 1.9 and web deployed sentilo in docker. four containers , one for sentilo-server , second one for redis, third one for mongodb and last one for tomcat.
I works fine and every things are good.
Default configs of Redis for snap shutting is accepted
save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000
# after 900 sec (15 min) if at least 1 key changed
# after 300 sec (5 min) if at least 10 keys changed
# after 60 sec if at least 10000 keys changed
so Redis dumps its memory on disk.
For some tests I deleted the dump file of Redis and restart redis server, then I tried to publish some observations to the sensor which is created before. This sensor is exist in mongodb and I can see it on the web dashboard, it means I have this sensor but sentilo does not find it in the redis and finally, sentilo reject the request with the following message:
{"code":404,"message":"Events associated with resources [ss1] have been rejected. See the error details to know about what went wrong in each case","errorDetails":["Sensor [ss1] not found on Sentilo (404.1)."]}
I checked SynchronizationServiceImpl class in sentilo-catalog-web code. My assumption was the resource synchronization service sync the mongodb and redis but, in practice it does not happen and it just sync the new resources (e.g. new sensors).
The question will be remain is that, if for any reason lost redis data, you can not publish observations to the sensors which are created before.
Do you have any comment ?
Thank you