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Sentilo Relational Agent with MySQL problem

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Kelvin Pay

Feb 24, 2021, 9:07:21 AM2/24/21
to Sentilo
Dear Sentilo Team,

i am trying out the sentilo vm image version 1.9.0 on virtualbox 6.

i would like to make use of the relational agent to send the data to MySQL so that i can easily use the data for further testing as i am more familiar with.

When i try to create a new provider and then a test sensor, i can see the readings which i use POSTMAN to PUT on the sentilo-catalog-web UI but the readings are not transferred to MySQL as i dont see the data there.

Please advise how can i get the data to be copied to MySQL thru the relational agent. i am using the VM image without any modification.


Sentilo IO

Feb 25, 2021, 2:25:44 AM2/25/21
to Sentilo
Hi Kelvin,

Maybe they are silly questions but just in case ;)

The relational database agent is not installed by default in the VM Image distribution.
You should build and deploy the agent and configure it properly, please check this out:
If you have done this steps, you should start it and watch the log file to ensure it starts correctly.
If there is any error in the logs, please let us know and we try to help you.

Hope it helps,
Sentilo Team.
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