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Nov 22, 2021, 11:22:11 AM11/22/21
to Sentilo
Dear sentilo team

Do you have any plan for new version of sentilo?  If you have when do you release the new version? 

Sentilo IO

Nov 25, 2021, 3:15:14 AM11/25/21
to Sentilo
Hi Mehdi,

Tanks for your interest, we're working in the High Availability release which also will contain additional features like catalog improvements or enhancements in the public viewer.
We expect to release the version on the 1st quarter of 2022.


Nov 28, 2021, 4:09:23 AM11/28/21
to Sentilo
Congratulations on your efforts 

Now a days many  IoT devices just only   work with the MQTT and most open source IoT platforms such as thingsboard  support popular protocols MQTT , CoAP as well ad HTTP,  but Sentilo just offers HTTP. 
We solved the lack of protocols with the  integration   EMQX which is the distributed MQTT open source message broker with the sentilo,  but still supporting these protocols in the core platform is more efficient.
My question is why sentilo  stick on HTTP,  however it designed for the smart city, and obviously many verticals in the smart city use MQTT devices. Do you ignore these verticals or give them enterprise services for the given requirement  ?

My question was a bit business rather than technical. 

Thank you 

Sentilo IO

Nov 29, 2021, 4:19:19 AM11/29/21
to Sentilo
Hi Mehdi,

You're right that MQTT is a protocol that any IoT/Smart platform should support, but for different reasons another priorities have been targeted before.
Right now, as you said this integration could be archieved through some bridge, for exemple using Node-RED wich has libraries for MQTT and also for Sentilo.
We're focused in the next released to archive HA but we'll keep in mind that request for the following release.


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