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You have joined the sensorgnomads mailing list.  We ( will use this
list to:

-  answer questions about building and using SensorGnomes
-  discuss development progress, issues, challenges, plans
-  share news about changes to software and hardware

Feel free to contribute your knowledge and experience to the list, jump in and answer questions, post observations others may find interesting, and suggest changes and improvements.

Sensorgnome, the project, is an open source system for moderate-bandwidth data acquisition. It was created by Phil Taylor and John Brzustowski at Acadia University, and is now managed by Birds Canada as part of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System. Sensorgnome has two components: Software, and Hardware.

Sensorgnome, the software, allows for automated data acquisition from various sensors and support aspects of the radio telemetry receivers that comprise the Motus Wildlife Tracking System.

Sensorgnome, the hardware, is a robust portable computer comprised of ‘over the counter’ components such as a small computer (e.g., Beaglebone*, Raspberry Pi), radio receivers, and power supply. *development is discontinued. was developed as a project of the Phil Taylor Lab, Biology Department,
Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, and is now maintained by a community of developers with support from Birds Canada.

You might also want to join the Motus mailing list, administered by Birds Canada. The Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Motus) is an international collaborative research network that uses coordinated automated radio telemetry to facilitate research and education on the ecology and conservation of migratory animals. Most of the Motus receiver network relies on sensorgnomes. Motus is a program of Birds Canada in partnership with collaborating researchers and organizations.