RC16 Released

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S.E. Mitchell

Dec 29, 2023, 7:53:11 PM12/29/23
to TSEPro Support
New versions of TSE for Windows and Linux here:

Major change is the fix to the internal sort crash.
Sammy Mitchell


Jan 1, 2024, 10:26:29 PM1/1/24
to sem...@googlegroups.com

It seems that after version 4.50 rc14 something changed how g32.exe handles the font (I'm using "Courier New").
A directory with diacritics in the name is no longer recognized after makinge a file in that directory and trying to edit this file (see the included mes.jpg). 
Starting with version rc15 it went wrong. The file I'm writing about is just made with "dir /b/on *.mp3 > _z.cmd".

Met vriendelijke groet,
With kind regards,
Muy atentamente,
Mit Freundliche Gruß,

H. Pikaar


Op vr 29 dec 2023 om 20:53 schreef S.E. Mitchell <sammy.m...@gmail.com>:

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S.E. Mitchell

Jan 1, 2024, 10:56:00 PM1/1/24
to sem...@googlegroups.com
Yep, it was a bug in rc15 and 16, that is fixed in rc17, due out soon.

Howard Kapustein

Jan 2, 2024, 9:52:31 PM1/2/24
to sem...@googlegroups.com
Nice. Some minor details I noticed:

#1 c.syn -- Missing keyword "constexpr"

#2 You have no synhi file for IDL. See attached. Based on years of actual usage :P as well as definitive sources including

P.S. If you want to be pedantic WinRT's definition for identifiers is https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/uwp/winrt-cref/winrt-type-system but in practice wordset=-0-9A-Z_a-z is fine unless you get into non-ASCII source code. But as that involves Unicode 3.0 character classes it's left as an exercise for the reader.

#3 No synhi for markdown (.md). Here you go (see below)

#4 No synhi for Powershell (.ps1 .psm .psm1). Here you go (see below)


MultiLineDelimited1=/* */
 activatable aggregatable agile align allocate allowforweb allowmultiple
 annotation apicontract appobject async async_uuid attribute attributename
 attributeusage auto auto_handle bem_handle bindable boolean both broadcast
 bstring byte byte_count callback call_as case cdecl char coclass code
 comm_status composable const constructor_name contentproperty context_handle
 context_handle_noserialize context_handle_serialize contract contractversion
 control cpp_quote cs_char cs_drtag cs_rtag cs_stag cs_tag_rtn custom
 custom_allocator declare declare_guid decode default defaultbind
 defaultcollelem defaultvalue defaultvtable default_allocator
 default_interface default_overload delegate deprecate deprecated
 disable_consistency_check dispinterface displaybind dllname double dual
 enable_allocate encapsulated_union encode endpoint entry enum event eventadd
 eventremove exclusiveto experimental explicit_handle extension extern FALSE
 far fault_status feature feature_name first_is flags float force_allocate
 from_contract funcdescattr get handle handle_t heap helpcontext helpfile
 helpstring helpstringcontext helpstringdll hidden hostContract hyper id
 idempotent idldescattr ignore iid_is immediatebind implicit_handle import
 importlib in include inline input_sync int interface interface_name internal
 interpret in_line ISO_LATIN_1 ISO_MULTI_LINGUAL ISO_UCS last_is lcid
 length_is library licensed local local_call long long_enum manual
 marshaling_behavior max_is maybe message methods method_name midl_pragma
 midl_user_allocate midl_user_free min_is module ms_conf_struct ms_union mta
 namespace ncalrpc near nocode nointerpret non-idempotent nonbrowsable
 noncreatable none nonextensible notify notify_flag NULL object odl off_line
 oleautomation optimize optional optional_interface out out_of_line overload
 overridable overridable_name partial partial_ignore pascal pipe
 pointer_default pragma predeclid private_char_16 private_char_8 properties
 propget propput propputref protected protected_name proxy ptr public range
 readonly ref register remote_async remote_sync remove replaceable
 represent_as requestedit requires restricted return_name retval runtimeclass
 SAFEARRAY set shape short short_enum sh_composition sh_event sh_file sh_job
 sh_mutex sh_pipe sh_process sh_reg_key sh_section sh_semaphore sh_socket
 sh_thread sh_token signed sizeof size_is small source sta standard static
 static_name stdcall strict_context_handle string struct switch switch_is
 switch_type system_handle target_all target_delegate target_enum target_event
 target_field target_interface target_method target_parameter target_property
 target_runtimeclass target_runtimeclass_member target_struct threading
 transmit_as TRUE type typedef typedescattr type_strict_context_handle
 uidefault unaligned union unique unsealed unsigned user_marshal user_marshall
 usesgetlasterror uuid v1_array v1_enum v1_string v1_struct vararg vardescattr
 VARIANT_FALSE VARIANT_TRUE version void volatile winrt_remote_async
 wire_marshal wire_marshall zeroout_alignmentgap _asm _cdecl _declspec _export
 _far _fastcall _fortran _huge _inline _loadds _near _pascal _saveregs
 _segment _self _stdcall __alignof __asm __cdecl __declspec __export
 __external_symbol __far __fastcall __float128 __float80 __fortran __huge
 __inline __int128 __int32 __int3264 __int64 __interface_interception_info
 __loadds __method_property __near __pascal __ptr32 __ptr64 __saveregs
 __segment __self __stdcall __unaligned __w64 __winrt_type_serialization_info
 ( ) * - [ ]
 AsyncActionCompletedHandler AsyncActionProgressHandler AsyncActionWithProgressCompletedHandler AsyncOperationCompletedHandler AsyncOperationProgressHandler AsyncOperationwithProgressCompletedHandler AsyncStatus BSTR Boolean Char16 CollectionChange DateTime DeferralCompltedHandler Double EventHandler EventRegistrationToken Guid GuidHelper HRESULT IAsyncAction IAsyncActionWithProgress IAsyncInfo IAsyncOperation IAsyncOperationWithProgress IClosable ICreateErrorInfo IDispatch IErrorInfo IGetActivationFactory IInspectable IIterable IIterator IKeyValuePair IMap IMapChangedEventArgs IMapView IMemoryBuffer IMemoryBufferReference IObservableMap IObservableVector IPropertySet IPropertyValue IReference IReferenceArray IStorage IStorageFile IStorageFolder IStorageItem IStream IStringable ISupportErrorInfo ITypeInfo ITypeLib IUnknown IVector IVectorView IWwwFormUrlDecoderEntry Int16 Int32 Int64 MapChangedEventHandler MemoryBuffer Point PropertySet PropertyType PropertyValue Rect Single Size StorageFolder String StringMap TimeSpan TypedEventHandler UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 UInt8 ULONG USHORT Uri VARIANT VARIANT_BOOL VARTYPE ValueSet VectorChangedEventHandler WwwFormUrlDecoder WwwFormUrlDecoderEntry __int64 boolean byte char double error_status_t float handle_t hyper int long short signed small unsigned void wchar_t

MultiLineDelimited1=<!-- -->
MultiLineDelimited2=<comment> </comment>
 !doctype </style <style a above address applet array b base basefont bgsound
 big blink blockquote body box br caption center cite code comment dd dfn dir
 div dl dt em embed fig font form frame frameset h h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head hr
 html i img input isindex kbd li map marquee menu meta nextid nobr noframes
 object ol option p param pre range root samp script select small sound sqrt
 strike strong style sub sup table tbody td textarea tfoot th thead title tr
 tt u ul var wbr xmp
 action align alink alt background behavior below bgcolor border bordercolor
 bordercolordark bordercolorlight cellpadding cellspacing class classid clear
 codebase color cols colspan compact content dingbat direction dynsrc face
 height href hspace http-equiv id ismap language leftmargin link loop method
 name onload plain rows rowspan size src start target text topmargin type
 valign value vlink vspace width wrap
 ! # ( ) * + --- . === > [ \ ] _ ` { }
 &aacute; &acirc; &acute; &aelig; &agrave; &amp; &aring; &atilde; &auml;
 &brvbar; &ccedil; &cedil; &cent; &copy; &curren; &deg; &divide; &eacute;
 &ecirc; &egrave; &emdash; &emsp; &endash; &ensp; &eth; &euml; &frac12;
 &frac14; &frac34; &gt; &iacute; &icirc; &iexcl; &igrave; &iquest; &iuml;
 &laquo; &lt; &macr; &micro; &middot; &nbsp; &not; &ntilde; &oacute; &ocirc;
 &ograve; &ordf; &ordm; &oslash; &otilde; &ouml; &para; &plusmn; &pound;
 &quot; &raquo; &reg; &sect; &shy; &sup1; &sup2; &sup3; &szlig; &thorn;
 &times; &trade; &uacute; &ucirc; &ugrave; &uml; &uuml; &yacute; &yen; &yuml;
 &zwj; &zwnj;

 % ? ac asnp cat cd chdir clc clear cli clp cls clv copy cp cpi cpp cvpa del
 diff dir echo epal epcsv erase fc fl foreach ft fw gal gc gci gcm gdr ghy gi
 gl gm gp gps group gsnp gsv gu gv gwmi h history iex ihy ii ipal ipcsv kill
 lp ls mi mount move mp mv nal ndr ni nv oh popd ps pushd pwd r rd rdr ren ri
 rm rmdir rni rnp rp rsnp rv rvpa sal sasv sc select set si sl sleep sort sp
 spps spsv sv tee type where write
 & ( ) * + , - / : < = > [ ] ^ | ~
 add-content add-history add-member add-pssnapin clear-content clear-item
 clear-itemproperty clear-variable compare-object convert-path
 convertfrom-securestring convertto-html convertto-securestring copy-item
 copy-itemproperty export-alias export-clixml export-console export-csv
 foreach-object format-custom format-list format-table format-wide get-acl
 get-alias get-authenticodesignature get-childitem get-command get-content
 get-credential get-culture get-date get-eventlog get-executionpolicy get-help
 get-history get-host get-item get-itemproperty get-location get-member
 get-pfxcertificate get-process get-psdrive get-psprovider get-pssnapin
 get-service get-tracesource get-uiculture get-unique get-variable
 get-wmiobject group-object import-alias import-clixml import-csv
 invoke-expression invoke-history invoke-item join-path measure-command
 measure-object move-item move-itemproperty new-alias new-item
 new-itemproperty new-object new-psdrive new-service new-timespan new-variable
 out-default out-file out-host out-null out-printer out-string pop-location
 push-location read-host remove-item remove-itemproperty remove-psdrive
 remove-pssnapin remove-variable rename-item rename-itemproperty resolve-path
 restart-service resume-service select-object select-string set-acl set-alias
 set-authenticodesignature set-content set-date set-executionpolicy set-item
 set-itemproperty set-location set-psdebug set-service set-tracesource
 set-variable sort-object split-path start-service start-sleep
 start-transcript stop-process stop-service stop-transcript suspend-service
 tee-object test-path trace-command update-formatdata update-typedata
 where-object write-debug write-error write-host write-output write-progress
 write-verbose write-warning
 alias certificate environment filesystem function registry variable
 about_alias about_arithmetic_operators about_array about_assignment_operators
 about_associative_array about_automatic_variables about_break
 about_command_search about_command_syntax about_commonparameters
 about_comparison_operators about_continue about_core_commands
 about_display.xml about_environment_variable about_escape_character
 about_execution_environment about_filter about_flow_control about_for
 about_foreach about_function about_globbing about_history about_if
 about_line_editing about_location about_logical_operator about_method
 about_namespace about_object about_operator about_parameter about_parsing
 about_path_syntax about_pipeline about_property about_provider
 about_pssnapins about_quoting_rules about_redirection about_ref
 about_regular_expression about_reserved_words about_scope about_script_block
 about_shell_variable about_signing about_special_characters about_switch
 about_system_state about_types about_where about_while about_wildcard default

S.E. Mitchell

Jan 3, 2024, 1:08:46 PM1/3/24
to sem...@googlegroups.com
Good to hear from you again Howard!
Thanks for the updates!
> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/semware/CAGKuPZDjXE%3DbF4a5Xoe5XfhZam2Ee74hY-ypaxh_6n8WYfPLLg%40mail.gmail.com.

Carlo Hogeveen

Jan 15, 2024, 11:23:27 AM1/15/24
to sem...@googlegroups.com


Summary: Since what TSE release did the sort crash exist?

A late question.
I do not need to know what caused the internal sort's crash, but I do have a stake in knowing since when it has been there.
I have created tools that depend on the internal sort, and I am starting work on one that will.
If the crash always existed, then it was so rare, that a mere advice to upgrade TSE will suffice.
If the crash was a recent introduction, then it was no coincidence that I recently ran into it, and I would ideally like to know the release, so I can urge users of (future releases of) my tools to upgrade specific old TSE releases.
I assume other TSE users likewise have a stake in knowing for what TSE releases it makes sense to upgrade their old versions.
So, can you enlighten us as to since how long ago and ideally since what release the crash existed?


S.E. Mitchell

Jan 15, 2024, 1:28:31 PM1/15/24
to sem...@googlegroups.com
> Summary: Since what TSE release did the sort crash exist?

It was introduced in rc 15, and fixed in rc 16.
Sammy Mitchell
> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/semware/000301da47a5%243fc4d0d0%24bf4e7270%24%40ecarlo.nl.
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