TL;TR ... new laptop, what's the best/latest way to install console mode?

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William W. Viergever

Jun 18, 2024, 5:19:35 PMJun 18
Hi All:

Sorry to be lazy, but we just moved from Sacramento, CA (after 36 years) to Huntington Beach, CA.

Been here two weeks but still haven't begun to make a dent in unpacking 36 years of detritus 😊

THEN... my 2018 ThinkPad P1 Gen1 died; ordered a new one (Gen6) but am forced to reinstall EVERYTHING (and getting around all sorts of preinstalled M$ bloatware).

I've held off DLing any of the more recent builds b/c, well - 4.40a just worked... but follow all the posts.

So, figure now's a good time to move to the latest...

Also, IIRC, someone (Carlo?) has a way to grab prior color-scheme from an existing install/directory??

Can someone tell me where the latest console install is, and how can I keep my existing color schemes?

e.g., can I simply install into existing TSEPro directory?

Very. Very, much, thanks in advance!!!

P.S. does the latest include the latest grep as well?

Carlo Hogeveen

Jun 18, 2024, 5:44:30 PMJun 18

> Can someone tell me where the latest console install is,
Nowadays the Windows installation upgrades/installs both the GUI and Console version of TSE in the same directory.

> and how can I keep my existing color schemes?

I never had to restore my color scheme after upgrading an existing TSE directory.

> e.g., can I simply install into existing TSEPro directory?

Yes. The install will preserve almost all TSE settings, the Macro AutoLoad List, and your non-Semware Potpourri entries.
See the upgrade tips at the above linked web page.

> P.S. does the latest include the latest grep as well?

Yes, the install includes a grep.exe.


William W. Viergever

Jun 18, 2024, 7:23:48 PMJun 18
Carlo - you rock!! Thanks for quick reply.

During the install, it prompted me for the console user interface choice...

If I recall correctly, I think use the Standard/classic ....

But it seems different now.

I'm pretty sure I used to do ctrl+(numpad/gray) plus and * for copying and pasting, and ... Ctrl+Shift+(numpad/gray) plus and * for copying and pasting to windows clipboard (or something like that).

But I don't see those same Windows Clipboard keystroke commands under Clip.

Also - the paste over is not pasting over?!?! With insert mode on or off.

Again - I'm relying on >30 years of muscle-memory.

Does that makes sense, i.e., were those the earlier keystrokes under Clip?

Also - although not technically germane, as I'm running Command Prompt under Terminal (so can use multiple tabs), I had to erase some keystroke bindings under Settings/Actions (since Ctrl+Gray +/* toggled font size increase/decrease.

Should I maybe reinstall and choose Windows console user interface?

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Carlo Hogeveen

Jun 18, 2024, 8:37:05 PMJun 18

There is definitely no need to reinstall TSE to try a different user interface with different keystrokes.
Based on what you describe you did not customize/change a .ui file yourself in your old instrallation.
So just open one of the 5 standard .ui files in TSE's "ui" directory, apply the Macro -> Compile menu, and restart TSE.

If I misunderstood and you did customize/change a .ui file, then you can copy it from a copy/backup of your TSE installation to your TSE installation, compile it as above, and restart TSE.


William W. Viergever

Jun 18, 2024, 9:29:56 PMJun 18
Once again, thanks!

Will check that out.

One more thing, TSE is NOT showing up in the File Explorer right-click choices, and I chose to do that and have it in the registry.

Any advice... I have no prob going through it again.

Note: my color scheme did come through fine!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Carlo Hogeveen
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 5:37 PM
Subject: RE: [TSE] TL;TR ... new laptop, what's the best/latest way to install console mode?


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Carlo Hogeveen

Jun 19, 2024, 3:37:02 AMJun 19

> One more thing, TSE is NOT showing up in the File Explorer right-click choices, and I chose to do that and have it in the registry.

I cannot explain nor reproduce why that installation choice would not work for you.
Note: If it had worked it would make the option execute the GUI variant of TSE (g32.exe).

Again, no need to reinstall TSE.
Since TSE 4.50rc25 you can select EditWithTSE in the Potpourri menu to remove and add that File Explorer right-click option.
This will make the File Explorer's right-click option execute the TSE variant you started EditWithTSE from, so either the TSE GUI variant (g32.exe) or the Console variant (e32.exe).

(Aside, when I just tested this from e32.exe, it made me acknowledge a series of autoload errors, but worked. I will look into that.)


William W. Viergever

Jun 24, 2024, 7:31:25 PM (11 days ago) Jun 24

Hi Carlo:


Sorry for late reply.... was out of town Thursday afternoon thru late Sunday so didn't get to play with all this anymore.


1) Turns out (I think), the File Explorer TSE option was buried under File Explorer’s Show More Options (I did a registry tweak earlier today to disable Show More Options, and voila!!! The Edit with TSE option was back).


2) But - it opened the GUI version.... so I did your EditWithTSE toggle, and again, voila!!! It opens the console version.


But, I note two more things I could use help with...


The current install (into the previous directory w/ my old install) has lost my original color scheme, and even though I have my command prompt/terminal set to a 255 character width, the current e32 doesn't fill the width:



Whereas when I invoke my old version (I have my old TSE install on my old laptop’s boot NVME in an external enclosure) I first get this message:




And after hitting Esc, it shows this (note: the color scheme as well); what’s weird, however, is that when I check the right margin settings in the old install (the blue pic above) it doesn’t show 255 (which I swear I had to set at some point):



Any idea on the margin issue and/or how I might “grab/use” the color scheme from my old install?


As always…  THANKS!!!





William W. Viergever

Viergever & Associates

Health Data Analysis / Systems Design & Development

20281 Eastwood Cir 

Huntington Beach, CA 92646

 (916) 715-1768



-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Carlo Hogeveen
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 12:37 AM
Subject: RE: [TSE] TL;TR ... new laptop, what's the best/latest way to install console mode?



> One more thing, TSE is NOT showing up in the File Explorer right-click choices, and I chose to do that and have it in the registry.




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Carlo Hogeveen

Jun 25, 2024, 5:54:05 AM (11 days ago) Jun 25

Hi William,

> The current install (into the previous directory w/ my old install) has lost my original color scheme

But earlier you reported that your color scheme was intact after the upgrade, so what did you do since then?

Here is a lot of background info that might help you determine and/or repair what you did.
1. The upgrade upgrades the settings of e32.exe and g32.exe. It ignores the q.exe you were using. If e32.exe or g32.exe did not exist, then it creates new ones with default settings.
2. The upgrade does not port the old Color Scheme but TSE's color settings. A color scheme is not a TSE setting.
3. In TSE versions up to and including TSE 4.50rc25, TSE's color scheme menu does not show what the old color scheme was, but the next version probably will. Until then you can install, which improves TSE's Color Schemes menu to do just that. It does so by figuring out which color scheme matches TSE's current colors.
4. Color schemes are defined in colors.ini in TSE's root directory.

Instead of renaming your TSE executables as a hurdle for future TSE upgrades, create for example g.cmd, q.cmd or e.cmd files in your path containing one of these lines:
@call C:\Users\William\Tse\e32 %*
@%USERPROFILE%\Tse\g32.exe %*

> and even though I have my command prompt/terminal set to a 255 character width, the current e32 doesn't fill the width

1. Your picture does not look like your command line is 255 characters wide.
I used "type size.txt" to verify that my command line was >= 255 characters, where size.txt contains the single line:
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 255 260 270 280 290 300
(Mail probably broke this up in multiple lines.)

I cannot reproduce this, and have the opposite "problem": e32.exe always fills the console.

> what’s weird ... the old install ...

I have no insights regarding your old install.

> Any idea ... how I might “grab/use” the color scheme from my old install?

I think the background info I provided above should help with that.


Carlo Hogeveen

Jun 25, 2024, 6:29:25 AM (11 days ago) Jun 25

> Any idea ... how I might “grab/use” the color scheme from my old install?

Let me answer your last question again in way that reduces the learning curve.

1. Install in your old and new TSE.
2. In your old TSE go to the menu Options -> Full Configuration -> Display/Color Options -> Set Colors -> Select Color Schemes.
3. If the cursor line is not the first line, then cursor line indicates your color scheme, and you can skip to step 6.
4. Go down a line (to avoid a bug), press <Ins>, and supply a name like "Purple by William" to create the current TSE colors as a color scheme.
5. Copy colors.ini from your old to your new TSE.
6. Open your new TSE, go to the Color Schemes menu and select the color scheme from your old TSE.
7. Save TSE's settings!
The end.

Again, default a TSE upgrade retains color settings, so default users do not have to do this.


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