TSE: g32.exe does not start anymore [tseui.dat]

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knud van eeden

May 9, 2024, 7:08:12 PMMay 9
to Sammy Mitchell, SemWare TSE Pro Text Editor

1. I was writing some programs in TSE to save and load the TSE loaded file history.
2. At a certain moment I noticed that my syntax highlighting in TSE was gone for some unknown reason and decided to leave TSE.
3. From that moment when trying to restart TSE from the command line, typing e.g. g32.exe it just showed nothing and returned back to the command line.
4. So assuming that it had anything to do with anti-virus I first excluded the TSE directory: no effect
5. Then I switched off the anti-virus completely and restarted g32.exe: no effect
6. Then I started TSE e.g. using g32.exe in another command processor cmd.exe instead of tcmd.exe: no effect
7. When I copied the g32.exe to another directory it suddenly worked, so indicating it had maybe something to do with the original directory where g32.exe was located in.
8. Then I restarted the computer: no effect
9. Finally I moved all the tse*.* files one by one out of the TSE directory where g32.exe was located and did run g32.exe each time after that. 
Only when I removed tseui.dat suddenly g32.exe started to run again.
10. So something is going on with that tseui.dat (which is a TSE system file, because it has 'bobby' in the header lines) which blocks g32.exe from starting.
11. Expected was thus that g32.exe should start.
12. But result was that g32.exe with no error messages crashed and stopped starting with the presence of that tseui.dat file.



1. Goto a clean TSE version 4.50 RC23

2. First copy the attached tseui.dat to the directory where its g32.exe is located.

3. Open e.g. cmd.exe and navigate to the directory where its g32.exe is located

4. Type 


5. You should see that basically nothing happens, it returns silently without any error message back to the cmd command line.

6. To prove it is about tseui.dat: Just remove tseui.dat from that directory, restart g32.exe and now it works suddenly again.


Note: I have at this moment no idea when and why this tseui.dat file is/was created. 

Similar named 'tseui.dat' files exists in some of my earlier TSE installations, but it is not default present in all TSE installations.

with friendly greetings
Knud van Eeden


knud van eeden

May 9, 2024, 7:40:02 PMMay 9
to Sammy Mitchell, SemWare TSE Pro Text Editor
Note: the string 'tseui.dat' only occurs in these files, using TSE grep:

f:\wordproc\tse32_v45023 Fri 10-05-24 01:31:44>grep -i0s tseui.dat *.*
SemWare Grep v2.07 for Win32 [Sep 13 2023]
Copyright 1996-2023 SemWare Corp. All rights reserved worldwide.

File: F:\WORDPROC\tse32_v45023\e32.exe
File: F:\WORDPROC\tse32_v45023\g32.exe
File: F:\WORDPROC\tse32_v45023\install.log
File: F:\WORDPROC\tse32_v45023\sc32.exe

f:\wordproc\tse32_v45023 Fri 10-05-24 01:32:09>

In that install log it shows this line:

> File: F:\WORDPROC\tse32_v45023\install.log

created F:\WORDPROC\tse_beta\tseui.dat

The install.log is attached.


Note: That syntax highlighting was not active for the file with that extension
      showed to have nothing to do with this tseui.dat issue:

> At a certain moment I noticed that my syntax highlighting in TSE was
> gone for some unknown reason and decided to leave TSE.

Afterwards the root cause showed to be that I still used the
new tsesynhi.dat instead of the tsesynhi.dat from my previous
TSE + the fact that I had not copied the 'synhi' directory
from the old version. After correcting this my syntax
highlight worked as it was expected/


Note: as a possible root cause I tried also to reburn my .cfg file

I burned again the .cfg file into g32.exe

    sc32 -b <my.cfg>

But it showed also to have no effect on the not starting of g32.exe


S.E. Mitchell

May 10, 2024, 6:06:07 AMMay 10
to TSEPro Support
As noted elsewhere, if you compile a .ui file from within TSE, or if
you compile a .ui file from the command line, but have an instance of
TSE running, then the compiler creates a tseui.dat file.
When the editor starts, it checks to see which is newer - the
tseui.dat file or the .ui that was bound to the executable. If the
former, it loads tseui.dat. If the latter, it loads the ui from what
was bound to the executable.
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S.E. Mitchell

May 10, 2024, 6:08:30 AMMay 10
to TSEPro Support
And as a follow-up - this is not new behavior. It is the way the
editor has worked since the early Windows versions, in the late 90's.

S.E. Mitchell

May 10, 2024, 6:19:05 AMMay 10
to TSEPro Support
I can only speculate, but:
It looks like you compiled a file, either from within the editor or
while an editor instance was loaded - with an extension of .ui. But
said file does not load any files into the editor or prompt to load
one, so the editor immediately exits.
Looking at the code, I don't see any other way that a tseui.dat file
will be created.

knud van eeden

May 10, 2024, 6:37:29 AMMay 10
to TSEPro Support
Yes, that was not mentioned earlier, taken from the history of tcmd.exe: I also tried this in the g32.exe directory of my TSE installation:

> sc32 -b F:\BBC\TAAL\qed32v45023.ui

knud van eeden

May 10, 2024, 6:47:29 AMMay 10
to TSEPro Support
But I can not reproduce the creation of a tseui.dat file using these steps:

1. Goto a clean TSE version 4.50 RC23

2. Goto the directory in it of g32.exe

3. Optionally backup the current g32.exe 

4. Run the command with the path to your .ui file


     sc32.exe -b F:\BBC\TAAL\qed32v45023.ui

5. Result 1: But *no* tseui.dat is created there

6. Result 2: also that g32.exe starts as usual, no issues thus.

So question: is that the way to create a tseui.dat?

S.E. Mitchell

May 10, 2024, 6:50:09 AMMay 10
to sem...@googlegroups.com
>>>So question: is that the way to create a tseui.dat?

Two ways that I know of:
1) Load a .ui file into the editor, and select macro, compile
2) sc32 -s foo.ui

On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 6:47 AM 'knud van eeden' via SemWare TSE Pro
> To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/semware/794927190.1080813.1715338045320%40mail.yahoo.com.

knud van eeden

May 10, 2024, 7:15:51 AMMay 10
to sem...@googlegroups.com

> 1) Load a .ui file into the editor, and select macro, compile
> 2) sc32 -s foo.ui

Both tried and successfully created a tseui.dat in that directory,
but g32.exe after that starts also successfully with that newly created
tseui.dat in that directory.

I have further for sure here *never* used 

'sc32.exe -s' 

because I always used 'sc32.exe -b' 
when burning with and .cfg file and also .ui file.
and that works OK, also for .ui:

> Burning configuration into file 'F:\WORDPROC\tse_beta\g32.exe'
> Installation successful! Interface burned into editor.
> (but it does thus not create a tseui.dat file)


> I can only speculate, but:
> It looks like you compiled a file, either from within the editor or
> while an editor instance was loaded - with an extension of .ui.  But
> said file does not load any files into the editor or prompt to load
> one, so the editor immediately exits.
> Looking at the code, I don't see any other way that a tseui.dat file
> will be created.

Current conclusion: 

If you can not detect any issue in that particular 'tseui.dat' (as was attached) then it looks like some coming together of 
different actions which resulted in some kind of 'empty' action tseui.dat being created (using not really known steps) 
which then caused to start g32.exe but immediately leaving it.

So root cause undetermined, but not really a cause of a crash but more kind of behavior as designed.

So we can call it a day I guess.

with friendly greetings
Knud van Eeden

Guy Rouillier

May 11, 2024, 4:03:48 AMMay 11
to Semware TSE Pro
Knud, Sam has already replied.  But I believe tseui.dat is only created when the UI is compiled while the editor is open.  In that circumstance, the editor file cannot be opened for write, so the UI is compiled into a standalone file.

Guy Rouillier

Harald Mezger

May 11, 2024, 7:01:03 AMMay 11
to sem...@googlegroups.com
  As noted elsewhere, if you compile a .ui file from within TSE, or if
  you compile a .ui file from the command line, but have an instance of
  TSE running, then the compiler creates a tseui.dat file.
  When the editor starts, it checks to see which is newer - the
  tseui.dat file or the .ui that was bound to the executable.  If the
  former, it loads tseui.dat.  If the latter, it loads the ui from what
  was bound to the executable.

Dear Sammy,

thanks for the reminder that this cleverly designed, if seemingly little known feature exists -
I certainly never came across it my many years with Tessie!

That may change in the future, because it allows trying out new UI configuration files on the fly, but without
having to change the currently active one:
just edit & compile your UI file, creating new tseui.dats, until you are satisfied with the changes. Then close TSE
and burn in the new GUI with sc.exe -b. 

It's well known in the software business that the majority of users only ever learn a fraction of the features their programs
offer. Once they figure out a way to achieve their desired results, few will bother to learn any more, even if better alternatives
exist. Or keep reading the manual... You proved that old insight yet again.

Best Wishes,


May 19, 2024, 1:43:15 AMMay 19
to sem...@googlegroups.com

I copied a row of variable names in a spreadsheet. Ended up with a long tab-separated row of these.

In TSE how best to convert this long line to a vertical list of same?

I used the potpourri Tab Utility. But that still leaves a long line separated by lots of spaces.

001 002 003


Thanks folks. Keep up the fine interacting on here.


Carlo Hogeveen

May 19, 2024, 3:54:38 AMMay 19
to sem...@googlegroups.com

Replace [\t ]# by \n with options gnx.


Guy Rouillier

May 19, 2024, 4:15:11 AMMay 19
to Semware TSE Pro
You need to replace the tab character, ASCII 9, with an end-of-line character(s).  In Windows, the end-of-line is indicated by a combination of carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed (ASCII 10); in Linux (and other Unix type OSes), it is simply a line feed character (ASCII 10).  You can do this with TSE by using the Replace dialog; use the ASCII Chart option to insert the various ASCII codes.  Unfortunately, you end up seeing the binary ASCII characters.  To see the finished results, you'd have to save the file and reopen it.

An easier solution would be to just use a command line tool to do this replacement.  I have one from 1999 that I still use called FileScan.  I just tried searching for it and can't find it.  But any number of utilities can do the same thing.  sed is one; it was developed for Unix, but Windows variants are available.

Guy Rouillier
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knud van eeden

May 19, 2024, 3:17:39 PMMay 19
to sem...@googlegroups.com
Q. Computer: Editor: TSE: Operation: Search: Replace: Line: How to replace a tab with a new line?

A. Programmatically:

Mark the block






--- cut here: begin --------------------------------------------------

 LReplace( "\d009", "\d013\d010", "glx" )

--- cut here: end ----------------------------------------------------


B. Manually

Or manually run 'Replace' from the menu:

 Steps: Overview:

  1. -First highlight the part of the file in which you want to replace

       start with <Alt><A>

       Mark the text of interest e.g. using your cursor keys

       Then finish it with <Alt><A>

  2. -Select from menu option 'Search' > 'Replace...'

  3. -'Search for:'


  3. -'Replace with:'


  5. -Option
      (note the 'x' is important here, as it replaces a regular expression)


  6. -Tested successfully on
      Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (64 bits)
      TSE version 4.50 RC23

C. Testing: 

1. Before: Tab 09 in between 
   (note: using Hex mode in TSE to show the ASCII values, e.g. '09' for Tab)

Inline image

2.After: replacing Tab ASCII 09 with ASCII 13 ASCII 10 (=new line)

Inline image

3. You must save this file, quit the file in TSE and reload the file again

Inline image

with friendly greetings
Knud van Eeden


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May 19, 2024, 4:07:00 PMMay 19
to sem...@googlegroups.com


Wow, once again, you guys are just amazing.

And TSE, too!



May 22, 2024, 5:47:00 PMMay 22
to sem...@googlegroups.com


Presently any newly created file in TSE is saved to:  c:\System32.


Of course, I never want that.


How can I change the default save location?  Say, to: c:\1?




(p.s. – For some strange reason the normal back-slash is not appearing as I type this, but instead there is a yen symbol.  Any ideas on that?)



Guy Rouillier

May 23, 2024, 5:50:20 AMMay 23
to Semware TSE Pro
Be default, TSE will save files that are created without an explicit path in the current directory.  I'm just guessing the following, but you appear to have C:\System32 set as the startup directory for TSE.  I'm unclear why you did that, since the full path to the Windows System32 directory is C:\Windows\System32.  So, by creating another directory at C:\System32, you are introducing unnecessary confusion.

Guy Rouillier

------ Original Message ------
Date 5/22/2024 5:46:56 PM
Subject [TSE] Default Folder For Saving Files

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Knud van Eeden

May 23, 2024, 6:12:58 AMMay 23
to sem...@googlegroups.com
1.   > Presently any newly created file in TSE is saved to:  c:\System32.

Can you send this file for inspection, use these steps to create that file:

   menu TSE > 'Options' > 'Full configuration' > 'Write settings to ASCII file' > choose your filename and save it (e.g. as foobar.txt)


2. > (p.s. – For some strange reason the normal back-slash is not appearing as I type this, but instead there is a yen symbol.  Any ideas on that?)

Use the 'cross checking method' to troubleshoot:

Try to connect another keyboard and see if it reproduces. 

Result: If yes it reproduces, then something in your computer (Microsoft Windows, ...)

Result: If no it does not reproduce, then something with your keyboard (use guarantee to replace it and or contact the vendor / manufacturer or buy a new keyboard).

with friendly greetings
Knud van Eeden


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