TSE version naming

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Carlo Hogeveen

Mar 3, 2023, 7:32:35 AM3/3/23
to Semware @ GoogleGroups

Just curious.

I realized, that recent TSE versions getting a letter after the "4.49" part
avoids version "4.50" being used.

TSE's built-in EDITOR_VERSION variable has been 4500 (hexadecimal) since the
beta versions that started in 2005.
For TSE 4.0 it was 4000, for TSE 4.2 it was 4200, for TSE 4.4 it was 4400,
and for beta versions after that and for the public versions it was and is

That does not matter for writing version-adaptable macros, because since TSE
4.41.44 there is a new built-in variable INTERNAL_VERSION for that, that in
theory changes with every macro compiler version.

I am not aware of one, but based on the above, I wonder if there is a
technical reason after all to not use version "4.50" and higher for new
public versions of TSE.


S.E. Mitchell

Mar 4, 2023, 6:42:37 AM3/4/23
to sem...@googlegroups.com
There is no good reason really.
Hopefully 4.5 will come soon!
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Carlo Hogeveen

Mar 4, 2023, 7:51:56 AM3/4/23
to sem...@googlegroups.com

> There is no good reason really.
> Hopefully 4.5 will come soon!

I trust that is a typo, and the next version after 4.49<letter> will be 4.50.


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