Windows: Enumerated Fixed Width Fonts

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S.E. Mitchell

Nov 26, 2022, 9:58:11 AM11/26/22
to TSEPro Support
If anyone could run the following program on their system, I'd be
interested in seeing the results.
After you gather the output, run it through uniq, and then post your results.

If you don't have access to a C compiler, I've placed an executable at:

#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

HDC ghdc;

bool isFixedPitch(const TEXTMETRIC *tm) {
return (tm->tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH) == 0;

int CALLBACK EnumFontFamExProc(const LOGFONT *plf,
const TEXTMETRIC *ptm,
DWORD FontType,
LPARAM lParam) {
SIZE sz;
HDC hdc;
HFONT hfont;
LOGFONT lf = {0};
TEXTMETRIC tm = {0};
if (isFixedPitch(ptm)) {
strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, plf->lfFaceName);
lf.lfPitchAndFamily = FIXED_PITCH | FF_MODERN;
hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);

hdc = GetDC(NULL);
SelectFont(hdc, hfont);

GetObject(hfont, sizeof(LOGFONT), (PSTR)&lf);
GetTextFace(hdc, LF_FACESIZE, lf.lfFaceName); // must be
after GetObject above...
GetTextMetrics(hdc, &tm);
GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, "W", 1, &sz);
printf("%s ACW %d MCW %d sz.x %d \n", lf.lfFaceName,
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);

return true;

int main(void) {
LOGFONT lf = {0};
//hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
ghdc = GetDC(NULL);
EnumFontFamiliesEx(ghdc, &lf, EnumFontFamExProc, NULL, 0);
return 0;

knud van eeden

Nov 26, 2022, 10:31:53 AM11/26/22
to TSEPro Support
> Sammy wrote:

> If anyone could run the following program on their system, I'd be
> interested in seeing the results.
> After you gather the output, run it through uniq, and then post your results.


1.Save the supplied program as 



2. Compiled program ddd.c in Embarcadero C++ version 7.30 (command line bcc32.exe)

3.That showed this output:

g:\borland\bcc102\bin Sat 26/11/22 16:14:34> bcc32c.exe -Ig:\borland\bcc102\include -Lg:\borland\bcc102\lib ddd.c

Embarcadero C++ 7.30 for Win32 Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

ddd.c:36:47: warning: format specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'LONG' (aka 'long') [-Wformat]

ddd.c:37:47: warning: format specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'LONG' (aka 'long') [-Wformat]

ddd.c:38:47: warning: format specifies type 'int' but the argument has type 'LONG' (aka 'long') [-Wformat]
3 warnings generated.

Turbo Incremental Link 6.90 Copyright (c) 1997-2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

g:\borland\bcc102\bin Sat 26/11/22 16:14:38>


4. An executable ddd.exe was generated.

5. Running ddd.exe gave as output:


g:\borland\bcc102\bin Sat 26/11/22 16:14:38>  ddd.exe

Terminal ACW 12 MCW 12 sz.x 12
Fixedsys ACW 8 MCW 8 sz.x 8
Courier ACW 9 MCW 9 sz.x 9
BBCWin ACW 16 MCW 16 sz.x 16
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
Lucida Sans Typewriter ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
CSD16 ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8

6. Redirecting the output of ddd.exe to a file

 ddd.exe >ddd1.txt

7. Getting unique results using e.g. Cygwin uniq.exe

    g:\CYGWIN\bin\sort.exe ddd1.txt >ddd2.txt  

    uniq ddd2.txt ddd3.txt

8. End Result:

@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
BBCWin ACW 16 MCW 16 sz.x 16
CSD16 ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Courier ACW 9 MCW 9 sz.x 9
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Fixedsys ACW 8 MCW 8 sz.x 8
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Sans Typewriter ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
Terminal ACW 12 MCW 12 sz.x 12

with friendly greetings
Knud van Eeden 


knud van eeden

Nov 26, 2022, 10:58:55 AM11/26/22
to TSEPro Support
> Sammy wrote:

> If anyone could run the following program on their system, I'd be
> interested in seeing the results.
> After you gather the output, run it through uniq, and then post your results.


9. Final end results here on Microsoft Windows 10 Professional [Knud van Eeden]

ACW = average char width
MCW = maximum char width
sz.x = computed char width of "W"

These have the same values:
BBCWin ACW 16 MCW 16 sz.x 16
Courier ACW 9 MCW 9 sz.x 9
CSD16 ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Fixedsys ACW 8 MCW 8 sz.x 8
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Sans Typewriter ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Terminal ACW 12 MCW 12 sz.x 12

These differ in average and max:
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8

These differen in all 3 values:


knud van eeden

Nov 26, 2022, 11:06:27 AM11/26/22
to TSEPro Support
> Sammy wrote:

> If anyone could run the following program on their system, I'd be
> interested in seeing the results.
> After you gather the output, run it through uniq, and then post your results.


These differ in average and max:
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10

As a side remark:

Interesting to see that average and max for 

 'Courier New'


Unexpected because when one is advised to choose a typical really 'fixed' size font out of the box that would be 

 Courier New

S.E. Mitchell

Nov 26, 2022, 11:21:03 AM11/26/22
> Interesting to see that average and max for
> 'Courier New'
> differ.
> Unexpected because when one is advised to choose a typical
> really 'fixed' size font out of the box that would be
> Courier New

I agree! I'm sort of stumped by that also.
How can it be fixed width if the average and max char widths
Fonts are very hard to understand :(

knud van eeden

Nov 26, 2022, 12:45:47 PM11/26/22
>> Interesting to see that average and max for
>>  'Courier New'
>> differ.
>> Unexpected because when one is advised to choose a typical
>> really 'fixed' size font out of the box that would be
>> Courier New

> Sammy wrote:
>I agree!  I'm sort of stumped by that also.
> How can it be fixed width if the average and max char widths
> differ?
> Fonts are very hard to understand :(

found this was indeed ClearType at work (thanks Deanna). Turning off ClearType corrects the display issue without changing any code, although I still need to correct how the application works with ClearType.
I also found the issue was not present on Windows XP because ClearType is turned off by default, whereas in Windows 7 (and Vista) it is turned on by default.


To confirm, I have 'ClearType' on my Microsoft Windows set to 'ON'.
I will now set 'ClearType' to 'OFF' and run ddd.exe again, and show the unique result.


A. How to set 'ClearType' in Microsoft Windows 10?

1. -Click Microsoft Windows 'Start'

2. -Type


3. -Disable or enable the checkbox about ClearType

4. -Go through the steps of choices of fonts

5. -Tested successfully on
    Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (64 bits)


B. Result

1. If 'ClearType' is 'ON'

ACW = average char width
MCW = maximum char width
sz.x = computed char width of "W"

These have the same values:
BBCWin ACW 16 MCW 16 sz.x 16
Courier ACW 9 MCW 9 sz.x 9
CSD16 ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Fixedsys ACW 8 MCW 8 sz.x 8
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Sans Typewriter ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Terminal ACW 12 MCW 12 sz.x 12

These differ in average and max:
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8

These differen in all 3 values:


2. If 'ClearType' is 'OFF'

ACW = average char width
MCW = maximum char width
sz.x = computed char width of "W"

These have the same values:
BBCWin ACW 16 MCW 16 sz.x 16
Courier ACW 9 MCW 9 sz.x 9
CSD16 ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Fixedsys ACW 8 MCW 8 sz.x 8
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Sans Typewriter ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Terminal ACW 12 MCW 12 sz.x 12

@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8


C. Conclusion:

Because no difference between the data when

 'ClearType' is 'ON'


 'ClearType' is 'OFF'

the conclusion is that these different values of AVG and MAX
(e.g. also for a 'fixed' font like 'Courier New' 
are set and used by Microsoft company developers for handling
'ClearType'. So it looks like to be a Microsoft internal decision.

Note: That e.g. 'Terminal' gets same values, and 'Courier New'
not falls in the same category I guess, that is an internal Microsoft decision.

Harald Mezger

Nov 27, 2022, 7:48:50 AM11/27/22
Happy to comply, Sammy - with two remarks:

a) lots of fonts, inclduing rather exotic ones, tend to get installed with office software
To enjoy Tessie in all its glory, some users also like to manually add monospaced fonts optimized for screen display
(towards the end of the list).

b) many of the fonts are listed twice, the second time with a preceding "@" . Can't say if that indicates any actual difference
between the entries. Such double listings seem to be limited to fonts from Microsoft and office applications.

Terminal ACW 12 MCW 12 sz.x 12
Fixedsys ACW 8 MCW 8 sz.x 8
Courier ACW 9 MCW 9 sz.x 9
Fira Mono OT ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 29 sz.x 8
@SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 29 sz.x 8
Simplified Arabic Fixed ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
BatangChe ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@BatangChe ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
GungsuhChe ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@GungsuhChe ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
Rod ACW 10 MCW 15 sz.x 10

Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
DFKai-SB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@DFKai-SB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
SimHei ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@SimHei ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8

Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
KaiTi ACW 8 MCW 17 sz.x 8
@KaiTi ACW 8 MCW 17 sz.x 8

NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@NSimSun ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
GulimChe ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@GulimChe ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
DotumChe ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@DotumChe ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
FangSong ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@FangSong ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
Miriam Fixed ACW 10 MCW 11 sz.x 10
MingLiU ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MingLiU ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8

Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Liberation Mono ACW 10 MCW 20 sz.x 10
Droid Sans Mono ACW 10 MCW 13 sz.x 10
DejaVu Sans Mono ACW 10 MCW 20 sz.x 10
Envy Code R ACW 9 MCW 9 sz.x 9
IBM Plex Mono Text ACW 10 MCW 15 sz.x 10


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zhong zhao

Nov 27, 2022, 9:30:21 PM11/27/22
to SemWare TSE Pro text editor

Terminal ACW 12 MCW 12 sz.x 12
@Terminal ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
Fixedsys ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@Fixedsys ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8

Courier ACW 9 MCW 9 sz.x 9
Courier Std ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Courier Std ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10

Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Consolas ACW 9 MCW 18 sz.x 9
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Courier New ACW 10 MCW 12 sz.x 10
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
Lucida Console ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
@MS Gothic ACW 8 MCW 32 sz.x 8
新宋体 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
新宋体 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@新宋体 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@新宋体 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@SimSun-ExtB ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
仿宋 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
仿宋 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@仿宋 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@仿宋 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
楷体 ACW 8 MCW 17 sz.x 8
楷体 ACW 8 MCW 17 sz.x 8
@楷体 ACW 8 MCW 17 sz.x 8
@楷体 ACW 8 MCW 17 sz.x 8
黑体 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
黑体 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@黑体 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@黑体 ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8

DejaVu Sans Mono ACW 10 MCW 20 sz.x 10
DejaVu Sans Mono ACW 10 MCW 20 sz.x 10
DejaVu Sans Mono ACW 10 MCW 20 sz.x 10
DejaVu Sans Mono ACW 10 MCW 20 sz.x 10
DejaVu Sans Mono ACW 10 MCW 20 sz.x 10
DejaVu Sans Mono ACW 10 MCW 20 sz.x 10
DejaVu Sans Mono ACW 10 MCW 20 sz.x 10
DejaVu Sans Mono ACW 10 MCW 20 sz.x 10
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
@MS Mincho ACW 8 MCW 16 sz.x 8
HGOCR_CNKI ACW 15 MCW 9 sz.x 15
HGOCR_CNKI ACW 15 MCW 9 sz.x 15
@HGOCR_CNKI ACW 15 MCW 9 sz.x 12
@HGOCR_CNKI ACW 15 MCW 9 sz.x 12
Lucida Sans Typewriter ACW 10 MCW 10 sz.x 10
隶书 ACW 8 MCW 17 sz.x 8
@隶书 ACW 8 MCW 17 sz.x 8
幼圆 ACW 8 MCW 17 sz.x 8
@幼圆 ACW 8 MCW 17 sz.x 8
ISOCTEUR ACW 11 MCW 12 sz.x 11
ISOCTEUR ACW 11 MCW 12 sz.x 11
ISOCTEUR ACW 11 MCW 12 sz.x 11
ISOCTEUR ACW 11 MCW 12 sz.x 11
ISOCTEUR ACW 11 MCW 12 sz.x 11
ISOCTEUR ACW 11 MCW 12 sz.x 11
Courier10 BT ACW 10 MCW 11 sz.x 10
Courier10 BT ACW 10 MCW 11 sz.x 10
Courier10 BT ACW 10 MCW 11 sz.x 10
Courier10 BT ACW 10 MCW 11 sz.x 10
Courier10 BT ACW 10 MCW 11 sz.x 10
Monospac821 BT ACW 10 MCW 11 sz.x 10
Monospac821 BT ACW 10 MCW 11 sz.x 10
Monospac821 BT ACW 10 MCW 11 sz.x 10
Monospac821 BT ACW 10 MCW 11 sz.x 10
Monospac821 BT ACW 10 MCW 11 sz.x 10

Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9

Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Code SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9

Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ExtraLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono Light ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiLight ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9

Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9

Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9

Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9

Cascadia Mono ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
Cascadia Mono SemiBold ACW 9 MCW 36 sz.x 9
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