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HealthNLP 2019: The second International Workshop on Health Natural Language Processing

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Wang Sam

Feb 11, 2019, 10:37:17 AM2/11/19
to SemEval

[Apologies for cross posting]

The second International Workshop on Health Natural Language Processing, June 10th, Beijing, China (

Call for Papers (Deadline Mar. 25, 2019)


Hua Xu, PhD (contact), Professor, School of Biomedical Informatics, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, US.
Ozlem Uzuner, PhD, Associate Professor, Information Sciences and Technology, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, US. 
Yanshan Wang, PhD, Research Associate, Biomedical Informatics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, US.

We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the second International Workshop on Health Natural Language Processing (HealthNLP 2019). 

In the past few decades, growing adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) systems have made massive clinical narrative data available electronically. Natural language processing (NLP) technologies that can unlock information from narrative text have received great attention in the medical domain. Many clinical NLP methods and systems have been developed and showed promising results in various information extraction tasks. These methods and tools have also been successfully applied to facilitate clinical research, as well as to support healthcare applications. At the same time, the availability and use of health information online has exploded through use of social media, question-answering and community discussion forums, and health-related websites. These present additional challenges and opportunities for further development of new methodologies and healthcare applications.

The goal of this workshop is to provide a unique platform to bring together researchers and practitioners in healthcare informatics working with health-related free text, and facilitate close interaction among students, scholars, and industry professionals on health NLP challenges worldwide. This is a one-day workshop that consists of invited speakers, podium talks, and poster presentations.

We invite papers and short abstracts on novel approaches, works in progress, comparative analyses of tools, and original state-of-the-art work in health NLP methods, tools, and applications. Selected papers will be presented as podium talks, and other interesting submissions and abstracts will be showcased as poster presentations.

Target audience includes both health NLP researchers and consumers. Anyone interested in NLP-based approaches, solutions, and applications in clinical, biomedical, and consumer health informatics is welcome. Researchers and students working on health NLP projects and others interested in learning about and sharing NLP knowledge and resources are strongly encouraged to attend. We also welcome students who wish to closely interact with NLP experts. Potential attendees may come from NLP communities in the medical domain (e.g., AMIA NLP Working Group, BioNLP) and computer and information scientists and linguists working on health-related text processing (e.g., with interests in ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, TREC Precision Medicine and Clinical Decision Support tracks, etc.), as well as general health informatics professionals and researchers.

Submission and Review
Authors may submit regular papers (4-10 pages, including references) and abstracts (2 pages, including references) in the format used for the ICHI submissions. Developers of NLP tools may submit a demo paper (up to 4 pages, including references) describing the tool, along with a link to a web demonstration (interactive website or a demonstration video). As with ICHI, the workshop will follow single-blind reviewing, therefore submissions should have the names and affiliations of authors listed on the paper. Papers must adhere to the IEEE Proceedings Format available for LaTeX and Word, and submitted as a single PDF file. Submissions will be handled electronically through EasyChair ( using HealthNLP 2019 track. For more information, please read the detailed submission instructions (link here).

All submissions will undergo a peer review by at least two domain experts from the program committee. The selection of papers and posters will be primarily based on the potential to generate discussion and impact future research directions. Accepted papers will be included in the ICHI 2019 Proceedings and IEEE Digital Library. Plans are underway to also invite authors of selected papers to publish an extended version of their work in a special issue of BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making journal.

Important Dates
Deadline for all submissions: March 25th, 2019
Notification of decisions: April 15th, 2019
Workshop date: June 10th, 2019


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