Call for Participation
CFP for the Second Shared Task on Indian Native Language Identification (INLI) held in conjunction with the Forum for Information Retrieval
Evaluation (FIRE) 2018 on 7th - 9th December 2018 at DAIICT, Gandhinagar.
This is the Second version of the
Shared Task on Indian Native Language Identification (INLI
) conducted at FIRE-2017 at IISc Bangalore.
A shared task on Native Language Identification (NLI) has been organized in 2013 at NAACL-HLT and a second one is planned at EMNLP
2017. At INLI, given a set a set of Facebook comments in English, the focus is on identifying the Indian native language of the writer. Six are
the Indian languages that will be addressed: Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, and Telugu.
Cash awards for the top 2 best performing teams will be given.
We are glad to invite all the researchers working on the relevant
research areas to participate in the INLI shared task.
Important Dates
• 3rd May - Registration Starts
• 15th May – Training data released
• 15th June– Test data released
• 25th June– Run submission deadline
• 5th July – Results declared
• 15th August– Working notes due
December 7-9, 2018: FIRE 2018 Conference at DAIICT, Gandhinagar.
Registration is now open. You can register at the INLI website:
Task website:
http://nlp.amrita.edu/inli/ FIRE Conference website:
http://fire.irsi.res.in/fire/2018/homeContact email:
Task Coordinators
Anand Kumar M, CEN, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India
Soman K P, CEN, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India