Share it with your friend circle, machine learning, deep learning, NLP and Cyber security students and researchers
Cybersecurity group at CEN happy to invite candidates to register for the 1st shared task on cyber security in India. It will be held at PESIT Bangalore South Campus, Bengaluru from 19th to 22nd September 2018, a workshop co-located with ICACCI'18 and SSCC'18. The shared task features problem statements in the field of traditional machine learning, deep learning and text analysis in the field of cyber security.
All the accepted shared task will be submitted to An extended version of the best working notes and workshop papers will be submitted to the book.
Apart from the shared task, we welcome scientific papers on topics related to Deep learning for Security Applications as part of ICACCI'18 and SSCC'18 which can be submitted through EDAS. The paper submission guidelines are available here.
Apart from the shared task, we welcome scientific papers on topics related to Deep learning for Security Applications as part of ICACCI'18 and SSCC'18. Deep learning for Security Applications (Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)):
1) Botnet identification and detection
2) Spam and phishing detection
3) Security in social networks
4) Learning in adversarial environments
5) Malware identification, analysis and similarity
6) Intrusion detection and response
7) Representation and detection of social engineering attacks
8) Classification of sequences of system and network events
9) Application of learning to computer forensics
10) Program representation
11) Web application
12) Security, Privacy, Trust and Safety
13) Mobile Computing, Internet of Things (IoT)
14) Cloud, Apps and Services, and their Security
15) Big Data architectures for network security
16) Detecting data and information leakage
Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. The extended version of the best working notes will be submitted to the Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications, Springer book.
Shared Task :
Registration Deadline - June 15
Training data release - June 30
Test data release July - 15
Model and Results Submission - July 17
Results declared - July 30
Working notes due - Aug 15
Conference - Sep 19-22
Call for papers :
Papers Due - May 31, 2018
Acceptance Notification June 30, 2018
Final Paper Deadline August 20, 2018
Prof Soman KP, Prof & Head CEN
Prof Bharat Jayaraman, University at Buffalo
Dr. Sabu M. Thampi, Associate Professor, IIITM-K
Dr. Mamoun Alazab, Senior member IEEE and Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor in North America)
Dr. MingJian Tang, Data Scientist (Cyber Security), Commonwealth Bank, Australia
Dr. Rakesh Verma, Professor, University of Houston
Dr. Lila Ghemri, Associate Professor Texas Southern University, Houston
Dr. Stavros Ntalampiras, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science of the University of Milan.
Dr. M. Sabarimalai Manikandan, Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
Dr. B. B. Gupta, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, India
Dr. Sandeep K. Shukla, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Dr. Prabaharan Poornachandran, Center for Cyber Security Systems and Networks, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, India
Mr. Pradeep Menon, Chief executive officer, Lakhshya Cyber Security Labs Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore