The system results for the PETE task and the scorer we used to compute
them are attached to this email.
On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 3:05 AM, Katrin Erk <> wrote:
> Dear task organizers,
> Many thanks for all your great work so far! Now that the results are
> in, you can send the scores to your participants.
> In addition we'd like to prepare a web page with system rankings for
> the different tasks. If you would like to have the system rankings for
> your task up there as well, please send them to us, ranked from best
> to worst performance.
> If possible, we would like to ask you to put your system results into
> an HTML table -- the template is attached to this email. Please put
> the task name and number in the first line, and the name of the
> evaluation measure in the second line. In the inner table, put system
> names and evaluation results.
> (If one group has submitted multiple systems, these systems should
> still have different names; just list them separately, as if they were
> from different groups.)
> Please let us know if you have any questions!
> All the best,
> Katrin and Carlo
> --
> Katrin Erk, Department of Linguistics
> The University of Texas at Austin