Running SemanticTurkey and VocBench in separate containers causes issues

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Nikola Vasiljevic

Aug 13, 2020, 5:05:19 AM8/13/20
to semanticturkey-user
Hi there,

First of all I am very impressed with both SemanticTurkey and VocBench and preparing docker container to make them available internally at department where I work (Technical University of Denmark, department for wind energy).

Due to several reasons I have been trying to have two separate docker images, one running solely VocBench (tomcat) while second running SemanticTurkey.

SemanticTurkey is accessible via, while VocBench is accessible via I've edited vbconfig.js stating explicitly st_host= and st_port=1979.

Once I launch VocBench (i.e. go to I am prompted to register admin account. I register admin account, and get confirmation that the account has been made:


However, once I click OK, I get Access Denied message:


I am a bit puzzled why this is happening, VocBench and SemanticTurkey def communicate since if I go in VocBench cli I can see that the admin account has been made.

Tiziano Lorenzetti

Aug 13, 2020, 6:15:16 AM8/13/20
Dear Nikola,
I was able to reproduce the issue. It seems to be browser related, in fact in my case it occurred only on Chrome (I gave it a try also with Firefox and Edge and it worked fine with them).
I still have to address the issue, I will dig into it. I'm quite sure that in previous versions of VB it worked fine, but I just tested and experienced the same issue also on v6.0.1. So, I guess it might be related to some update in cookie management on Chrome. In the meantime could you please tell me which browser are you using and if the issue does occur also with different browsers? 
Thank you.

Best regards,

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Nikola Vasiljevic

Aug 13, 2020, 8:26:00 AM8/13/20
to semanticturkey-user
Hi Tiziano,

Many thanks for the promptly reply. In my case occurs in Safari and Firefox.
I can also report that sometimes it works (i.e., no Access Denied message), but most of the time I've been hitting "Access Denied".

I will make a github repo for the docker setup I am using so we can run the same setup.

Best regards,


Nikola Vasiljevic

Aug 13, 2020, 8:50:49 AM8/13/20
to semanticturkey-user
Here is a github repo with docker setup:

Tiziano Lorenzetti

Aug 13, 2020, 9:16:02 AM8/13/20
Hi Nikola,
I think that removing the declaration of st_host in vbconfig.js should solve. Once done, you may need to force the refresh of VB bypassing the browser cache (sometimes the configuration is cached). If VocBench and SemanticTurkey run on the same machine, as in your case, it is not necessary to explicitly set st_host, VB will resolve the host using the same address of the machine hosting it.
I suppose that once logged in, the authentication cookie is stored associated to localhost and not to (are you accessing VB via http://localhost:8080/vocbench3 or, so it might not be set for the following requests (toward 
I just tried and it worked in my case.

Nikola Vasiljevic

Aug 13, 2020, 10:00:17 AM8/13/20
to semanticturkey-user

Hi Tiziano,

I confirm that it works! Many thanks!

I am using traefik as revers proxy to route url to VocBench docker.
Locally it works as expected. Soon I will deploy it online.


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