Dear VocBenchers,
it is a pleasure to let you know about the release of ShowVoc, a browsing platform for Semantic Web resources. The platform can be considered a publication companion to VocBench, sharing with it the Semantic Web platform Semantic Turkey,
ShowVoc offers a powerful browsing environment, with facilities for inspecting OWL ontologies, SKOS/SKOS-XL thesauri, OntoLex lexicons and any sort of RDF dataset.
Cross-dataset features, such as global search and the translation API benefit from the presence of different datasets in order to realize a multilingual resource for term reference and authoritative term translation.
Funded by the European Commission ISA² programme (PMKI action: Public Multilingual Knowledge Infrastructure), the development of ShowVoc is managed by the Publications Office of the EU under the contract 10632 (Infeurope S.A.).
You can find out more about ShowVoc at:
We sincerely hope you will appreciate this new addendum to the VocBench ecosystem!
The VocBench team