Pledges needed, now or never: Seltzer community manager

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Edward L Platt

Jul 6, 2015, 12:10:30 PM7/6/15
to,, Hackerspaces General Discussion List,, i3Detroit
Hi All,

There are just a few hours left to pledge to support a 1.0 version of Seltzer, a tool for managing hackerspaces and other cooperatives. If you want to see this happen, ever small bit helps, pledge at the link below. And to all my Silicon Valley friends: if you can afford brunch in San Francisco, you can afford supporting a tool to help those who can't.

Over the past year, dozens of makerspaces and cooperatives have told me about how much they need a tool like Seltzer. The current version is close, but not quite ready for their needs. And in order to make it easy for different groups to contribute improvements to the software, it's going to take a lot of time working on documentation and organizing meetings between users and developers. This summer is my last chance to do this work before I spend the next 4-7 years doing a phd.

I've seen the amazing things a space of a couple hundred members can do when they're able to organize: building mind-controlled flamethrowers and flying robots, transforming themselves from underemployed store clerks into engineers, mentoring students from schools that can't afford tech equipment... just imagine what then tens of thousands of makers around the world could do if it was easier to work together.

Happy hacking,

Edward L. Platt

This electronic mail message was sent from my desktop personal computer.  Please forgive any long-winded, overly-prosaic ramblings.
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