Hi All,
I'll soon be launching a crowdfunding campaign to fund the Seltzer code sprint in July and August. If you're willing, I'd love to include some short video clips of people involved in Seltzer and/or hackerspaces talking about:
* Why hackerspaces and other organizations need tools to manage member data.
* If you use Seltzer, why and how it helps your org.
* How a new version of Seltzer will help your org grow.
* Short answers to "What can you do with Seltzer?" e.g. "connect new members with mentors" or "find the owner of a tool."
Here's a short demo video showing the idea behind the functionality of the new version:
And here's more info on the purpose of the code sprint:
If you'd like to be in the video, get some footage of yourself answering these questions, preferably in your space or with your projects! Then send me a link to the video file or youtube page *by Saturday night*.
Hope you'll consider contributing!
Edward L. Platt
This electronic mail message was sent from my desktop personal computer. Please forgive any long-winded, overly-prosaic ramblings.