Re: Adding features to Seltzer

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Edward L Platt

Mar 12, 2018, 5:47:32 PM3/12/18
to Andy D'Arcy Jewell, seltzercrm-dev
Hi Andy, exciting to hear from a new Seltzer user!

Wondering how you found out about the software. We've been getting a lot of feature requests and bug reports the past couple of weeks, so wondering if the project was blogged somewhere? I've also copied the seltzercrm-dev list.

Here are some answers to your questions:

1. For adding text to the form, you want to use the 'message' type for the form element.
2. There's no email list feature, but there is an email address report, which can be copied and pasted into your favorite email client.
3. I forget the granularity of the access check for viewing member emails. It might just be view_member, in which case it can't be separated with the current version. The way to change that would be to add a view_member_email permission to the member module.

If you do make any changes, please do let us know on the dev list! I'd love to see them merged back in. Also, if you haven't already, you should fill out the 2-minute seltzer survey:

Happy hacking,

On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 1:38 PM, Andy D'Arcy Jewell <> wrote:
Hi Ed!

First of all, thanks for all your efforts with Seltzer! Beats the competition in terms of resource usage and understandability. I'm a big fan of "just enough functionality". We are just starting to use Seltzer for our new makerspace, and I've already got it customised enough for "production" use. But there are a couple of things I would like to add/change, but I'm not yet familiar enough with the codebase to know where to start (will obviously contrib back to you if you want them).

1. Cookies notification - I'm in the UK, so (currently) EU Cookies law prevails, and we need to notify users that we are about to drop a cookie - before we do. I've currently hacked the footer to include a notice, but I'd ideally like to add this to both the login and register forms. I can see how to add form fields, but adding a bit of text has eluded me. Any chance of a quick hint, please?

2. Email lists: I can't see if there's a way to use them yet (could be this is not implemented). I could write an external script to email based on the database, but that kind of feels hacky. Is there a way to do this that I've missed?

3. Is there a way to limit the membership table columns displayed to ordinary members, whilst still showing the full details to privileged users? We don't want phone numbers and email addresses shown to new members - it's obviously a personal data-leak vector.

I'm going to continue working through these myself, but any hints would be most welcome.

Thanks in advance,

-Andy D'Arcy Jewell

Telford Makerspace

Edward L. Platt

Tips for stopping email overload:
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Chris Murray

Mar 23, 2018, 1:27:40 PM3/23/18
to seltzercrm-dev
Hey Andy!

As Ed said, welcome to the group, always good to hear from new users!

Also, a warm welcome to someone who’s also this side of the Atlantic!

1 - happy to help you with this & integrate it into into the main codebase.
2 - there is an email list module written by Matt, one of our original contributors, but it’s not enabled by default.  It allows for the creation of distribution lists but I think it’s still in need of some TLC!
3 - Yes, this can be done! I’ve added some code in the dev branch that allows members to only see their own profile, & administrators to see all members, including contact details. This could be tweaked as Ed suggested to have permissions to allow for individual permissions to control specific fields :) Let me know if you want to work on this!

All the best,

Chris 8-)
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