SELKS-Suri Tips and Tricks - E12: Closing a Suricata Supply Chain Attack Vulnerability

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Mark Durrett

Jan 11, 2024, 4:29:12 PMJan 11

Hi folks,

Here is your weekly Suricata and SELKS tips and tricks email. Each week we'll feature a blog article or PDF document with something we hope you'll find useful.

In June of 2023 the OISF announced a new release of Suricata (6.0.13) which fixes a potential security issue that could lead to supply chain attacks against Suricata.

Specifically, this pertains to signatures which use datasets or Lua. Two CVEs were issued for these vulnerabilities. See links below:

Suricata 6.0.13 patches these vulnerabilities. If you have not yet updated your version of Suricata, we recommend you do so immediately.

Stamus Networks co-founder and CTO, Éric Leblond wrote a detailed blog on this topic. We encourage you to check it out. 

Let us know what you think.




D. Mark Durrett

Chief Marketing Officer

Stamus Networks

+1 (919) 345-9515

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