FW: [SOA~2013] From African Holocaust To African Diaspora [1 Attachment]

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Self-Help News

Mar 15, 2015, 12:12:34 AM3/15/15
to self-he...@googlegroups.com




AFRIKAN SUN RISING – passion and compassion. Commitment and determination. Vision and purpose. Struggle and momentum. Urgency and meaningful courage and sacrifices. TOLERANCE AND LOVE FOR SELF. Togetherness. Reciprocity. Humility.  Self-respect. Self-discipline, Right actions, without malice and envy. Without these – we are in danger of being irrelevant and useful material to be used as buffers for those who do wrongs against the innocents.


The ‘Rubicon has been crossed’. The Abeng and Conch shell sounded. TIME. No going back. Global Engagement has been imposed on us. There are no ‘bystanders’. No ‘neutral positions’.  Afrikan Sons and Daughters are rising. It is organic. We know now; but those who interfered with us knew before us.  Yet they hope beyond hope that they can change, in order to alter the course of their inevitable  consequences, even in light of their  beginning to experience their nemesis. Ironically, not by a greater force, but constructed by their own undeniable historical deeds. The blood of the innocents has evolved into a sharp and devastating Sword of Destructions. Only the innocents will avoid  retributions.


Science,  Theologies and Great Wealth will not absolve   the guilty.  Our absolutions predicate on our true and irrefutable deeds – ‘the innocence of self’, irrespective of our  belief systems or lack of it. The Sun, Moon and Stars are aware of the consequences to themselves were they to violate Universal Order and move from their assigned positions in the Order of Our Cosmos. Is not the individual the microcosm of that very same Universal Order?


We are in transit – the lull before the Great Thunder. The Octopus tentacles  will be loosen and the captive will be set free. What to do with the weaken Octopus. Should the poor and downtrodden  feast on its carcass   or should it be offered to the Great Flames. Eating its carcass may cause contamination to our Pure Souls. Yet we must consider compassion. Mercy and justice and even forgiveness, however difficult this might be, not on the basis of our weakness, but our Great Strength.


Let’s walk. The Inevitable is soon to catch up. It travels along the same path as we.


Now they are surprised that we, too, are aware of their Nemesis. Their arrogance is one of their single most destructive deed. Because they cloaked themselves in Darkness, they wrongly believe that they are hidden from the Vision of the Light.


Now the issue is – is it too late for all of them?  They must search within and answer this question. Their planned destructions of more innocents, using their machines, those which are publicly known and those not yet revealed publicly, would only add more to their misfortunes. The innocents are not their enemies. The Destroyers and their Deeds are their own enemies.


The innocents are the grass and the elephants are about to fight, and when elephants fight, the grass suffer. WE must find ways to get us to  a safe place to avoid being trampled. To do that, we must apply modern management tools confidently to our organisational structures, not with the intention to make money for our individual benefits, but to make safe our Collective, during the Thunderstorms that is almost upon us.


We must not aspire for ‘ideal unity’. We must speak of survival unity, with those who are willing to coalesce  with us. We must build in systems to defend that unity from enemies within and without. We must also built in system to manage our traditional organisational bugbears of personality conflicts and individuals over inflated egos. We cannot afford these extras on our survival journey. We must aspire to quality of leadership and not mass movement. The Mass Media already captured the minds of the masses. At worse the masses  are hypnotised and at best they are confused. Many are already poisoned  - they drank the ‘kool aid’  of deception.


A blind person with a machine gun can be equally destructive as a sighted person. The difference is that the sighted can place us more accurately in the crosshair.


Fear of the inevitable is not part of Global Afrika’s solution. Hate is not. If we are fearful and hateful, we are likely to become a liability to ourselves and others. We must do what we need to do, in all conscience,  for our Collective survival. They might not survive, that is not to say that we should follow their journey.


A People who consistently demonstrate  incapability  to recognise the importance to repair  damages they caused to another consistently over many centuries and continue to do the same proportionally today, is a people who have their own seeds of destructions growing larger within themselves daily.


WE must redefine what we mean by ‘Afrikan Unity’ and ‘Afrika Unity’,  in a rapidly shifting geo-political landscape, as new alliances are  forged and others broken.  The trend is for many of us Afrikans continue  to think and believe that it is possible to bring the majority of indigenous Afrikans into one monolithic structure. This is probably desirable, but not practical when we have a very strong and well equipped adversary. Equipped intellectually  and financially with almost impeccable intelligence apparatus.


Too many of us use as our point of reference, without proper modification,  the social, economic, political,  scientific and technological conditions of our Great Ancestors such as

Garvey-Nkrumah and others, during their time with the living, to build   platform to launch and sustain our momentum to effect necessary and needed changes among our people. And after trying to erect this ‘monolith’    and failed, we become introspective and labelling  ourselves as ‘failures’, when in fact, this ‘blame game’ might be too much of a simplistic explanation, without considering fully  current global shifts.


Those of us who hold theories which have shown to be ineffective, it is full time for us to be ‘revolutionary’ and jettison them. Afrikan survival is not a competition among individuals. There are no sacred theories. What is sacred is the survival of our people.  Today, we are able to identify which theory is working by results.


Yes - speak President Shaka Barak of the Marcus Garvey Institute. Draw the curtain wider to have more light streaming in. Every one of us has curtains of our minds. It is probably time to open them in the interest of experiencing a different  Afrikan Dawn.  One which learns from the past, but carries  less  baggage of the past; and so steeped fully in the complexities of the 21st century and beyond. One which is capable of countering effectively those who are standing in our way of Global productive Community Development.


Unless we grasp this, it will not be long when we witness Afrikan states engaging  in fully fledge military  wars among ourselves, and we would be given enough reason and ammunitions by foreign entities to keep that momentum going, while they, the foreign  entities, siphoned   more of our Afrikan birth rights for themselves.  


We are probably at a last attempt at igniting  Afrikan Unity in diversity, among the willing during this juncture of the 21st  century. The new ‘scramble for Afrika’ is making Afrika  and Afrikan Unity complicated and probably more difficult than before, now that sophisticated foreign  military bases are firmly erected in Afrika. And who can force them to go, if they refused to do so? The UN Security Council on which the owners of such bases have vetoing powers to block any such potential Security Council resolution.


In addition, Afrika Unity is currently excessively challenging because of important players, permanent residents on the Continent who have no interest in this notion of uniting with Indigenous Afrikans, because they cannot see how they would benefit, particularly when they have ‘a more well-funded, linguistically and  theologically appropriate,  older and potentially more  stable Forum’ of their own with headquarters  also on Afrikan soil.


When Afrikan historical adversaries are weakened  that would not be the result of  Afrikan primary efforts in this regard. As suggested above, that might have been because of their internal fault lines imploding, as did the Roman Empire, and subsequent empires fashioned on the Rome model. Afrikans must be properly organised to take advantage of this situation when it comes. Our first focus must be Afrikan Unity, and those who are left behind, we should leave them a road map  to catch up later. By then, they might be ready for Afrika Unity.


Editorial Collective

Self-Help News “Giving Voice to the Voiceless”




From: S...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:S...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Shaka Barak shaka...@yahoo.com [SOA]
Sent: 12 March 2015 17:21
To: S...@yahoogroups.com
Cc: Shaka Barak; qamar...@gmail.com
Subject: [SOA~2013] From African Holocaust To African Diaspora [1 Attachment]


By Shaka Barak, President, The Marcus Garvey Institute
P.O. Box 1723 Oak Park, Il. 60304, 708-613-5132
Fifty to one hundred million Africans before their capture and enslavement, were descendants of those that designed the first civilizations that gave art, science, math, literature, architecture, from their home, the twelve million square miles of the beautiful continent of Africa. As we look back over the last 500 years, we are certain that the jealous, Arabs, Europeans and Asians that participated in the slave trade, or African Holocaust, were those that hated Africans. You cannot exterminate, enslave or massacre a people and love them. No matter what lies have been written about trying to civilize, or pass on their form of religion to Africans, they had no love, be they Christian, Muslims, Buddhist, Jews, or Hindus if they helped enslave Africans.
First, during Arabs Muslim military expansion, by 642 they had swept across North Africa, taking Africans across the Sahara, into slavery. Next, by the year 1500, Africa was invaded, by Portugal, Spain, France, England, Netherland followed by others, and were captured, chained and forced marched hundreds of miles to the Western, Eastern, Northern and Southern shores of the continent of Africa. In one-on-one fighting African warriors could defeat these aliens, but while chained, out gunned (technological advantage) and divided by tribes, they were conquered. Before they were carried away they were held in the slave forts along the West coast of Africa, and certainly not to teach us a higher morality, higher math, or higher sciences. The only thing they taught us was that they were all monsters that did to Africans, what had never been done before in all human history. Never before had another people drug, on average of 350 chained people aboard waiting
slave ships, and then almost starved, beat them both above and below deck. They forced them to lay naked and chained into a fetus positions, like sardines in a can, for up to three to six months during the voyage to the “New World”. It was heinous to make them sleep in the urine and feces of their fellow captives, until death through diseases engulfed one third of these captives. It’s irreprehensible that African women, and girls were taken above deck, not to be given a better religion, but so the sailors could rape these beautiful virgins. In front of other Africans who were forced to witness, without shedding a tear or making a sound during the selling or murders, of fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. They forced us into hard backbreaking labor to make trillions of dollars off cocoa, rice, silver, timber, gold off tobacco, sugar and coffee. This gave them the leisure time to think and develop their “European Renaissance.”
Although unintentional, an African Diaspora has been created from the transportation of the 50-100 million that if not killed, were taken out of Africa and scattered across the planet. All together, our African Diaspora is comprised of over 1.2 billion Africans and people of African descent.  Those Africans who died or lived were our ancestors,  and so we will never forget the African Holocaust. We know that their bones are on the ocean floors, or still rotting along the paths they were marched through to the lands of captivity. There are  over 400,000,000 of us outside of Africa, living, suffering and waiting in places like Brazil, Colombia, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Bolivia, Jamaica, Guiana’s, United States, Madagascar, and India. There are over 800,000,000 Africans inside of the continent of Africa, inside 54
waiting to unite.
Today, to restore our ancient glory, our love for self and one another must be greater than the hatred the alien races had for us. We must not be ashamed of any perceived cowardice on our ancestor’s parts. While tens of millions of Africans were captured, millions died fighting back in thousands of rebellions on land and at sea. For our African Renaissance we must understand that our African Diasporians were dis-Africanized, from our names, language, religion, and miss-educated against our African continent. We were tricked so that we could only see ourselves in terms of our pigmentation (black). We will now reclaim our identity as a beautiful Black African people.
The unity we need, will come when we have leaders, teachers, and a youth throughout the African Diaspora, that will teach that through different languages, cultures, resources and skills, we also have a mineral wealthy Motherland Africa. When Africa is developed in brotherly and sisterly cooperation, we could eliminate poverty in the African Diaspora among those of us who have the precious tie of blood that flows through our veins as an African people.

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