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Self-Help News

May 28, 2015, 8:22:47 PM5/28/15
to self-he...@googlegroups.com



From: Self-Help News [mailto:selfhe...@ubol.com]
Sent: 28 May 2015 16:48
To: 'Victor Payne'; 'Menelik PD Harris'; 'Valerie Dixon'; 'Bankie Forster Bankie'; 'Bob Brown'; 'Saladin Muhammad'; 'John Mendez'; 'Bob Wes'; 'Ajamu Dillahunt'; 'Banbose Shango'; 'Afrika and Diaspora Institute'; 'LANG T.K.A. NUBUOR Cencsa'; 'Chinweizu Chinweizu'; 'KOJO OPOKU AIDOO'; 'KWESIPRAH'; 'Horace Campbell'; 'john jackson'; 'Censa2011'; 'University of the West Indies'; 'Kwasi Budu'; 'african...@aol.com'


Greetings and thank you, Brother Victor, for your response.


We will revisit Lenin’s and Nkrumah’s work. Have they been up-dated to take into consideration modern realities. The old works, particularly Lenin’s, did not contribute to the Soviet Union’s sustainability. And, in spite of Nkrumah’s efforts, you are pointing to current failures of Continental and Diaspora indigenous Afrikan leaderships. WE will also revisit Adam Smith’s ‘Wealth of Nations’(1776). The fact of the matter is, Capitalism evolves, reinventing and adapting to current human conditions, as it exploits human greed and enterprise, including sharing spoils – corruptions, with participants.  


Philosophies and theologies have not eradicated human greed, arrogance and injustices, and these ‘belief systems’ have been with us a very long time -  long before Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Kwame Nkrumah produced their works.  Mao Zedong and Den Ciao Ping were men of their time. Contemporary Chinese Leadership is better placed to know what type of policy and empiricist  guidance are required to satisfy the needs of 1.357 billion Chinese people.


Current Chinese leadership does not have the luxury of semantics or being able to yield to an application of known failed theories and practice. China shared an extensive bounder with the Soviet Union. With the demised of that Union, its boarder returned to Russia.  


We must see contemporary Afrika for what it is. The consequences and impact of the Institution of Chattel Slavery, including the fracturing of Afrikan micro-nations’ spirituality, internal order and the imposition of foreign languages and cultural norms on Afrika and her Diaspora, as if Afrikans were conquered peoples. Imperialists’  poison, injected into Afrika’s arteries at  the Berlin Conference of  1854-5, is still slushing about in our veins, at varying degrees, because, communism and capitalism are not anti-dotes to that poison.  


Arguably, between capitalism and communism, one reinforces the venom and the other distorts it. And, all this had, and  being reinforced   by  decades of foreign missionaries sent from a variety of world religious clubs, in addition to thousands of foreign NGOs, dispensing charity in Afrika, distorted and distorting historical Afrikan Personality.


None of these foreign imports sought to mend or heal cracks of that Personality. Meanwhile, Afrikan Spiritualty and Communalism – which kept Afrikans in good stead before the impact of foreigners on the Afrikan Self, are being discouraged, caricatured and untaught.


Afrikan must find our Historical Personality, along with all latent spiritual, cultural and artistic qualities. Unless this happens, we are likely to be assimilated into other nations’ social - religious, cultural, artistic,  economic and geo-political world views.


Communism is not natural to indigenous Afrikans, who are basically a spiritual people. Communalism is, based on historical evidence. Arguably, Kwame Nkrumah allowed himself to be a tool for foreign intrusions  into the Afrikan Mind. What he did not know was that the Soviet Union’s Experiment would failed spectacularly in 1991, nineteen  years after his death.


Chinese Leadership and other pragmatists, in light of the advancement in science,  technology and world travels, providing affordable means of instant communications worldwide, might be thinking that the “"International Class Struggle" can no longer be defined and understood, in its sharpness as it might have been in the past. Class struggle in the 21st century  might be a relic in static minds, which have not learnt the basic principles of  human evolution.


We can see the marked contrasts of China and Europe in Afrika during the past and present. The Chinese impacts and benefits to Afrikans in Afrika cannot be denied. Afrikan are supporting China largely because of  visual and felt economic impacts. Yet Afrikans cannot become complacent. The conditions must be created for emerging Afrikan industries to be sufficiently resilient  to survive and compete with imports from China. The application of free ‘market economy’ cannot apply here.


If it did, Afrika would not be able to industrialised effectively, with a glut of cheap imports from China and elsewhere. Afrikan might have to review and become specialists in producing products on demand, in Afrika and the Diaspora, cheaper than foreign imports, in order to compete effectively with cheap imports from whichever source.


In this regard, Afrikan raw material must be processed in Afrika. What those industries should be must be subject to negotiations and trade agreements with Afrikan leaderships and trading partners. Afrikans must be manufactures and consumers – not just consumers of foreign products. Economic and industrial power is crucial to Nation building and wealth generations.


We  must learn fully the teachings that ‘nations have permanent interests and not permanent friends’.  East winds are over Afrika, as those same winds, in another form, are also over the USA, as the USA is in debt to China far more than all the Afrikan states’ and Diaspora debt to China put together.


Every nation puts its interests first. China is no exception. China is not doling  out charity to Afrika and Afrikans. China needs what Afrika has and makes business offers to Afrikans to secure what China needs. Supply and demand. If the buyer, China, is  in a stronger  bargaining position than the seller, Afrika and Afrikans, Afrikans must learn how to gain better benefits for our commodities. China is not peddling religions or even its interpreted modern communist doctrine to Afrikans, unlike some foreign visitors and invaders to Afrika, who insist that Afrikans, their traders must live the buyers’ life styles.


Our first Afrikan defence is the purification of our minds. Current Afrikan leaders recognised that when we speak of Afrikans defending our lands and resources militarily - and since Afrika and Afrikans do not have munition factories, Afrikan defenders will be expected to go to the very people against whom we are defending ourselves, asking for weapons. No. Armchair revolutionaries and theorists will not do for practical everyday experiences  of ordinary Afrikans.


Afrika and her Diaspora must find ways and means to unite for a better future, and that is unlikely to be on orthodox communist lines, because that doctrine is shown to be ineffective. It could be that Humanity has not reached that level of capability to apply fully Communist ideals. Theory and practice are sometimes miles apart.


We must work hard to convince Global Afrika that it is good insurance, for the future, when we establish sustainable local, national and international structures to defend, retain and sustain our Global Afrikan interests, based on pragmatism, consensus, diversity and Collective respect for Self, underpinned by traditional Afrikan centred values. Sharing.


WE agree with you that Afrika will need her Diaspora material and leadership guidance continually for a long time in the future. This is natural because we are Family, and supporting kith and kin is our natural duty. Not all of us fulfil that duty. Time to ‘fix up’ and come on board.


Afrikans have ‘political power’ today because we fought for it. The fight continues for economic and other powers necessary to take our rightful place in the Area of Global Leadership. WE shall. This is our destiny. And so, while we recognised our experiences during the past five hundred years, particularly, we must not allow ourselves to be defined negatively by that.


Foreigners dominate Global Banking System because that is their system. Afrikans should work with others of like minds to create a suitable banking system if we are not satisfied with the current status quo.


Solution focus must be our spiritual and secular occupations, rejecting failed ‘puritanical’  philosophies, ideologies, theologies, and others, which demonstrated not to have brought sustainable benefits for our Afrikan Family and Time-tested Friends.  


Editorial Collective

Self-Help News “Giving Voice to the Voiceless”



From: Victor Payne [mailto:bpassio...@yahoo.com]
Sent: 28 May 2015 00:36
To: Self-Help News; 'Menelik PD Harris'; 'Valerie Dixon'; 'Bankie Forster Bankie'; 'Bob Brown'; 'Saladin Muhammad'; 'John Mendez'; 'Bob Wes'; 'Ajamu Dillahunt'; 'Banbose Shango'; 'Afrika and Diaspora Institute'; 'LANG T.K.A. NUBUOR Cencsa'; 'Chinweizu Chinweizu'; 'KOJO OPOKU AIDOO'; 'KWESIPRAH'; 'Horace Campbell'; 'john jackson'; 'Censa2011'; 'University of the West Indies'; Kwasi Budu


Bro. Self-Help,


You will need to revisit Lenin's and Nkrumah's theories on "Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism" and "Neo-colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism" to see and understand the movement of BUSINESS FINANCIAL CAPITAL , MONOPOLY BANKING FINANCIAL CAPITAL and INDUSTRIAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL from capitalistic economies to "developing territories; there is a modus operandi.China is NOT DIFFERENT; they are "revisionist communists" with capitalist business interests. The Five Point Peaceful Co-Existence under Mao was REVERSED by Deng Ciao Ping. Chinese practice capitalism in "communist suits".!! China's CPC are neo-colonizers!! What happened to the "International Class Struggle" line peddled in the 1960s in today's China policies?




You will need to see the TRACK RECORD of China and Soviets economic and political activities in Africa since 1955 to date understand the geo-political game going on between US&  EU Allies, Russia and China with Africa as the theater of the geo-political game. Only Nkrumah was smart to understand the game and called on Africans to UNITE TO DEFEND THEIR LAND & RESOURCES; colonial and neo-colonial African status were/are imposed by OUTSIDE POWERFUL IMPERIALIST FORCES. Africans united under a continental unitary government just like the TRI-POLAR world powers can withstand the imperialist aggressions and machinations; Africa will NOT BE ANY RACIST IMPERIALIST SPHERE OF INFLUENCE!! With no leader with vision like Nkrumah, Africa and Africans ARE LOST, a neo-colonialist form of "SELF-ALLIENATION".



It is over 50plus years now so the  racist imperialists are having a field day all over Africa and Diaspora. Africans have a PROBLEM to UNITITE to end neo-colonialism!! In all Caribbean nations too, cheap Chinese products dominate tourist cruise trade and hurting local artisans plus entrepreneurial initiatives for empowerment. Chinese, Lebanese, Indians and remnant British settlers dominate banking, finance and commercial businesses. African diaspora control governments, civil service and academia; no economic control  as REAL POWER. Diaspora controls political power and majority of African diaspora live in abject poverty just like on continent; where is the "fighting" spirit of Garvey in the Caribbean and Nkrumah in Africa?

Remember, " Those who controlled past do control the future" and Africa is loosing it for lying low for racist imperialists in any shape and shade. Luckily,

Pan-Africanism CAME FROM OUTSIDE with Blyden, Garvey, Dubois and Nkrumah.  It seems the DIASPORA must lead the anti-neo-colonialist revolution just like the African Liberation Support Committee's push for Africa lacks that INTERNAL ORGANIZING FORCES.

Look up the books "Africa and the Communist World" plus "East Winds Over Africa" and get a feel for what is going on globally with Africa in the midst. Present African leaders DO NOT GET IT for they are IGNORANT; Gaddafi, Mugabe & Musseveni knew it and conscious of it but old age and dysfunctional corrupt dictatorships sabotage unity process. Now "apartheid alienation" gives us a new challenge in form of xenophobia to retard unity dispensation; oh, African unity mirage! You can see the picture clearly now.




On Friday, May 22, 2015 5:46 PM, Self-Help News <selfhe...@ubol.com> wrote:


Greetings Brother Victor,


Yes – you stated the mirror image of our historical and contemporary experiences. Is it gloom and gloom. Is the success of their ‘Master Plan’ inevitable. Are we Afrikans so transparent and predictable that external and internal ‘Master Planners’ are certain that their plans will never be threatened, challenged, contained and defeated by us, the Afrikans? Can we not call on Serendipity to give us a fighting chance?


Or, are we saying that we have no fight left, now that most of our Big Warriors had gone on before us?  If this is true, what level of chattel slavery and colonisation are we at?   Was anti-slavery resistance an illusion? Was anti-colonisation resistance an illusion? Was anti-Jim Crow and the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s to the 1980s illusions? And were the anti-apartheid movement and Afrikan liberation struggles illusions?


Were the Architects of the Institution of Chattel Slavery equally confident that enslaved Afrikans would lay down and suffer quietly?   That Jean-Jacques Dessalines (20 September 1758-17 October 1806) and his resistance fighters would not be born? The  Architects of colonisation and imperialism certain that the Afrikan woman would not give birth  to Marcus Mosiah Garvey (17 August 1887-10 June 1940), and his contemporaries ?


Is it an illusion that Martin Luther King Jr (15 January 1929-4 April 1968) and his contemporaries; Kwame Nkrumah (21 September 1909-27 April 1972) and his contemporaries; Winnie Madikizela-Mandela (26 Sep 1936-)  and her contemporaries would not be born, grew to consciousness, flowered, challenged injustices, untruths, oppressions and the gatekeepers of the same, defeated it and them and carved  permanent and expanding gashes in the Disagreeables’ perfect plans for Afrikans?


Defeatism is not an option for liberation torch bearers, freedom lovers, truth and justice seekers. A narrative which ignored the history and gains of the Afrikans, even from 243BC to the present day, is one which has fundamental and pathological flaws.


“Without a struggle, there can be no progress…Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe,” Frederick Douglas (14.2.1817-20.2.1895).


Those of us who believe we are too old in thought and spirit to stand up, respond and adhered to our generational sacred struggles for global self-determination, working shoulder to shoulder with  other freedom lovers, justice and truth seekers, should cash in our tickets. Challenging wrongs is no place for the weak hearted.


It is recognised that we are on a geo-political rotating platform, where global players are positioning and repositioning  themselves, for greater influences.  To be a player, we must be equipped mentally, first and foremost, not with sentiments and self-loathing, but with self-confidence, dignity, self-esteem, courage, sense of direction, purpose and appropriate expertise.



We must  set and navigate steadfastly on a course to retrieve Afrikan global self-identity and upliftment,  moulded within the spirit of self-help – that is, to Share, Warn, Encourage and Protect (SWEP), in times of plenty and times of scarcity, rejecting mendacity, larceny and slothfulness. A clear focus on our Afrikan Self, and release our ancient and current divinity, strengths and resilience from within, in the twenty first century and beyond.  


Mindful of our current global Afrikan conditions, it is self-evident that if we really want to progress, we must build collective strategies, culturally sensitive, based on our known needs.


We must work collectively, from the family units, the gangs, the clubs, the faith groups, political groups, the unions, neighbourhoods, districts, villages, the arm forces, cities and nations, based on what they have to offer and bring to the table, to build strong, effective, productive, lasting, connecting, tolerant, meaningful, cultural and artistic platforms in our individual countries, linking to, and radiating from Afrika and Afrika’s Diasporas.


Blossom where it will, promote peace, good-will, the Afrikan Global Personality and invoke collective pride,  self-confidence and self-esteem, which, for many, laid dormant  for centuries. Create the basis for spiritual and secular renewal, including wealth creations, fair distributions and well-being, for every Afrikan man, woman and child, irrespective of geographical locations.  


Within Our Afrikan Family, like all families, we should expect sibling disagreements, envies, jalousies, selfishness and fights among themselves from time to time. Yet we are family. These actual and potential behaviours are natural progressions, which should be expected and not blown out of proportions. Long period of poverty and oppressions caused many of us to behave unnaturally to others and ourselves. Living Afrikans do not claim sainthoods. We have human attributes which must be recognised and managed effectively.


Historically, things had changed and are changing, because we worked, and are working, collectively to changing them. The scales from our Afrikan Eye are falling away rapidly. To some of us, they are already gone. WE are learning to see again. We are not and must not be afraid of the future.


We are giving birth to  ‘New Afrikans‘, who are mentally equipped and being conscious of the necessity for Afrikan global leaderships, in a highly scientifically and technologically advanced and driven world, venturing on the cutting edge of space travel and explorations. No race is more worthy than our own Afrikan Race, for active participations in this type of global leaderships.



Editorial Collective

Self-Help News “Giving Voice to the Voiceless”





From: Victor Payne [mailto:bpassio...@yahoo.com]
Sent: 22 May 2015 17:30
To: Self-Help News; 'Menelik PD Harris'; 'Valerie Dixon'; 'Bankie Forster Bankie'; 'Bob Brown'; 'Saladin Muhammad'; 'John Mendez'; 'Bob Wes'; 'Ajamu Dillahunt'; 'Banbose Shango'; 'Afrika and Diaspora Institute'; 'LANG T.K.A. NUBUOR Cencsa'; 'Chinweizu Chinweizu'; 'KOJO OPOKU AIDOO'; 'KWESIPRAH'; 'Horace Campbell'; Censa2011; University of the West Indies



AFRICA AND AFRICANS ARE FOR THE TAKING BY FOREIGN IMPERIALIST FORCES from ancient Romans 243 BC, Alexander the Great, Mussolini, Napoleon, European post 1884/85 colonization and now Anglo-American-Franco-Sino-Soviet neo-colonialism; Nkrumah was RIGHT in his "Neo-colonialism: The  Last Stage of Imperialism" theory.

The more things change, the more they remain the same and "Comrade" CHINA is a neo-colonizer in Africa. Mao's master plan will be accomplished within 50years. The diaspora will be hanging dry

 when mission accomplished.




On Friday, May 22, 2015 5:46 AM, Self-Help News <selfhe...@ubol.com> wrote:


Greetings JWJ,

Our question is still unanswered. “What do you think and believe is our narrative?”

Editorial Collective

Self-Help News – “Giving Voice to the Voiceless”


From: Victor Payne [mailto:bpassio...@yahoo.com]
Sent: 22 May 2015 01:04
To: Self-Help News; Menelik PD Harris; Valerie Dixon; Bankie Forster Bankie; Bob Brown; Saladin Muhammad; John Mendez; Bob Wes; Ajamu Dillahunt; Banbose Shango; Afrika and Diaspora Institute; LANG T.K.A. NUBUOR Cencsa; Chinweizu Chinweizu; KOJO OPOKU AIDOO; KWESIPRAH; Horace Campbell


Subject of interest.

On Tuesday, May 19, 2015 7:34 PM, john jackson <jackso...@yahoo.com> wrote:





What is the African State?

What is our narrative?

We, the African People of the World?

We, the African Diaspora around the World?

We, the African citizens of a unified Africa?


What is our narrative?

We, the African nationals within Africa?

We, the African nationals in Europe?

We, the African Nationals in Asia?

We, the African nationals in the Americas?


We, Afro-Europeans born in Europe?

We, Afro-Asians born in Asia?

We, African-Americans, born in the Americas, children of African nationals?

We, Afro-Americans, born in the Americas, descended from African expatriates?


We, the Bantu Folk;

We, the Malinke Folk;

We, the Arabian and Berber Folk;

We, the European kinsmen;

We, the stateless refugees?


What is the narrative?

Is there focus and harmonization?  Are we a convoy of common interests? or

A flotilla of mixed interests?


What is the narrative?

For us:

the Bantu-speaking peoples and nations;

the Hausa-speaking peoples and nations;

the Malinke-speaking peoples and nations;

the Arabic-, Berber-, and Amharic-speaking peoples in Africa;

the French-speaking Africans: Are we Gauls?

the English-speaking Africans: Are we Anglo-Saxons?

the Portuguese-speaking Africans: are we Lusitanians?

the Spanish-speaking Africans: are we Hidalgos?

the Italian-speakings Africans: are we Romans


For Africa,

From the Mediterranean to the Cape?

From the Atlantic to the Red Sea and Indian Ocean?


For the Diaspora,

From the British Isles and Iceland to Japan and Australia?

From the Americas, from sea to shining sea? from pole to pole?


What is our narrative?






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