Competition and Afrikan Leaderships

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Self-Help News

Mar 18, 2015, 10:03:53 PM3/18/15


Greetings All,


Rivalries and debilitating competitions within Afrikan leaderships must be discouraged, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally – at the base and the capstone.


A people and their Time-tested Friends, who are under threat, cannot afford rivalries, envy, jealousy and arrogance to cloud  good judgement. Our untamed super ego and individual insecurities must be restrained at all costs. These negatives contribute to slowing Afrikan progressions. They  engender unnecessary schisms  among us, which produced stop and go organisational momentum, steeped in personality cult  and abstract celebrity ‘worship’. This often brought charges that “Blacks can’t work together. The start off well and splinter later. Inconsistencies. Inability to reach consensus. Fundamentalists. Having a winner takes all mind-set.”


Collectivity, the very best elements, must be the fundamental base for our Afrikan reconstruction, on the basis of generating a belief system that we all have something positive to contribute to the whole. This reference is not about ‘utopia’. All Afrikans will not follow this route. There will be ship wrecks, but, hopefully, enough will stay afloat to preserve longevity and fundamental qualities of the Afrikan Personality in perpetuity.


Our bodies are made up of billions of cells, yet each cell contributes to the efficient workings of the body, and when some cells become ‘rebellious’, they are invariably cancer cells, threatening the wellbeing of the body.  


Many of us tend to reach for great sophistications to resolve our Afrikan issues, when real solutions might lay elsewhere, like in our simple understandings of ourselves, needs and environment. Many of us  are overly impressed with intellectual ‘peacocking’ and elitism. This often stifles creativities of ordinary people. They are not allowed, or provided with a platform of  encouragement,  to  express themselves as they do best. Many ordinary people, with sound common-sense ideas of leadership, often believe, or led to believe, that ‘leadership’ is the preserve  of those with expensive education. “They know what is good for us.”


Many of us speak of ‘leadership’, but have no experience in this area, or even a member of an organisation working with the people at any level. Those of us with leadership experiences are fully aware of the rocky journey and often unpredictable events thereon.


While we each has various abilities and roles to play, like the cells of our bodies, there is no ‘lesser being’ among us. If elites  were to exist among us, we should be able to identify them readily by their consistent demonstration and extra ordinary commitment and productivity, far beyond the call of duty, in their service to Global Afrika and Time-tested friends. They would have been bright beacons for good navigations and safe passage.


We must develop collective strategies to build effective communications among ourselves. Let us each assist the other to identify what  is special about each .’LET’S GET TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER BETTER’. If we cannot or do not wish to love ourselves, why should others show any interest in our welfare?


The appeal is constant – “Time for our Afrikan Collective,  to re-focus for better navigation along our journey for collective change. Yes. Our bridges are burnt. There is no retreat.  We must contribute to repairing old ones and building new platforms, to progress without insurmountable barriers as is the case now  in the 21st century. We must organise, Organise  and ORGANISE! Wherever we are. Organise in families, units, groups, formal and informal structures, businesses, sports, artistic, cultural, educational and in all other areas of our lives.


If we really want to change  Our Afrikan conditions, we must first start with ourselves. Self-criticism and  solution focus approach to our way of life. In the final analysis we will all die. It is what we built and left behind for the collective good of our Community really counts. If we are not prepared to give our offspring  head start, should we bring them into the world?


Many of us wrapped ourselves into splendid dialectics and profound cognitive analyses, but, in spite of these, our Planet is what it is today. The masses are clearly not impressed. We must now speak directly to  ordinary Afrikans, and seek to empower them with practical socio-economic and political formula, which they will understand, embrace, apply and benefit from thereof. Global Capital primary strategy is to rid Afrika and Afrikans of their traditional communal family structure. If they succeeded, that would open the way for fully blown private enterprise in Afrika.



Afrikans need to return to embracing collectivity, Afrikan communalism, as way of life, anti-dote to current greed, arrogance and deceptions.  SWEP self-help principles, to Share, to Warn, to Encourage and to Protect, in times of plenty and times of scarcity, rejecting mendacity, larceny and slothfulness, in the 21st Century is consistent with Afrikan ancient MAAT guidance. We should ensure that we do not speak over the heads of the people. We must not say that we are right and  the people are wrong.



On this basis, we will be able to focus all our spiritual, intellectual, scientific and technological powers to achieve Our Whole.


We are family.  On an individual level, we should select those who are willing to   work with  us and leave the others, until they reached  a higher level of consciousness,  in order  to be able to  come on board.  Our work is a marathon, not a sprint. We cannot remain angry all the time. We need to engage in rapid collective re-constructions, always beginning from our minds.  We need all our energies for  this crucial Afrikan task. Tolerance and co-operation.


Editorial Collective

Self-Help News “Giving Voice to the Voiceless”

Self-Help News

Mar 19, 2015, 3:35:05 AM3/19/15
to Min. Menelik, Ubuntu na Zulu (A Divine World Community)Support-,,
Greetings Minister Menelik,

Your non-conceited comments are noted and appreciated. Thank you to have
taken the time to read and respond.

‘Beauty’ is also an essential part of Our Essence and Struggle. It is the
‘Ugly and Submission’ against which we are fighting. Our Collective is the
writer and publisher of the statement. Let’s put bugbear personality aside.
It can be a dangerous hindrance to the progress of our Afrikan Cause. We
have been working collectively among our people for over four decades, and
we are sharing our experiences and expertise progressively with others
across the world. You and others will hear a great deal about us in the
future. As we stated in previous post to you, we welcome sound and practical
working relationships with you, WADU and others, even with the Pan African
Congress in Brazil in 2016. Please let the organisers aware of this.

Yes. We agree with you, that good deeds are our final evaluators.

Kwame Ture is gone. We need to build on our own experiences today, while
being mindful of Ancestor Ture’s and others’ methods of organising during
their time in the flesh, as it were. Nevertheless, we should not allow
ourselves to be chained to past ideas. We must always be creative, dynamic
and inventive. Like the fresh and pure running mountain stream. This is
because, we, like the societies in which we are living, are evolving. The
dead do not evolve, as far as one is aware.

We will get more done among our communities when we embrace tolerance and
cooperation among ourselves. WE are all individual authority, based on our
undeniable experiences. WE must learn the skills to synergise our
experiences and expertise into the mode and modes necessary to achieve our

The historical forces, which did, and doing, us wrongs, are not united
among themselves. Even during the Berlin Conference of 1884-5, the European
powers who carved up Afrika among themselves were not united and never were.
But they came together on the basis of expediency because that satisfied
their interests at the time. WE MUST LEARN FROM THAT. Calling for monolithic
unity among Afrikans is probably erroneous, because the conditions are not
right for that now. Afrikans might have to forge unity, step by step, among
the willing, over different generations. The European Union is an example of
this type of progressive unity. And the USA started with 13 states, How many
states in the Union today?

Afrikan modern arts and cultures are crucial platforms to bringing Afrikans
together. Politics are not the only vehicle to affect Afrikan Unity. By
founding Tamla Records in <> Detroit,
<> Michigan, on 12 January 1959, and
later in 1960, the Motown Record Corporation,
<> Berry Gordy, Jr. probably did
far more for lasting Afrikan consciousness and Unity than any of the Afrikan
politicians of his period. Today, many called for ‘Afrikan revolution’ yet
they think conventionally. One suspects that they are still too influenced
by Bolsheviks’ polemic legacy. One also suspects that Ancestor Kwame Nkrumah
partly fell, here, unlike Ancestor Marcus Mosiah Garvey. The Bolsheviks
loved Nkrumah and hated Garvey unto this day. Yet we must reconcile these
contradictions among us.

Attached is the full statement released recently. Circulate it. Give your
network free choice to consider what is being said.

Editorial Collective

Self-Help News – ‘Giving Voice to the Voiceless’

From: Min. Menelik, Ubuntu na Zulu (A Divine World Community)Support- []
Sent: 19 March 2015 02:35
Subject: Re: Competition and Afrikan Leaderships

Excellent below! Now, those who are serious should demonstrate this
collective leadership wherever we are. Each collective should then connect
to other collectives, organizations and groups in other states and cities
and regions of our abode. Otherwise, this beautiful talk becomes useless

We must establish expectations to follow through with action. For instance,
the person who sends this should at least work with the local collectives
and other related organizations to send a representative to Pan African
Congress in Brazil in 2016 to formulate the global strategy for action.
Let's establish MAATU in this world through good deeds.

Kwame Ture use to tell us that liberation and organization with not be
realized through osmosis, but relentless work. Let Maati be your guide to
build. Also, Ture said its both VERY serious and fun to serve our people.
When you are truly serving, it is excitement!!!

Min. Menelik Harris
Afrikan LeadershipsSPECIAL.pdf
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