Selenium C# Chrome Right Click Select Translate to English option

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Radrag Chase

Sep 23, 2020, 5:03:20 PM9/23/20
to Selenium Users
Hi All,
  I am trying to automate my test to translate web page from Spanish to English.
Below is what i tried: None of these worked for me. Suggest how to translate Web Page to English. Appreciate the help
    (1) ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();      Dictionary<String, Object> prefs = new Dictionary<string, object>();     prefs.Add("translate", "{\"enabled\":\"true\"}");          prefs.Add("translate_whitelists", "{\"br\":\"en\"}");            options.AddUserProfilePreference("prefs", prefs);
    IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(DriverPath, options);

    (2) Right Click on browser:
    Actions action = new Actions(driver);            action.ContextClick(productLink).SendKeys(Keys.ArrowDown).SendKeys(Keys.ArrowDown).SendKeys(Keys.Return).Build().Perform();
     This right clicks on browser opens options, but i could not select the 'Translate To English' option in that menu.



    Sep 24, 2020, 3:38:50 AM9/24/20
    I think Google has pretty extensively tested Chrome's translation function already. Why exactly are you looking to duplicate this?

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    Radrag Chase

    Sep 30, 2020, 10:16:49 PM9/30/20
    to Selenium Users
    My need is to translate the non-English web application to English. Manually I right click on the page and select translate to English.
    But i need to automate it in C# Selenum, I see python and Java have the chrome options as experimental_options method, but in C# i did not find any such method. Whether it is right click or other means, if my requirement has a solution, i will be grateful for the guidance. Appreciate the help. 

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