About warning 'Connection pool is full' why it is occurring?

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Forest John

Aug 23, 2021, 5:18:12 AM8/23/21
to Selenium Users
The problem

I use 2 machines for android Appium test

  • Test script machine that is using python-client. on OSX Big sur
  • Selenium grid hub on Centos7 VM
  • Appium server with AVD connected on OSX Big sur

But I get the following warning too much, 4~6 times per 10 seconds.
WARNING urllib3.connectionpool:connectionpool.py:275 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: <HUB_URL>


Client logs

WARNING urllib3.connectionpool:connectionpool.py:275 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: <HUB_URL> WARNING urllib3.connectionpool:connectionpool.py:275 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: <HUB_URL> WARNING urllib3.connectionpool:connectionpool.py:275 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: <HUB_URL> WARNING urllib3.connectionpool:connectionpool.py:275 Connection pool is full, discarding connection: <HUB_URL>

Also asked to Appium-python github:
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