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Jan 11, 2015, 3:10:09 AM1/11/15
Hi everyone,

I'm very much new to Selenium. And there is only one motive for me that pushed me to try my luck with Selenium. Please forgive me if you find my post or approach inappropriate, and let me know what I should do, to get an answer to my problem. I'll most humbly do that. Thanks much in advance.

Aim: I've this google group which I most frequently use. And recently I've posted more questions to it that I can't keep a check on the answers that I get from the group. I would like to copy or log all of the replies to my posts. Or rather say, to every single post in the group - if possible. To put it simply, I just want to copy the whole of a single google group link, say each and every post of it - into different notepads (possibly with names of the files as the titles of the group post) in my system. Some online post told me that I could do this with Selenium. 

Or if even we can select posts that are favorited by me and then copy only them onto the system, that would work too. 

Obstacle: But selenium is a bit too technical for me. I'd have to spend more time than I hoped to, to get my resolution. And I see that there are a lot of developers out there. So definitely (I hope) someone should've already found an answer to this? No? Let me know if that is true, and in that case - I'd not have to write new Selenium code or even venture into it - it's not that I don't want to, it's just that it would take too much time to learn Selenium then start adopting myself for it, all of it for a single project. But if there's no proven solution or anything like that, then I don't think I have any other way out. 

I'll dive in, if I have to. I'll learn everything required to write the requirement if I had to start from the scratch, because what I wanted to accomplish is very important for me. I hope you understand my request. If there's anything wrong - or different that I'd have to do/post/or add to this, let me know in the comments - I'm very much willing to do all that is necessary. 

I'm using Safari in my mac.

Thank you. 

Krishnan Mahadevan

Jan 12, 2015, 3:27:57 AM1/12/15
to Selenium Users
Here's a crazy idea that I had... (For this you don't need Selenium at all and can be done in a programming language).

1. If you don't want your current mail id to be used, you can create a new mail id and have it subscribe to the group inquestion.
2. Configure the id such that it gets an email for every new update in the forum (I have currently this setup for all of the posts to webdriver/selenium/testng/browsermob proxy forums ).
3. Write a simple Java standalone application (Which perhaps can run in the background as a service if needed), which would do the following :
   Periodically it would scan the mailbox of the mail id (that you created in step 1) using JavaMailAPIs and then for every new mail, figure out the corresponding folder [ I would advise that you organize your folder structure based on mail title ], and once it finds the folder, it would create a new txt file which contains the mail content of that post [ along with any attachments if present ]

PS : Like I called out earlier, I have no idea how practical this suggestion is, but in theory it should work.

Thanks & Regards
Krishnan Mahadevan

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Jan 13, 2015, 6:58:59 AM1/13/15
The mail subscirption would send out a mail for every single new post in a single thread I believe? And in that case this idea becomes obsolete. Could this not be done to the google group through Selenium? Has no body ever tried it even? :(


Jan 14, 2015, 4:04:23 AM1/14/15

This really seems a pointless exercise that you propose!

>recently I've posted more questions to it that I can't keep a check on the answers that I get from the group

If you are getting more answers to all the questions that you are asking than you can cope with, then perhaps you should slow down and just ask one question at a time and take the time to carefully understand and apply the answers before starting another thread. And learn to ask questions in a very clear fashion supplying all the information you can to keep the answers people give focussed on the fundamental issue you are trying to work on, bot trying to guess what you are talking about.

Also, do search, browse and read existing threads, as I have usually found that soemone has already enoucountered my issues before me, and answers are not hard to find.

If you had all the answers logged in a database or other more organised files, would you then have any more time to read them and understand them? I very much doubt it.

Just remember: Garbage In ... Garbage Out.

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