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[Selenium Tests] [SauceLabs & BrowserStack] Tests passing on Chrome and Firefox but failing on safari(both Mac and iOS device)

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Renju jose

Jan 18, 2020, 9:48:21 AM1/18/20
to Selenium Users

Recently, I am facing an issue while executing automated Selenium Tests on SauceLabs and BrowserStack cloud devices. In the Test Case, I am trying to log into the dev version of a website - entering the username, password and clicking on the login button.

The selenium test case is passing i.e the login is successful without any issues when running on Chrome or Firefox Browsers. We tried manually locally on my Mac and also using SauceLabs or BrowserStack Live platforms(manual execution) and its passing there as well.

However, the selenium test is failing when I am running the same test case on Safari browser, either on iPhone or on a Mac machine on cloud.

I am suspecting that this is an issue related to SafariDriver implementation. Please advise if you would have some suggestions that I can try or if someone else has faced a similar issue and fixed it. Any help would be highly appreciated. Also, can anyone tell me where we can find the safaridriver logs in a Mac?

Note: I can't provide screenshots and logs since the data is confidential.

Thanks and Regards,
Renju Jose

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