I've received recruitment task from my possible next employer to create small framework using Selenium and .NET
This is the app:
And this is one of testcases that I need to automate
Scenario 1 – Create contact:
1. Login
2. Navigate to “Sales & Marketing” -> “Contacts”
3. Create new contact (Enter at least first name, last name, role and 2 categories: Customers and
I'm stuck for three days already inside step 3 - that "role" dropdown is a major pain in the a$$, however I try to handle it, that dropdown won't stay open and I can't choose that damn role without having it opened.
I tried many many different approaches (explicit waits, fluent waits, wait combinations, actions with MoveToElement, doubleclicks,,using Keys.Tab etc) and still nothing.
If I place Thread.Sleep(1000) before that click - no problem...(yep I know it's a bad practice).
I'm out of ideas : /
Anyway I added my code in the attachment, it's without Page Object Model yet, just one file with commands.