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Unable to get Selenium 3.14 work with Java version 13,0

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Abhilash Chinnapatlola

Feb 20, 2020, 4:20:45 PM2/20/20
to Selenium Users
I have recently downloaded Java13, latest version of Eclipse and  Selenium Java language binding version 3.14 . Then  Selenium JAR files to  reference library in Eclipse.  I  have been following some tutorials to install Selenium. All the tutorials were talking about downloading 'Selenium Stand alone server' but I could not find relevant download link on new selenium HQ website. But any ways I tried to run my  first selenium script with Selenium JAR files available on the website. I am getting following error; 
'Error: Unable to initialize main class firstmodule.firstscript
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/WebDriver'
Please help me in fixing this issue.

Thank you,

Selenum error.docx
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