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Dmytro Herych | Keepit

Jun 20, 2023, 4:40:27 AM6/20/23

Hi guys! First I want to thank you for greate framework you created  and continue to update it! Really helps a lot in my job!


Late I where trying to figured out how to deal with Event Stream request using Selenide. But looks like it does not support it.


What I mean: If on the page there is a loader line – it continue to load until all data from database is not loaded via Event Stream request. Unfortunately Selenide for this moment can not handle this… So in reality there is infinite loading line.


Also I spoke with my automation friends and they are facing the same issue with Event Stream requests. It will be great if you can handle it.


Best regards and HUGE appreciation for the work you do!!!


Dmytro Herych

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Andrei Solntsev

Jun 25, 2023, 4:39:28 AM6/25/23
to Dmytro Herych | Keepit,
Can you share an example of such a website? 

And did you try setting com.codeborne.selenide.Configuration.pageLoadStrategy = "none"; ?

Andrei Solntsev

вт, 20 июн. 2023 г. в 11:40, 'Dmytro Herych | Keepit' via selenide <>:
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