Screenshots after every test

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Andre Steenkamp

Nov 1, 2023, 9:51:26 AM11/1/23

I’m struggling to create png screenshots after every successful @Test completes and including those screenshots in my allure report.


Please help.


I’ve tried to put the below under my public class but then the test never finishes and I’m forced to stop the run and only then a test is created but as an xml file.


static ScreenShooterExtension screenshotEmAll = new ScreenShooterExtension(true).to(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/screenshots");


Andre Steenkamp
Senior Test Analyst
C: +27 82 923 9140 | T: +27 21 525 3100 | 


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Andrei Solntsev

Nov 1, 2023, 5:57:54 PM11/1/23
to Andre Steenkamp,
Hi Andre.
Selenide's ScreenShooterExtension takes the screenshots, but doesn't add them to Allure report.
Selenide doesn't know anything about Allure.


Allure has its own integration with Selenide. See

Andrei Solntsev

ср, 1 нояб. 2023 г. в 15:51, Andre Steenkamp <>:
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Andre Steenkamp

Nov 2, 2023, 3:44:16 AM11/2/23
to Andrei Solntsev,

Hi Andrei,


I had this config just not the extra screenshots and savePageSource properties which I have added but I see no difference and no screenshots.


static void setupAllureReports() {
SelenideLogger.addListener("AllureSelenide", new AllureSelenide()



I would love to take a screenshot after every @Test block before I move on to the next @Test.


Andre Steenkamp
Senior Test Analyst
C: +27 82 923 9140 | T: +27 21 525 3100 | 

Andrei Solntsev

Nov 2, 2023, 3:48:41 AM11/2/23
to Andre Steenkamp, selenide
Ok, then your question is about Allure, not Selenide.
I guess this Allure listener by default takes screenshot only after failed tests. 
And probably it has some flag to take screenshots after every test.

Andre Steenkamp

Nov 2, 2023, 3:51:54 AM11/2/23
to Andrei Solntsev, selenide

I’ve found a way to attach a screenshot to the Allure report, below is just a static png file that I attach if I call this function.


@Attachment(value = "screenshot", type = "image/png", fileExtension = ".png")
public byte[] attachScreenshotPNG() throws IOException, IOException {
return Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir")+ "/screenshots/image.png"));


So how can I create a png screenshot file after every test?


I can then just pass the location to this function to attach to the Allure report.

Andre Steenkamp

Nov 2, 2023, 10:03:56 AM11/2/23
to Andrei Solntsev, selenide

I’ve tried adding this but then my tests just hang and it never gets past the first test.


It’s like it cannot take the screenshot and just sits there.


void takeScreenshot(){
Selenide.screenshot(new Date().toString());



I’m not sure if it is because I’m interacting with an apk on an Android device and if it is not possible to take screenshots?


Andre Steenkamp
Senior Test Analyst
C: +27 82 923 9140 | T: +27 21 525 3100 | 

From: Andre Steenkamp
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 9:52 AM
To: Andrei Solntsev <>
Cc: selenide <>
Subject: RE: Screenshots after every test


I’ve found a way to attach a screenshot to the Allure report, below is just a static png file that I attach if I call this function.


@Attachment(value = "screenshot", type = "image/png", fileExtension = ".png")
public byte[] attachScreenshotPNG() throws IOException, IOException {
return Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.dir")+ "/screenshots/image.png"));


So how can I create a png screenshot file after every test?


I can then just pass the location to this function to attach to the Allure report.


From: Andrei Solntsev <>

Andrei Solntsev

Nov 2, 2023, 3:38:21 PM11/2/23
to Andre Steenkamp, selenide
1. This line can take a screenshot, but cannot add it to the Allure report. Again: Selenide doesn't know anything about any reports in the world.
2. If our tests hang, you need to take a thread dump and read it. Then you will know what task is hanging.

Andrei Solntsev

чт, 2 нояб. 2023 г. в 16:03, Andre Steenkamp <>:

Andre Steenkamp

Nov 3, 2023, 4:54:25 AM11/3/23
to Andrei Solntsev, selenide

I think I have some other issue here because if I look at the Appium logs it gets to this point and then just hangs here.


I am causing a failure by having an incorrect element to ensure it doesn’t find it.


[debug] [AndroidUiautomator2Driver@3542 (01c15334)] Calling AppiumDriver.getScreenshot() with args: ["01c15334-b14d-4641-8f17-6026a95b200b"]

[debug] [AndroidUiautomator2Driver@3542 (01c15334)] Matched '/screenshot' to command name 'getScreenshot'

[debug] [AndroidUiautomator2Driver@3542 (01c15334)] Proxying [GET /screenshot] to [GET] with no body

Andre Steenkamp
Senior Test Analyst

Andre Steenkamp

Nov 3, 2023, 7:29:47 AM11/3/23
to Andrei Solntsev, selenide

This can be ignored I finally realised what my issue is.


It is not allowed on the device I’m using and I only realised that when I looked at the Logcat logs and there it throws an exception when attempting a screenshot.


Thanks for all the assistance though!


Andre Steenkamp
Senior Test Analyst
C: +27 82 923 9140 | T: +27 21 525 3100 | 

From: Andre Steenkamp
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2023 10:54 AM
To: Andrei Solntsev <>
Cc: selenide <>
Subject: RE: Screenshots after every test


I think I have some other issue here because if I look at the Appium logs it gets to this point and then just hangs here.


I am causing a failure by having an incorrect element to ensure it doesn’t find it.


[debug] [AndroidUiautomator2Driver@3542 (01c15334)] Calling AppiumDriver.getScreenshot() with args: ["01c15334-b14d-4641-8f17-6026a95b200b"]

[debug] [AndroidUiautomator2Driver@3542 (01c15334)] Matched '/screenshot' to command name 'getScreenshot'

[debug] [AndroidUiautomator2Driver@3542 (01c15334)] Proxying [GET /screenshot] to [GET] with no body


From: Andrei Solntsev <>

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