Selenesse acceptance tests failing ensure button1

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Aug 2, 2011, 11:31:51 AM8/2/11
to selenesse-users
I installed selenesse on a different machine from my own machine that
was running fine.

I used existing Firefox install.

I installed selenium server 2.0.0.

I installed selenesse-wiki-and-jar-20101102

I installed selenesse on 8181.

I run Selenesse user acceptance tests and selenium returns OK,false on
button IsElementPresent which leads to an error because the button is
supposed to be there.

I tired seleenium 2.2.0, and 2.3.0. 2.0.0 was find on my own laptop.

I am doing Remote Desktop to a machine that is running Windows XP and
I am running on a local Administrator acccount.

Firefox on machine not working is 3.6.12. On machine working is

Marisa Seal

Aug 2, 2011, 11:44:01 AM8/2/11
I'll take a look. Selenesse as distributed is currently based on Selenium 1. Not sure if anything needs to be tweaked to upgrade to Se2. 


Aug 2, 2011, 12:07:32 PM8/2/11
to selenesse-users
Got it figured out. Fitnesse default was on 8080. And Selenesse was
on 8181. The acceptance test was configured for 8080 for the driver
start and hence the HTMLElements test page. When the test hit 8080,
Fitnesse default created an HTMLElements page for Wiki Edits that
didn't have the test button. It ran just well enough to not be
obvious that it was hitting the wrong site.

Sorry to have cost you any time.

Selenium 2 seems to have been working fine (and it is supposed to be
backward compatible with Selenium 1)

On Aug 2, 11:44 am, Marisa Seal <> wrote:
> I'll take a look. Selenesse as distributed is currently based on Selenium 1.
> Not sure if anything needs to be tweaked to upgrade to Se2.
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:31 AM, steven.yetter <>wrote:
> > I installed selenesse on a different machine from my own machine that
> > was running fine.
> > I used existing Firefox install.
> > I installed selenium server 2.0.0.
> > I installed selenesse-wiki-and-jar-20101102
> > I installed selenesse on 8181.
> > I run Selenesse user acceptance tests and selenium returns OK,false on
> > button IsElementPresent which leads to an error because the button is
> > supposed to be there.
> > I tired seleenium 2.2.0, and 2.3.0. 2.0.0 was find on my own laptop.
> > I am doing Remote Desktop to a machine that is running Windows XP and
> > I am running on a local Administrator acccount.
> > Firefox on machine not working  is 3.6.12.    On machine working is
> > 3.6.18
> --
> Marisa- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Chris McMahon

Aug 2, 2011, 12:12:35 PM8/2/11
Selenium 2 seems to have been working fine (and it is supposed to be
backward compatible with Selenium 1)

I have a Selenium/Ruby script I use and I discovered that for Se2 the 'select' method is deprecated in favor of 'click'.  The reason is that Ruby has a native select() method itself and the two were occasionally in conflict.  I am reasonably sure that Se/Java should be OK, but that was a tricky issue to figure out. 

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