I have a Sqlite3 database with a "plate" table containing the field "plate_sys_name" defined as TEXT(30). I query the contents of plate into a seesaw.core/table - all is fine.
User makes a row(s) selection and I want to retrieve the selected row(s):
(println (value-at (select (to-root e)[:#tblplates]) (selection (select (to-root e) [:#tblplates]){:multi? true})))
pm.core> ({:format 96, :plate_seq_num 3, :plate_format_id 1, :rownum 8, :plate_sys_name PLT-3, :type assay, :plate_set_id 3, :id 3, :colnum 12, :project_id 3, :id_2 1})
Looks fine except that plate_sys_name is not quoted, clojure thinks it's an undefined variable, and if I try to do anything eg.:
(get (value-at (select (to-root e)[:#tblplates]) (selection (select (to-root e) [:#tblplates]){:multi? true})) :plate_sys_name)
2. Unhandled clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException
Error compiling src/pm/core.clj at (127:6)
1. Caused by java.lang.RuntimeException
Unable to resolve symbol: PLT-1 in this context
How do I get the original types out of the table?