I was tripped up when trying to follow the example for a button-group listener, because the documentation at
http://daveray.github.io/seesaw/seesaw.core-api.html#seesaw.core/button-group had the following:
(listen bg :selection
(fn [e]
(if-let [s (selection e)]
(println "Selected " (text s)))))
And of course (selection e) does not return an object which you can call text on, because e is the event, not the button group.
I was going to submit a pull request to fix this, but I notice that it seems to already be fixed in the seesaw source:
So perhaps the documentation pages are just out of date and need to be rebuilt?
But while in there, I would also suggest changing the if-let to a when-let, since there is no else clause, and being clear about that reduces cognitive load on the reader.