FAIRDOM-SEEK version 1.11.0

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Stuart Owen

Jun 24, 2021, 6:03:46 AM6/24/21
to seek-de...@googlegroups.com, seek4s...@googlegroups.com
We are pleased to announce a new version of FAIRDOM-SEEK - version 1.11.0

The highlights of this version includes:

* Changes to joining a project during registration.
* Simplified Project and Programme creation.
* Site managed Programmes.
* Markdown formatting of descriptions.
* Ontology based controlled vocabularies.
* Spreadsheet view for exploring Comma and Tab separated value files
(CSV or TSV).
* Condensed view of lists.
* Table view of lists.
* MIAPPE support with custom metadata extensions.
* Bulk changing of sharing permissions.
* Simplified deleting of Projects.
* Run with Copasi button.
* Changing visibility of item versions.

Details on installing SEEK can be found in our Documentation, at
https://docs.seek4science.org/get-seek.html - including running with Docker.

The upgrade guide can be found in the usual place at


Stuart & the FAIRDOM Team

Carole Goble

Jun 24, 2021, 6:24:17 AM6/24/21
to Stuart Owen, seek-de...@googlegroups.com, seek4s...@googlegroups.com

Brilliant work Stuart and all the development team!

Professor Carole Goble CBE FREng FBCS CITP
Kilburn Building, Department of Computer Science, The University of Manchester,
Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
email: carole...@manchester.ac.uk, twitter: @CaroleAnneGoble
PLEASE do not just passively sent me calendar invites and expect me to somehow discover them. If I need to be at a meeting then please do me the honour of telling me by email.
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