We are pleased to announce a new version of SEEK - version 1.9.1
Along with a number of minor bugfixes, the version includes:
* Minor User Interface improvements
* More consistent sorting of lists.
* Consistent Add New button to add new items linked to the current item. This replaces buttons that only appeared in
some places - such as the "Add New Data File" for "Assay".
* Split Edit and Manage actions between 2 separate pages, rather than being handled through the same form.
* Initial support for [
https://bioschemas.org) / [
https://schema.org) JSON-LD markup
* Supporting Project, Taxon, Sample, Event, DataSet, DataCatalogue, DigitalDocument, and PresentationDigitalDocument.
* Validating assay and technology type URI's (particularly when submitting through the API).
* Managing project members through the API.
* Fix to an problem and inconsistency with how countries and the country codes are stored and displayed.
Details on installing SEEK can be found in our Documentation, at
https://docs.seek4science.org/get-seek.html - including running with Docker.
The upgrade guide can be found in the usual place at
Stuart & the FAIRDOM Team